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Messages - Dave DND

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Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC 2013
« on: 23 March 2016, 09:48:16 »
strange as it worked perfectly when I occasionally used it over the past 9 or so months.

Audio Lasers were never designed to play the Navigation data discs, as unlike audio tracks, they much smaller pits and troughs to record the data, and although you may initially get away with playing these, the laser will struggle to focus and burn itself out fairly quickly. Imagine how knackered your eyesight would be if you constantly had to squint at something that you couldn't quite see clearly.


Disc now stuck as unit cannot see anything in there due to failed laser, and therefore it does not know it has anything in there to eject.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC 2013
« on: 22 March 2016, 10:12:02 »
Sounds like a generic audio laser has probably been fitted, and not the correct type for reading the smaller data bits on the nav discs and has now failed.

Common mistake these days as the proper lasers are getting hard to find, and the inferior audio ones look almost identical and are readily available

Shame they come to a point. Never noticed that.

As for Chinese tat, your probably right but the functions out way the sound quality some times and I know Eonon are not an Alpine but they are getting a lot better over the years so I have been told and they are a lot cheaper.


Were do you think most are built nowdays.

Most quality brands are Portuguese / Bulgarian or Eastern Block

Common mistake to think they are from China   ::)

But yes - most of the Cheap tat is certainly from China

EONON are getting better?  Seriously? 

Second link, although seemingly pricey, should have most of what he needs :y

Brilliant !

The Top pic, looks like the Blues are Bulb type, the Second pic looks like Strobes above and Bulbs lower, most of the Bulb'ed Blue's would have been replaced with Strobes, followed by LED's these days.

What type is he exactly after?

Anything he can lay his hands on !!

Who is joshwyatt and what is his background ?   

I`ll know what i`m asking then ???

Yes, I wrote and designed much of the coding systems for the manufacturers.

Send me a working and complete unit, not a pile of bits though !!

Most of the software out there used to decode from serial number was actually written by me.

We have NEVER released software for the CCR2006 to be decoded this way.

Yes, you can do it DIY style - it cost me 23 years and several million quid to learn do it myself

Send me yours for £20 + return postage, and I`ll decode your one for you   :P

Sorry if this the wrong thing to post here, but as so many of you seem to play with Ex-Police cars, I`m hoping you can help me out.

Very good mate of mine has just aquired an Ex-Police BMW and he is looking to restore it to its former glory. Trouble is that he cannot locate the blue lights for the front, nor anything that seems suitable for modification to make them appear correct.

He is after the fairing lights of either this style:

or this style

and this is what he has to work with

There are also a few other bits and bobs that need sorting, and was wondering if anyone has any good contacts within the Police, or any pointers of where he could start looking.

Thanks for your help   :y

Mechanical or Digital Odometer ?

I would go with the Clarion speakers all round

If you have separate tweeters in the car, then go for the Clarion Component sets and replace those too.

I have no idea what size speakers you need as cannot see them from here, but if you let me know what sizes you are after, I can advise further

NCDC works. Well. Very well. Despite 15+yrs old, it outperforms *any* portable unit hands down. End of.

Granted, it lacks the gimmicks of modern units (but is 15yrs old).

It is actually outperformed by the even earlier CARiN units, which will still work well for miles after unplugging the GPS aerial. Sadly the bloody thing is too slow with reasonably modern maps.  Your stupid portable unit will go apeshite the second it goes to below 4 or 5 satellites.  Hence my last portable unit is at the end of the Aston Expressway, and the previous one lost an argument with a heal. They are complete crap. And then there is the hardware/software reliability.

Most portable units are marginally outperformed by modern mobile phones, but if it wasn't for the fact these have other uses, they'd be smashed up as well.

BUT nothing comes close to a proper built in system. Not even close. Gimmicks like postcode can be useful, but ultimately pointless if the thing lets you down when you need it most.

Perfect answer   :y

In the early nineties, most Sat-Navs were standalone systems and it wouldn`t surprise me if software could be swapped as a Vauxhall CARIN, a Nissan CARIN and and aftermarket CARIN are pretty much the same unit - all displaying the Philips Logo and branding. I know that the replacement for the CARIN (when Philips became VDO DAYTON) did not use any backwards compatible software at the time and was heavily encrypted back then.

The "proper" sat navs that are integrated into the vehicle (ie high speed units for cars, as opposed to the cheap portable devices for hikers and bikers) all generally have some form of "update" on the disc for the operating system of the vehicle they are fitted to. Whilst there are very few Map/Software/Data providers that produce these discs, (usually Teleatlas or Navtech) and you may think that there should be some compatibilities there, don`t also forget that security software has also moved forwards leaps and bounds to prevent discs from being swapped as you are hoping. That said - if your can break the file structure to insert a later database - who knows?

I also have a deep suspicion (for the conspiricy theorists amongst you) that one of the reputable mapping providers for the VAG group has actually put a dodgy version online, where the download would corrupt the bios of the unit when loaded, with the underlying message of "stop using pirated software" and whilst we cannot prove this, we do see a good dozen Audi / VW Nav units here each week for the same problem !! Whoever wrote the software really knew what they were doing, as it also turns off the eject mech, so the counterfeit disc remains inside the unit.

Hmmm . . . .   

Can`t see it myself  :-\

In the olden days, when CARIN was about, quite a few other marques also fitted it too, so there may be some merit in that

But you are talking of a system that has been obsolete for near 15 years now  ::)

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