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Messages - Rods2

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Omega General Help / Re: winter tyres - again
« on: 04 November 2011, 04:50:40 »
As you'd expect 225/55/16 will be fine.

205/55/16 is fine and cheaper but will make the speedo under read by 3%.
how can the speedo under read when the profile is the same!? :D

As Jimbob says .. it is a percentage.

So 55 % of 225/55/16 = 123.75 The width of the tyre is 225mm, the height of the sidewall is 123.75 mm

55% of 205/55/16 = 112.75 The width of the tyre is 205mm the height of the sidewall is 112.75mm

As they are both on 16" rims the difference in radius of the two wheels is 11mm. The larger wheel radius is 203.2 mm (16"/2) + 123.75 mm = 326.95 mm The smaller wheel radius is 203.2 + 112.75 = 315.95 mm

The circumference of a wheel - the distance it travels in one rotation is 2*Pi*r  so for the larger wheel it is 2054.358 mm, for the smaller wheel 1985.24 .. a difference of 69.18 mm

So for every rotation of the wheel the smaller tyre travels about 7cm less than the  bigger one... but your speedo is measuring the RPM of the wheel and "assuming" the larger ones circumference .. :)

The error is (69.18 / 2054.358) * 100 = 3.37% ... about what Birdman said


Rock solid piece of maths and logical thinking, well done, I really like it.  :y :y :y :y :y :y :y :y

It has answered a question, where I have been thinking about fitting 205/55/16 winter tyres to my Miggy and wondering what the speedo difference would be, will look at 225's just to keep speedo accurate, even though they will give poorer grip in snow due to lower psi due to bigger contact area.  ::)

I've got a clean licence and want to continue to keep the speed camera mafia at bay.  >:(

Don't forget to tell your insurance company about the modifications or you won't be insured.  :o :o :o

I sincerely hope you are never rear-ended due to somebody in bright sunlight not seeing brake lights as IMH Experience when the sun is directly in your eyes it is difficult to see brake lights at the best of times. Several OOF member have had their pride and joy Omegas written off is the last few weeks and I would hate this to happen to your pride and joy, where you are obviously lavishing much pride, care and attention on it.  The Omega gene pool is shrinking and every write-off and breaker is a sad loss from this. :(

General Discussion Area / Re: Electrician Wanted
« on: 04 November 2011, 00:54:29 »
Another closed shop that stops competent people from doing their own electrical work. After completing an electronics apprenticeship which included doing wiring for aircraft, which had to passed by inspection, so you made sure you got it right and also having an HNC in Electrical and Electronic engineering, I'm not allowed to work on my own electrics.

I looked into getting a part P certificate, but it has been designed to make it not practical to obtain unless you are working as an electrician as you have to be doing work regularly and have annual competency checks at your expense of course. Fortunately all the changes I made to my house were done in the 1990's and I don't need to do anything further.

At the time the regulations were brought in somebody did a law on unintended consequences and worked out due to the extra mileage that electricians would be doing, more of them would be killed in accidents on the UK's roads than lives would be saved from electrocution and fires through faulty electrical wiring.  :o :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Another sad day for me
« on: 04 November 2011, 00:22:23 »
Very sorry to hear about your sad loss, when someone passes away it is never easy, but I have always found it much, much worse when they are young, you have my sincere sympathies.

The bigger the showoff the harder the fall  ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone used ....
« on: 02 November 2011, 23:24:06 »
You could get hold of an empty silicone sealer tube and sealent gun and experiment with that to if it will do the job, before you spend £20 on something that may not do what you want.

This may work anyway and save you £20.  :y


I have to agree this does make sense, however I want to see it go tits up. No EU  :y :y so we won't need a referendumn to get out of this expensive folly.  ;)

I want, at least, to see the EU get used to the fact that their ramblings are put to the public for approval by the national government concerned instead of just rubber stamped. After all, we (and the Greeks, for that matter) fought a war to stop the Germans dictating how we run our countries. ;)

I agree we need more democracy and referendums but we are unlikely to get them as democracy is about as popular in Brussels as wooden stakes and garlic are at a vampires convention.  ::) ::) ::)

At least the Germans run a successful economy. What I hate is the adoption of the French socialist model and bureaucracy by the EU and its imposition by stealth on all of the other EU countries. This is killing economic growth in this country and creating the sort of high unemployment levels associated with European countries that have similar social models to France.

