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Messages - Broomies Mate

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General Discussion Area / Re: Just cut my nose off
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:58:33 »

Yes... do keep up BG. :)

Its BM, unless you are hard of sight, or simply retarded  :P

Or pissed!

Put me down for all three. :D

We have three things in common!   :y

General Car Chat / Re: Honda E
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:57:00 »
I'm guessing, as people on a Vx Omega Forum that we have a shared affiliation with large saloons.

Of course the little Honda E is going to be a bit 'meh'..... but it serves a purpose.  It serves a purpose and it does it incredibly well.  If I lived in that shithole London, or any other City Centre and needed a car.... the Honda E would be it.  £30k is not a stupid amount (what's the Government scheme nowadays?).

General Discussion Area / Re: Just cut my nose off
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:50:22 »

Yes... do keep up BG. :)

Its BM, unless you are hard of sight, or simply retarded  :P

Or pissed!

General Discussion Area / Re: Just cut my nose off
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:49:01 »
£3.94M divided by 50 (assuming 50 years of work) works out at £78800 a year.

So yes.....he probably earns in a month what it would take a 'headmistress 50 years' to earn.  :-\

How many footbalists do you know that play for 50 years?  Let's be kind, and say it's 15 years........ out of those 15 years, only 5 maybe 8 will be at the big-bucks money.

You do the math.
He's not saying that, he's saying my missus might.

Yup... I re-read the posts and now understand what M'Lud was alluding to.

The maths still don't stack up, if you consider gross earnings to take-home pay.

General Discussion Area / Re: Just cut my nose off
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:27:58 »
£3.94M divided by 50 (assuming 50 years of work) works out at £78800 a year.

So yes.....he probably earns in a month what it would take a 'headmistress 50 years' to earn.  :-\

How many footbalists do you know that play for 50 years?  Let's be kind, and say it's 15 years........ out of those 15 years, only 5 maybe 8 will be at the big-bucks money.

You do the math.

EDIT TO ADD:  Footballers, Golfers, F1 Drivers earn their money through advertising contracts..... not the job they do  :y


I reckon there is probably less than a dozen 2.8T V6 left alive. :) They are rare.

I like mine. :y

And a great engine it is too.   :y

General Car Chat / Re: Honda E
« on: 06 March 2021, 20:16:32 »
Zero character?  ;D

Compared to what?  Fiat 500?  Vauxhall Nova?  Ford Ka?

The Honda E is a marvellous little bit of kit.  I am known for saying, on record, that the Nissan Cube is a great design also, though!  :P

The sigmund was designed for the owner to be driven in, hence the gubbins in the back. I'm surprised more VIP's and royalty didn't opt for one, after all, anyone can have a Daimler or Maybach.

The Signum was designed as a 4 seat vehicle...... so it's reasonable that the centre of the rear (non)bench was taken up with something useful.  There is a third seatbelt and headrest, but nobody other than a smack-head would feel comfortable for any distance sat in the middle.

I really quite like the Signum, and really wish GM did something a little bit special with it.  Sadly, it was just a Vec C with a couple of nice bits added.  I dread to think what the cost of the TA would have been at a dealership when buying new...... the Signum carried a premium price as it was!

General Car Chat / Re: Ultimate "Omega" for sale
« on: 04 March 2021, 21:11:12 »
I love the way it looks like a Honda from behind and a Proton from the front. :D

My first thoughts were it looked like a Civic saloon.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Top Gear / Grand Tour
« on: 03 March 2021, 17:38:48 »
Apart from the two specials which have already aired, and a third on it's way.  ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Never assume anything
« on: 01 March 2021, 21:19:00 »
I'm just a thick builder , I could never get my head round french words being feminine and masculine , Le and La  ???
I had to do technical German too as part of my engineering diploma
I only passed the German part by squatting up the night before tests  :-[
I still struggle with "the English" and i've lived here 50 years  :D

Die, Der & Das.  I remember it (not very) well!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Tv forums
« on: 01 March 2021, 21:16:10 »
The biggest issue with 'modern' LED, OLED or propitiatory QLED* picture quality is the terrible presets they are shipped with.

If you actually spend some time setting up the picture as YOU like it, you cannot beat them.  As an example, I have a LG 65CX5LB OLED TV in the living room and a LG 60UF850V LED TV in the bedroom.  Despite both TV's being quite different (and running different operating systems), they ship with similar presets.  When I watch TV in the bedroom (usually sport, as SWMBO doesn't like it) I'm in pitch-black darkness, so stands to reason that the picture brightness should be less than that of the living room.  The point I'm trying to make is, if I picked up both TV's and swapped them over, I'd hate the quality of both pictures.  They NEED to be setup for the environment they are used in, and just as importantly, the eyes of the person watching it.

Another note on personal preference.  I cannot stand HDR.  Everything I have watched in HDR (admittedly not a great deal) has looked very fake.  I'm not sure if my TV reverts to a 'preset' when it gets a HDR signal, but it just looks pants.  I'm sure there are others who very much enjoy it.

*QLED is not worth buying.  Currently, the quantum dots cannot illuminate themselves, so it's more of a traditional backlit LED (just a bit more advanced).  Keep your eyes peeled for MicroLED TV's.  They are the future.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Taxes
« on: 01 March 2021, 19:55:54 »
Road fund licence
what do you think I meant  :-\
or have you got one of them cars that's NO RFL  :P and taking the Pee cus I tax an Omega money pit  :D

VED - Vehicle Excise Duty.  I think RFL ended in 2014??????  :-\

Ignore that completely.  VED started in May 1936!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one11!

General Discussion Area / Re: Taxes
« on: 01 March 2021, 19:34:25 »
Road fund licence
what do you think I meant  :-\
or have you got one of them cars that's NO RFL  :P and taking the Pee cus I tax an Omega money pit  :D

VED - Vehicle Excise Duty.  I think RFL ended in 2014??????  :-\

General Car Chat / Re: MOT for the Tata.
« on: 01 March 2021, 15:04:26 »
It isn't difficult to wind in them hand tight +1 with a 1/2" ratchet then tighten them with a torque wrench alternately on the first pass, wait five, then again for a second pass ???

I completely agree.  Think about the numbers though....

If it takes an extra 30 seconds per wheel, that's 2 minutes per car.  Multiply that by 30 cars per day, and there is 1 hour of extra time.

Of course, I'm assuming each car would have work carried out on all 4 wheels, which is rare, but I think I've been quite conservative with the 30 seconds per wheel.  :-\

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