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Messages - Bionic

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 89
General Discussion Area / Re: Gaza conflict
« on: 17 November 2012, 04:11:51 »
 :( One day those neighbours of Israel idiots will go too far and Israel might (because they do have the capability) just go atomic. They will not be so happy or ready to fire rockets then at them.......
It was always said that the next world war would start in the middle east too......
Just a thought...even if its not a nice one.

General Discussion Area / Re: apoptosis
« on: 17 November 2012, 04:09:10 »
 ;D ;D :D Hope its not catching...... ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Nectar points
« on: 17 November 2012, 04:07:28 »
 ::) Over the years I have collected just over 16 thousand Nectar points on my card (my wife has loads too on her seperate one but she uses them for shopping with )and wonder if I can use them to pay for my fuel at the Sainsbury's BP petrol station? Anyone done it before????  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Disgrace
« on: 16 November 2012, 08:35:26 »
 :y Well said Entwood...those with a military or service background fully understand the Queens Regs...........and so the sentence would have been understood as being as fair as the evidence allowed.
Bring back National Service please and get some respect (including self respect) and comradship back into society. Other countries have it so why not us? OOPS I forgot about the sad joke doo-gooder human rights brigade  >:( >:( so we will probably keep sliding down the long shoot to where there is no justice or independance and big brother will rule all.........

General Discussion Area / Re: LOVEFiLM Issues...
« on: 16 November 2012, 08:28:52 »
I bought Prometheus and Wrath of the Titans plus a few of the other newer ones from my local Tesco for a fiver each while they were on promotion. Not a bad price to pay cos I can sell them on the old fleabay or give them as a tightass Xmas gift when I have seen them and added them to my digital  media library....
I have done the deed now and dropped the LoveFilm/Amazon hybrid altogether. Who knows, perhaps when enough members quit the service and give their reasons they might just relent and revert to the old and better practice.......No doubt it was some pratt with a diploma and no common sense that made the new rules  :D ;D ;D

 :y Nice to see that common sense has prevailed again. Too many hanging judges maybe there be.......... ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Police Commissioner Elections
« on: 16 November 2012, 05:47:14 »
I really cannot see the point of voting because the probablity is that nothing will change and it will, in certain areas that are not the pet project of the elected one, the situation and crimes worsen drastically. It is simply yet another high position and someone will fill it, bag the perks (because it will be riddled with them) then become a 'god' that will do as he or she wants and sod the hopes and wishes of those who elected them.
Maybe another quango will be the correct term for it?
Perhaps if the punishments really did work with long mandatory prison  terms without parole or early release and prison was really prison without luxuries other than a library and not a hotel of learning with Sky tv and games consoles then it would not be a needed role because crime would be almost non-existent? How's about natural life for repeat offenders too?
Oh if only.........they would indeed be happy days for all who stick within the law ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: DLT Arrested
« on: 16 November 2012, 05:34:00 »
Sorry, but got to get this one in....
What about the Burmese girls of 8 who married and die in childbirth because their bodies were not ready?
Who in hell would do that to an 8 year old other than a total perv??????????????????????
And what sort of lousy (I canot say civilised) country would permit it??????????????????????
Blood boiling? TOO RIGHT  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: DLT Arrested
« on: 16 November 2012, 05:26:42 »
 Poor old DLT, its more of the same and will probably come to nothing other than a pack of lies.......
;D ;D
STMO123 did not realise that Mr Blobby and his creator were the first done, but out of sight and sound.  :D :D and probably liked it....... ;)
I have said all along that this issue is now well and truly out of hand and that many, many celebs and others who attain a limelight spot will be harranged and hounded by those with a wish for a bit of the spotlight. It is the direct fault of the gutter press and the radio/TV news presenters/readers to a lesser extent because they are prompted what to say by the show producer via their earpieces. The press has now proven to one and all that it simply cannot be self regulated and should be brought into line by a single authority to hand out massive fines and penalties (mandatory jail of at least 12 months plus disbarment form any future role in the industry) to those who transgress. They should also make those employed as presenters, researchers and assistants fully liable in law for any errors they make which results in any innocent person (innocent UNTIL proven guilty remember) being named with the same penalties. Surely in this world there are many more newsworthy items worth reporting, or are they simply in it to cause as much uproar as they can for the five minutes of fame and a by-line.
On ITV's This Morning, Schofield (who appears to believe he is a god and answerable to no-one including his producers and show directors) made another massive balls up by once again yawping about something he had not the correct facts for and for making a written note visible to all viewers.  It was his intention to disclose the content of that note to the viewers.
It has to be said about Schofield, that becuase of his love for the camera which he is constantly glancing for the active one while presenting, that he knew full well where the cameras were and were aimed. One day he and his like will hopefully find themselves on a wrong end of a very expensive law suit and for me that day cannot come soon enough. Maybe even one day he will not bully his lady co-presenter and allow her to have her own opinion too, but that is only wishful thinking. My good wife now watches the CH5 or CNN news again because she has gone right off her once idolised 'fancy man' Schofield. Personally I never did like his methods or, his obvious to me, latent femininity.
When can we expect to be able to watch the news as it used to be...(old sod ;)), an honest discourse of the true facts and not these mostly unblievable stories of todays newsrooms for which the truth and fact now seem to be wholly irrelevant? Have we really reached the stage where it is only the press circulation figures, the radio listener numbers and TV viewer numbers that count?

