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Messages - viper357

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Omega General Help / Re: A few v6 heating questions
« on: 25 February 2013, 20:14:46 »
I had some limited sucess with this problem in my last mig, by adding radiator descaler at increasing dosages and for longer periods.  As the engine had done nearly 200K I was willing to exceed the recommended concentrations/time periods.
Thanks, I was thinking of doing something similar, trying a few different makes of flush/descaler over a couple of weeks. What descaler did you use?

How long can I run the car without anti-freeze in it?

Omega General Help / Re: A few v6 heating questions
« on: 25 February 2013, 18:58:06 »    try here mate :y
Thanks, I've flushed and reverse flushed the matrix, a lot of brown muck came out but I did it a couple of times until only clear water came out, I haven't done it again since I ran the Wynns rad flush, maybe I should try flush it again? But my water pressure is not very high :(

As a quick test, unplug the vac from top of HBV, and see if that improves things.

Is it climate control, or manual heating?
It's climate control.

Removing the vac from the HBV doesn't seem to do anything and the vacuum seems to be very soft, should it be sucking like the vacuum from the brake booster?

How does the HBV work, no vacuum=hot water in matrix?

Omega General Help / A few v6 heating questions
« on: 25 February 2013, 18:39:12 »
Hi everyone. Please help. I'm busy trying to problem solve my issue with low heat in the cabin.

So far I have:
Reset the Climate Control
Replaced HBV
Flushed Heater Matrix
Flushed Radiator with Wynns rad flush

Still only getting luke warm air in the cabin. Radiator and pipes all seem to be warming up as they should, i.e. top rad pipe hot, bottom pipe cold for a while and then slowly warms up which would indicate the thermostat is working ok, I think?

But looking inside the coolant box, the water doesn't seem to move very fast, it's like a gentle movement, I would have thought that once the thermostat opens up then the water movement would be quite noticeable???

When I first flushed the radiator only clean water with pink coolant came out, no muck whatsoever.

I'm a bit stumped as to what the problem could be?

So two questions for now :p

1. Could the water pump be so knackered so as not to pump sufficiently? I thought they either worked or not?

2. How hard should the vacuum be for the HBV? If I remove the pipe from the HBV and put my finger over it I "think" there is suction, it could be my imagination, lol, but it feels like there might be a bit of a gentle vacuum, again to me that should be quite a solid suction on there shouldn't it be?

Thanks for the help, my feet will thank you if I can get my heat working. :p

p.s. my temp seems to hover around 80 to 85, seldom reaching 90, if it does reach 90 then it's only after a very long drive.

General Discussion Area / Re: Job Seekers Allowance
« on: 18 February 2013, 19:00:58 »
Seriously Lizzie, "minority" ???? You couldn't be any more wrong, most certainly not a minority. Are you not aware of what is going on around the world, in North Africa, in the Middle East, etc. muslim Jihad groups in so many countries around the world with their cowardly suicide bombings.

Nobody is saying we hate the whole body of people, you are taking it out of context, we hate the b..stards that blow up innocent civilians. I have some seriously close Muslim friends and love them just as much as my Christian friends, but when it comes to extremists, then yes, I hate them with a passion, I don't hate the Muslims walking alongside me in the streets that are my friends.

General Discussion Area / Re: Job Seekers Allowance
« on: 18 February 2013, 18:49:13 »
Who said that ? Anjem Choudary.

Nothing to do with hatred or fear of Muslims.Everything to do with being sick & tired of this country being a soft touch for Jihadists,who do indeed want to destroy us.Jihadists should be kicked out.No ifs or buts.Its not just one individual preaching hate.Its a trend among a minority of Muslims.At one end of the spectrum we have people who integrate with British life,dont  insist on dressing as though they were dressing to protect themselves against sandstorms,work extremely hard and shame many of us with their understanding of how important it is for their children to have the best education possible.Then we move to those who live seperately,insist on dressing differently,and have a chip on their shoulder about being a downtrodden minority.Then at the far end of the scale we have those who live amongst us,but hate us,preach that its fine to kill us,murder their own daughters if they have non Muslim boyfriends,circumcise their own daughters because they believe that sex should only be for enjoyment for men,believe non Muslim girls are pieces of meat that they can rape and abuse if they feel like it etc.etc.
Those people are dangerous,because they are growing in number in every western country.If we ignore that the future might get scary.
If people want to live in the U.K. they should adapt to the British way of life.If they are not prepared to do that they shouldnt be here.
Hit the nail on the head there, ,well said.  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Job Seekers Allowance
« on: 18 February 2013, 18:27:57 »
Who said that?  Where is the quote from? When?
wow, lol, it's in the first link in the first post...

Omega General Help / Re: v6 Thermostat question
« on: 18 February 2013, 12:05:31 »
LOL, too true.

Omega General Help / Re: v6 Thermostat question
« on: 18 February 2013, 11:55:19 »
Thanks guys.
I paid less than £20 delivered for mine, by the OE supplier.
Would you mind sharing the link for this supplier please, thanks.

Omega General Help / v6 Thermostat question
« on: 18 February 2013, 11:23:01 »
Hi guys, looking to replace my thermostat this week, I've noticed there seems to be an option to buy the thermostat insert on it's own or with the housing. Why is it necessary to buy the housing as well? I've never seen this on any of the other cars I've owned over the years, thanks.

My car is a 2001 3.2 elite.

General Discussion Area / Re: Job Seekers Allowance
« on: 18 February 2013, 10:50:28 »
..."those who seek to destroy us..."


Laying it on a bit thick aren't we.
Nope, not when you read things like this...
told an audience at a community centre in Bethnal Green, East London, that David Cameron, Barack Obama and the leaders of Pakistan and Egypt were the devil (shaitan) and should be killed.

Thank you. :) I looked at so many different threads but didn't come across that one, probably because they called it pilot instead of sensors.

Anyway, my sensors seem to be working in that I can feel and hear the clicking on each sensor, but there is no beeping inside the car, I would assume this could be a speaker fault? Does the system have a separate speaker or any idea's what else could be the problem? Thanks.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Loose wires in parking sensor loom
« on: 12 February 2013, 12:52:40 »
Hi guys

I noticed these two loose wires in the loom in the boot for the parking sensors, any idea what they are for and if they should be plugged into each other? Thanks.

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: Hi - About to buy
« on: 11 February 2013, 08:55:23 »
Thanks guys, will get some pics up once she's been polished. ;)

Are you sure the voice isn't the strange bird you picked up last night in the boot ?
Nope, gave her the boot this morning.  :P

lol, thanks everyone for the help, much appreciated. The Nokia bluetooth is working well, I used 0000 to pair it with my HTC.  :y Once again, thanks for the help. :)

Omega General Help / Misfire and error codes
« on: 09 February 2013, 16:09:35 »
Hi guys

I have the following error codes from my car:

0420 cat
0300 random misfire
0306 cylinder 6 misfire
0430 cat

Do you think the misfires would cause the 0420 and 0430 errors?

Also, what are the best spark plugs to use in the 3.2, the four-electrode Bosch ones?


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