France is likely to default in the next 10 years despite their massive subsidies by the EU agricultural policy, they are the largest agricultural power in the EU, they are also the most visited country in the world by tourists and have imposed through the EU tariffs to protect many of their industries (this is why all digital cameras in Europe only record up to 29min 59 seconds of video, so they are not regarded as a video recorder and have to pay an import duty designed to protect Thompson-CSF) and government subsidies for their industries like Airbus.

I always viewed the EU as an attempt by France to create a trading block big enough to be able to impose import duties to protect their industries and way of life 'a fortress Europe', unfortunately for France the EU has not got a big enough population or enough economic traction to succeed in this against the US and the BRIC countries. But is is dragging down all of EU Europe including this country.

If the EU was just a free market trading block, which was it's original intention, we would all be much richer and better off, and IMHO have a successful EU which would have benefited all of it citizens but it was hi-jacked by the French especially the Frenchmen Jacques Delors, Mitterrand and his ilk, which led to the Maastricht treaty, which led to the Euro and the beginning of the end, but there will be much suffering for all of the EU population (like there was in the USSR) between now and the end.  >:( >:( >:(

::)  dont know why I'm reading this thread with satisfaction  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Probably for the same reasons we will if the French default  :y ;D ;D ;D

If they ever get to a referendum. The Greek prime minister is in the headmasters / headmistresses office having dinner on Wednesday with Merkel and Sarkozy, no doubt being reminded. "Veh have vays of making you comply"  ::)

The Question will be along the lines of:

"Will you vote for this now for these measures to save the Euro, or vote again in a few weeks time with a few more concessions from Brussels"

"Yes, we want to be poor now."

"No, we want a few more concessions from Brussels before we vote again so we are not quite so poor."

As we all know that European democracy works on the principle, that if you give the wrong answer, you get a few further concessions from Brussels and vote again, this is repeated until you give the correct answer.  :o :o :o

General Car Chat / Re: Replacing her Polo
« on: 01 November 2011, 01:24:09 »
Trebor Extra Strong  ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Winter Tyre Choice
« on: 31 October 2011, 19:19:56 »
What worrys me about winter tyres, is that there will be numpties out there who won't adjust their driving style in bad weather, because they think they'll be OK with their winter tyres.....  :-\

Agree, but you also get plenty of numpties who have no idea on how to drive in snow or icy conditions on any tyre.  :( IMHO they should stay at home. (I would say or catch a bus or train, but on the first flake of snow they won't be running  ::) )

General Discussion Area / Re: Severn Bridge toll
« on: 31 October 2011, 15:53:27 »
I've got some friends who live near a suspension bridge on the river Loire at St Nazaire in France

When it first opened it cost 10 francs about £1 to cross, but after about 20 years it had made so much money it had paid for itself, plus a big enough fund to cover all foreseeable maintenance costs, so they made it toll FREE.  ::) :y

You can just see that happening in ripoff fleece the motorist at every opportunity Britain, can't you.  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: What would Jesus say? (St Pauls).
« on: 31 October 2011, 15:17:16 »
The church has always made money from people, without doing so it could not exist. Pilgrimages to Canterbury we all about paying homage to god and paying the church money for gods favour. The building of many of the countries churches by rich merchants was also for similar reasons.

It is not surprising that the Church of England is struggling, where they have now lost their Sunday trading monopoly.

General Discussion Area / Re: They think its all over....It is now!
« on: 31 October 2011, 15:05:27 »
Good luck with your new venture, I'm sure you will go onwards and upwards.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: What would Jesus say? (St Pauls).
« on: 31 October 2011, 02:13:34 »
I agree on the short term view of using Chinese labour, western countries are allowing a closed society and dictatorship to gain much of their technology. Not all countries use China, but other Asian countries with similar cost structures. Both Triumph Motorcycles and Dyson have manufacturing facilities in Malaysia.

By 2050 it expected that 70% of the worlds GNP will be from Asia, however the dominant country by then will probably be India, due to India by then having a much bigger population and much more importantly a much younger population. China already has an aging population problem due to their one child policy and this is going to get much worse. Fortunately India is a democracy and an open society.

The West will only have an answer to Asia and BRIC countries by dramatically lowering their cost base by considerably improving their educational systems, skills base and attitudes to learning. Sadly, on all counts the UK is going in the wrong direction on this!

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