General Discussion Area / Re: LOVEFiLM Issues...
« on: 16 November 2012, 04:45:55 »
You my friend, like many others including myself  :'( have fallen into the trap set by LoveFilm selling out to the giant Amazon. I too have noticed that the old and very useful reserve function is now rarely seen! As soon as I realised that it was affecting my premium package I complained to them and received no reply that meant anything and then (over the phone where they tried their danmdest to stop me) immediately changed it to a single disk each month and signed up to the BRILLIANT NetFlix bwith which I have had no problems at all. Many others are now joining companies of that ilk such as Virgin and I think BT. For what it costs (far less than the cinema) if you need to watch a recent film, and in my opinion there are not that many new releases worth watching, do as I do and simply just pay for a view on demand service.
As for LoveFilm, if it gets any worse it will lose my lessened custom too cos I will vote with my feet and pocket their profits  :y

 ::) Forgot to add that the inteview in which he was ripped to bits by that Humphries tool only made me believe it was done to raise the ego of the already over the top self opinionated Humphries and not to investigate any truth or bring facts to the forefront of the matter.
Waste of time watching it cos all it proved was that there are many who will now raise the heads to claim a bit of fame at the expense of others. Fairness will not matter at all...............

 ;)My interpretation of the BBC after the latest round of buck passing and people being thrown onto their swords....
Do you remember the Dr Kelly (investigator of the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq) incident where the BBC and the rag press, by their misleading and totally incorrect reporting led to him hanging himself? Now the very latest round of other allegations not yet proven in court but guilty as hell by their own self appointed hanging judge kangaroo court system can only lead to this interpretation of BBC....
Blind (to the truth),
Biased (against anything its reporters disagree with)
Corrupt (because that is the only explanation for all of its ills)

It should now be spilt into far smaller independent sections and all made fully and legally liable for any damage it causes to innocent people.
That is the only way it will ever regain trust. Once reporters know it is they who would pay the penalty they might just report accurately and truthfully. Until that day they are obviously paid for lies to boost circulation and viewing figures!
I can well remember the BBC when I was a child and it was trusted implicitly by everyone. Over the years it had disgraced itself time and time again by its antics. At the end of the day it is not a GOD and never should believe that it is.

Only a mere 54 days in the job and this leader of the BBC has been forced to resign over affairs that had happened many years before his appoinment. He had no influence over the past incidents and therefore probably no knowledge either so WHY?
It is a national disgrace.....What is happening to the justice of this, once an international leader in that field, country when those guilty of the affairs which led to this debacle still retain their jobs when in reality it was they who should be sacked in disgrace. All it has done for me is to conclusively prove that the greater majority of 'reporters cannot and should never be trusted. It is their jobs that ought to have gone! The same sentiment applies to all newspapers whose unelected staff  now seem to have far too much influence over the polititians who were elected to act for us by due process of the voting system.
Is it that the BBC is now far too big for its own boots? It is showing all of the symptoms of that and if true it should be savagely reduced in size and authority. Perhaps it is time that the BBC was monitored by an independant body and made responsible for its actions with heavy penalties and mandatory long term, measured in decades,jail for those within it who step over the lines of truth.
Only then might it be trusted again.

General Discussion Area / Re: so....what do you want from santa
« on: 10 November 2012, 09:52:57 »
 ;D A new pair of legs would be lovely...............instead of these crappy bionic ones ;) Brass hinges would have been better than the things they put in and failed within months...............
Ah well, life goes on.............and don't let the uggers grind you down........ :D

Well said up to now and I hope that no-one will jump in and begin the abhorrent process of trying to turn this thread into a personal crusade with not one thought about the judicial process in kangaroo court style.
That poor old man must have thought his world had collapsed on the word of a single loose lipped man that made an unproven allegation and as usual the do gooders all jumped the queue and harranged for justice to be seen to be done and him arrested! The only ones who ought to be arrested are those who were his accusers and their supporters. They all belong in the gutter and not in normal society.
Saddest thing of all is that now the BBC, a once internationally trusted scource of news, cannot ever be trusted again. Same applies to the newspapers who wrote outright lies about him and even more so to those who watched, listened to or read the defamatory articles and believed them before any court case or proof was given.
Too many are ready to jump in and destroy lives with their ill thought petty comments.
Rant over...........

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