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Messages - Lizzie Zoom

Pages: 1 ... 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 [490] 491 492 493
General Car Chat / Re: My car is back on the Forum!!
« on: 06 March 2017, 11:37:06 »
Ouch !! Tis but a scratch though  :) Welcome back lizzie , glad your ok  ;)

My guess is Lizzie was putting on her 'slap' using the rear view mirror. ;D :-* :-* :-* :-*

That's women for you.

Watch it. You are on dodgy ground Opti! ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D

Did the unexpected bang make you smudge your mascara Lizzie? ::) ::) :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

No, but my crying afterwards did!! :'( :'( :'( ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: SS GB
« on: 06 March 2017, 11:33:30 »
Yep Lizzie I have watched this from the start..Found it to be a bit confusing at first trying to get my brain into gear as to who won the war...Find it to be as you say a bit chilling but very good watching material...I also thank my lucky stars that we did not grow up in those times  under such a regime as them as I was born in 1944 (old git now ) lol...So we must be gratefull that we grew up in this country as free people and thank goodness for all of those who fought and died and who were maimed and injured just so we could do so...would encourage others to watch the remaining 3 parts as it is well worth watching  :y :y

We are so lucky indeed! :y

General Car Chat / Re: My car is back on the Forum!!
« on: 06 March 2017, 11:31:11 »
Ouch !! Tis but a scratch though  :) Welcome back lizzie , glad your ok  ;)

My guess is Lizzie was putting on her 'slap' using the rear view mirror. ;D :-* :-* :-* :-*

That's women for you.

Watch it. You are on dodgy ground Opti! ::) ::) ::) ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: My car is back on the Forum!!
« on: 06 March 2017, 11:29:53 »
Ouch !! Tis but a scratch though  :) Welcome back lizzie , glad your ok  ;)

Thanks EMD :y

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: I have returned
« on: 06 March 2017, 11:28:25 »
Where are the other female members? ::)

STEMO is still here,  ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Now Lizzie, women have fought long and hard to overcome sexism - and rightly too - so please do not deprecate men in that parenthetical aside like that: we get hurt, too.
"and if you prick us, do we not bleed?" (Shylock).  :(


Sorry Ron.

But when did a women last start a war? Man is the hunter; he is built for it, and for the protection of the woman and children. But it requires a control of the power he might have. That is when desires, political hunger, and pure male drive takes the very strong onto war. :'( :'(

Sad but true.

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone else fed up of Trump News?
« on: 05 March 2017, 21:00:27 »
But Hilary would probably have been even worse. The bigger picture in all of this is that the Liberal elite who have slowly taken over and almost ruined the western world in the last few decades, are on the run and hopefully going to be consigned to history.
Regardless of anyones individual like or dislike of recent events - Brexit, Trump, anti liberal elite / globalisation movements in France, Italy, Holland and elsewhere, are the reaction of those ignored and lied to by the likes of Blair, Cameron, Clinton, etc. and its having the effect of an earthquake.
We can only hope that when we come out the other side of it, that a lot of the wrongs of recent times will be righted and we can carry on in a sensible direction, with common sense restored.

The trouble is the pendulum is swinging fast the other way towards the hard right. It will not stop in the middle and I see some echoes of the 1920/30s growing across Europe and the USA.  Heaven help us! :o :o

There is more wisdom and common sense in this forum than all of the American (and our) politicians put together; why don't we form a world government and put things right?


The trouble is Ron mankind (man!) can never reach an agreement between themselves and thus we still suffer the conflicts we do. Strong people who love power rule, and they rarely work with similiar people. ::)

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: I have returned
« on: 05 March 2017, 20:46:51 »
Welcome back LZ .. nice to see a female presence once again .. please hang around a while .. might encourage a few more ladies to participate  :y :y :y

Thanks Entwood :y :y :y

Where are the other female members? ::)

General Discussion Area / SS GB
« on: 05 March 2017, 20:43:36 »
Does anyone else find this series very chilling?

As an historian who dislikes "counter factual" history, this I must admit, is something else.

If you do the correct thing and place yourself in the context of a Brit ln England during 1941, how sure can we be that we would not have accepted the German presence as the new ruling power.

At this time you would not have known about any concentration camps, the Hollocaust would not have started, and in this scenario Hitler has not invaded Russia. You would know about the "positives" of Hitler as a man who had led Germany to greatness again (echoes of Trump) with full employment, new autobahns, and a impressive military. Could I have been impressed by all that? Would all the banners, flags, and propaganda have convinced me to support the Nazis?  I have always thought that as a German woman I would have stood with the other thousands shouting Heil Hitler!

As I am from a Jewish background on one side of the family I know that I would not have been born to the family I did, even though my father was greatly impressed by the German military. We know how terrible it would have been later for everyone if the Germans had won the Battle of Britain and crossed the Channel. BUT, in the context of the time, and perhaps as a Brit from a working class background who detested the ruling British classes, or someone from the middle classes who craved power, could I have joined the SS?

It is chilling just to see images of Nazis flags around London, but that is with the knowledge we have today. Highly intreging and interesting though.

Thank God it IS just counter factual history.

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone else fed up of Trump News?
« on: 05 March 2017, 20:21:01 »
Now we have the latest Tweet from this sickening joke of a President.

He reckons Obama tapped his phone lines. Really!!!

He lives in the USA with a very powerful CIA who tap into everyone's communications ;D ;D ;D

Newbie Welcome Area / Re: I have returned
« on: 05 March 2017, 20:13:41 »
Blimey. Welcome back LZ :y

Thank you. Is that the old TB? ;D ;D ;D ;D :y
Aye. That nasty DTM fella has been buggering around with my profile.  Nothing changes...

Ah, yes it obviously doesn't!  ::) ::) ;D

So, you are a born-again Donald Trump. M'lud?  ::)


I don't quite 'grab them by the pussy' but Trump had many feminine women vote for him.

I 'll wager the hairy pussy and armpit lesbian feminists hate DT though. :)

Oh dear. Perhaps Opti is like THAT man! :o :o ;D

Don't worry Lizzie I'm not a fan of Trump. He is 'entertaining' but then so is a circus clown.

I feel sorry for the American people. The choice for POTUS came down to making the least damaging choice. I'm no fan of Hillary Clinton either. I don't trust her and neither it seems did the American people.

Don't worry Opti. His time will come once he fails to fulfill his vague promises and continues to look a fool around the World. I know  the American people are a proud bunch and do generally not suffer fools gladly. They will bring him down via the pen, ballot, or bullet. ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: diesel
« on: 05 March 2017, 19:53:13 »
In 10 years time it will not only be diesel cars that will be disappearing but also quaint old cars, that you still drive yourself. 2020-2022 are when the mass car manufacturers are gearing up for mass producing self-driving cars.

Indeed! That is when I will be able to blame the car for running into the back of a van!  ;D

Trouble is how will blame be apportioned when a self drive vehicle hits one driven by a human? Just imagine the fights we will have with insurers ::) ;)

So, you are a born-again Donald Trump. M'lud?  ::)


I don't quite 'grab them by the pussy' but Trump had many feminine women vote for him.

I 'll wager the hairy pussy and armpit lesbian feminists hate DT though. :)

Oh dear. Perhaps Opti is like THAT man! :o :o ;D

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