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Messages - YZ250

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General Car Chat / Re: Tesco pay at pump
« on: 20 March 2024, 17:45:07 »
Pay in Kiosk, Pay at Pump, this all sounds very complicated. In our neighbouring village garage we still have a man/woman that comes out and fills up for you. Their fuel is always cheaper than anywhere else as well.
How old school is that.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Jock cop woke joke.
« on: 20 March 2024, 09:11:24 »
Looks like the link has been taken down, did anyone screenshot it?

Just google ‘Scottish Hate Monster’ and you’ll find the article, or use the links below.  :y't,they%20commit%20a%20hate%20crime.

General Car Chat / Re: C1 (The skate) serious misfire.
« on: 14 March 2024, 16:35:15 »
It is indeed fun, in a slow motion kind of way. Get up to speed and dont slow down for anything is the way to drive it.  :)
Ahhh.....straight from the YZ250 school of driving  :y

 ;D ;D :y

General Car Chat / Re: Mark Drakeford
« on: 14 March 2024, 14:09:42 »
 I've not got a problem with any speed limits especially if they show a reduction in accidents

I agree with your sentiments but as town/village limits are generally for the pedestrians benefit, why can't we just teach pedestrians to cross the road safely.  ::) When I'm with my grandchildren I instill in to them the importance of the road being clear before they even attempt to cross the road.
Then some dumb arse changes the hierarchy in the highway code to allow pedestrians to step out in front of cars because they now have the god given right to in certain instances. I'm still telling my grandchildren "If it ain't clear, don't cross".
Incidentally, the new highway code rules have apparently increased the fatalities by 7%, so we must never assume that those who bring in changes are clever.  ;D

General Car Chat / Re: The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 14 March 2024, 13:27:45 »
IIRC a Sierra Cosworth driver tried the same tale in the day .....

As I've posted on here before, I had a genuine runaway in my old 3.0S. I floored it to do an overtake and when I pulled back in, the car was still pulling like a train. Luckily I was able to turn off the ignition and slow down to a stop. The throttle cable had frayed and wouldn't return up the cable sleeve. It was quite a hairy moment.  ;D

General Car Chat / Re: The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 13 March 2024, 21:45:14 »

I remember that story well, I just can’t believe that it was almost 26 years ago.  :o  He was cleared of faking it apparently.  :)

General Car Chat / Re: The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 12 March 2024, 21:34:19 »
Fair play to the marketing bods for upselling that, but surely an EV doesn't really require actual brakes given the regenerative braking power...

And presumably if you knock it into neutral it would simply roll to a stop ::)

Yes, there doesn’t appear to be an explanation why this wasn’t possible. I was bored so I looked on the iPace forum and they’re confused why this wasn’t possible as well. I’m guessing they’d blame an electrical or software fault prevented this from happening.
I’ll have to remember the old runaway story if I’m ever unlucky enough to get pulled over again. Yes officer, the pedal was stuck to the floor for a few minutes but we’re all good now. Hmm, do you think they’d believe me.  ::) ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Diane Abbott
« on: 12 March 2024, 18:00:50 »
Err... I see she has raised her ugly lovely head again!! How dare these people call her black and all sorts of terrible things ……….

I think it was the remark that she should be shot that upset her slightly.  ;D ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: The future: EVs or ICEs?
« on: 12 March 2024, 09:46:17 »
I haven’t watched the linked clip but the EV future must be a worry for car manufacturers. They’ve been put in an impossible position by government rulings of no ICE cars after 2035, but the public uptake of the EV hasn’t taken off as much as they’d hoped. Car manufacturers now have all of their eggs in one basket and that’s not a good place to be if sales don’t pick up.
Serious issues with EV’s, whether hyped up by the press or genuine issues, have done nothing to help sales either. We’ve had battery fires by self igniting cars and now we have software brake failure and vehicles getting stuck at speed and unable to stop. Not a great selling point is it.
I personally have zero interest in EV’s and it appears that most EV sales are fleet/company vehicles, but I do have genuine empathy for the car manufacturers being put in this position.
To simplify it, if you ran a shop and a certain item wasn’t selling as well as expected, you’d no longer stock that item. In the vehicle manufacturers situation, the item that isn’t selling well is now their only item. Not a good place to be.   :-\

