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Messages - stuy112

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7
General Discussion Area / Re: TomTom Problems
« on: 09 January 2009, 15:10:25 »
Sounds like a similar problem I had with mine when I changed the SD card to a larger one to add more maps etc, check you arent using a high speed one, there is a name but I cant remember it! I shoved a normal (slow?) one in and its fine now.

General Discussion Area / Re: OOF CHRISTMAS BASH.....
« on: 08 December 2008, 23:52:27 »
Can someone drop me a pm with details please  ;)

If possible Ian_D and myself will attend  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: £377.20
« on: 05 December 2008, 00:04:23 »
I'm with First time I've stuck with an insurance company for more than a year. Have been really good on price and customer service. They are one of the few that'll touch me with 14 points, a ban and 3 claims  ::) They also do a good breakdown cover thats backed by the RAC, but a load cheaper than them.
As silly as it sounds I put my dad on my insurance as a named driver and it makes it cheaper!

Would never use Swiftcover or Tescos again from experience.
Just a word of warning about Swiftcover and printing off your own ins cert. Most Post Offices will no longer accept them when you come to renew your tax (you have to do it online), and plod wont accept it at roadside when they haven't updated the insurance database, my car was nearly impounded as said plod kept me at the roadside and the local station for 3 hours whilst refusing to let me prove on-line that I was insured and the cert was genuine, only when I asked for medical assistance as my sugar levels were low was I allowed to go! I proved the following day that I was insured and he still wasnt happy ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: show your fav pic
« on: 02 December 2008, 22:04:21 »
My cav on the ring earlier this year

and again (obviously not taken by me!)

Ring 'tag'

General Discussion Area / Re: Oh dear.... Oh dear....
« on: 02 December 2008, 23:03:49 »
Thats very true, at least he's made me a brew tonight so I'll let him off!

General Discussion Area / Re: Oh dear.... Oh dear....
« on: 02 December 2008, 22:06:39 »
I just went for the easy option and asked Ian, wish I hadn't bothered now  :-[

General Discussion Area / Re: Oh dear.... Oh dear....
« on: 02 December 2008, 21:33:25 »
 >:( >:( >:(

I'm on ians dodgy laptop and its not on his favorites, and I was having a senior moment as whatever I put in wouldnt work  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Online Games
« on: 26 November 2008, 23:48:15 »
I play this game for ages at a time

Its affected me so far in that I've lost my job, and even tho I've found another one fairly quickly its only on a temp contract.

I've gone from being paid weakly weekly to monthly just to make matters worse, and owing my last wages cheque bouncing I've had to borrow to see me through this month, so I'll owe out this months wages, and if my contract doesnt get renewed then the Christmas wage will be my last until I find another job.

General Discussion Area / Re: OOF FORUM
« on: 23 November 2008, 19:23:54 »
Read most of the thread and followed it over a few days, had a similer conversation on another forum I'm admin on not so long ago where we were considered cliquey.
To newcomers/non-regular users the forum comes across as being cliquey, but you have to remember your/i'm an outsider that is trying to 'get in' with a group of friends that is already established, and that group of friends will have seen people come and go, use and abuse etc. Stick around and meet people, build up trust, have a good craic and you'll break into that circle of friends eventually.

As forums go this is one of the most welcoming and helpful ones I've been on (and I've been on a few!) I've also met a lot of great people at the couple of meets I've been to and made some great new friends :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Set your Timers
« on: 23 November 2008, 19:02:00 »
Trouble is it clashes with "Heartbeat" when I can see so many lovely old vehicles and feel the nostalga of my teens!! :-* :-* ;)

Watch out for a post from Ian_D later on when he gets the pics sorted, think you'll like them if your into Heartbeat!

Just set the sky+ box to record TG, I'm off out in a min and always end up missing some of it!

General Discussion Area / Re: LHD cars? Your opinion appreciated...
« on: 18 November 2008, 19:22:04 »
This is my old Opel Calibra that I imported from Portugal....

Had this till about 3 years ago when I sold it on ebay, had loads of interest and it eventually sold to a Polish lad that came over with his girlfriend and had a long weekend in York!!!

The car sold for £400 above reserve and I got to keep all the spares etc as he didnt have enough room to fit them in the car for the return journey!
Insurance was dirt cheap on it, a lot lot cheaper than one the same but in r/h/d and I loved driving it. Never had any problems with it being a kack hander.

General Discussion Area / Re: "Blast" from the past - Kids Toys
« on: 16 November 2008, 01:37:21 »
I had Big Trak by MB

Just Big Trak itself, Mum and Dad couldnt afford the trailer to go with it......Bless them..............!

I've got mine in the loft still.... with the trailer! Every now and again I'll get it down setting it going and annoy my dad by dumping an apple at his feet!
Used to have a Raleigh Strika because I wasnt big enough to have a grifter, I was gutted! But then I got my brothers chopper (oo-er), wish we had never sold that now!
Still got a Spectrum and a Spectrum+ in the loft that I get down when I'm really bored and not to fussed about waiting 15 mins for a game to load... then crash  >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Quiet
« on: 16 November 2008, 01:44:42 »
I'm on here still, got loads I want to look at on the net tho!

No alcoholic drinks so I'm making do with some fruit shoots I have in my room  :-[

General Discussion Area / Re: Car broken into
« on: 16 November 2008, 01:40:31 »
It's nearly worthy of some Elite badges now  ;D

I'll have to get some stickers made up saying GLS+  :P

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