General Car Chat / Re: Remap questions
« on: 12 March 2024, 08:59:39 »
I should have added that obviously the warranty issue is only relative if the vehicle is actually under warranty. If it’s out of the warranty period it’s not an issue. Just make sure that whoever is working on it knows that it’s had a remap.  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Remap questions
« on: 11 March 2024, 21:10:01 »
It’s my understanding that plug and play and ecu piggyback chip tuning devices just fool the ecu to increase fuel/air mixture for more power, whereas the more developed remaps adjust and recalibrate a much wider range of ECU values and can have a more positive effect on the economy as well as increased power and smoother power delivery.

On my Audi, I personally went for a remap by a specialist, but it does mean that I can’t take it to an Audi main dealer (unlikely anyway as I use an Indy), as they will run their software on it and possibly un-remap it.  ::) ;D  Any main dealer will know it’s been remapped, contrary to what people may tell you.
I didn’t do it for outright power or economy but the power delivery is smoother and punchier low down, making overtakes quicker and safer.  :y 

A plug and play device is removable if required but I’d avoid generic devices unless it’s supplied by a reputable company, and tailored for your specific vehicle. If going that route, I’d advise researching what success others with your type of vehicle have had, preferably after many thousands of miles of having it fitted.

General Car Chat / Re: Signum ATF.
« on: 08 March 2024, 18:40:59 »
Hooked up the Maxiscan 509, which was kindly given to me by an OOF member.

No codes  either stored or pending.
Can that do gearbox, as its just a OBDII scanner...

I have an Autel Maxiscan MS509 and *mine* doesn’t do auto gearbox codes. It’s a generic engine code reader that reads engine fault codes, clears codes, reads fuel trim and live data. I’ve looked at the manual and no mention of gearbox codes.   :)

I say *mine* as many adverts on eBay claim that they do read gearbox codes.  ::)  Mine categorically does not read gearbox codes though.  ;D

In their day, the size of the Ford Granada MK1/MK2 was mahoosive compared to other vehicles of that era. It was a big comfortable car with a really big boot. My brother in law had a few Granada Ghia X Pack’s and loved them.  :y  Obviously they now seem low and smaller than modern big fat cars but they were big in their day.

Rangie,  if when purchased and at a later date you find the auto gearbox randomly changing gear or holding a gear, check the viscous coupling on the radiator cooling fan. The gearbox senses engine load so changes gear accordingly, but it has been known for the coupling to seize, causing engine load and erratic gear changes. Very simple to check, simply lift the bonnet, spin the fan and the fan should free-wheel easily by hand. If it doesn’t spin freely the coupling is seized. Not a big drama but it did catch my brother in law out the first time it happened on one of his.
Good luck with the purchase.  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 07 March 2024, 20:42:18 »
Drove it back from Tenby. We took her car as her cruise control goes down to 15mph (very handy in Wales  ::) ), whereas mine bottoms out at 20mph. Most of the journey was on the M4 but there are quite a few 40mph/50mph average speed monitoring sections so I had to behave.  :)  Her TFSI petrol is a punchy engine and can shift when prodded. Economy is very good for a petrol engine as well.  :y
               Should have said you were coming I’d have had a word with Mark about the 20 plenty for you🤣🤣

Ah, I didn’t realise that he was a personal friend of yours.  ;)  ;D  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 07 March 2024, 10:42:29 »
Drove it back from Tenby. We took her car as her cruise control goes down to 15mph (very handy in Wales  ::) ), whereas mine bottoms out at 20mph. Most of the journey was on the M4 but there are quite a few 40mph/50mph average speed monitoring sections so I had to behave.  :)  Her TFSI petrol is a punchy engine and can shift when prodded. Economy is very good for a petrol engine as well.  :y

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