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Messages - Rods2

Pages: 1 ... 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 [495] 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 ... 508
General Discussion Area / Re: Brushcutters
« on: 19 October 2011, 01:40:16 »
When I saw the title I thought was something the mrs might use.  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Getting blocked in .............
« on: 19 October 2011, 01:08:37 »
A friend of mine before he retired used to move heavy machinery, to minimize disruption this was often performed at weekends.  On one occasion on a Saturday morning there was a car parked blocking the factory entrance, so he knocked on the doors of the nearby houses to find the owner to get it moved. Once he found the owner he took great exception to being woken up and my friend was told to f-off he wasn't moving it.

So my friend used the 3.5 ton hiab to lift the offending car, place on his flat bed and then deposit it in his front garden. He said it was one of those Victorian houses with a brick wall all around and a pedestrian gate and the car just fitted nicely.  :y

While he was loading the machinery the owner came up and called hime every name under the sun. My friend then said, do you know how much it is going to cost to remove your car from your front garden? Now I suggest you go and make some phone calls to find out. However, if you come back and apologize and ask me very nicely before I have finished loading the machinery and I'm on my way, I will remove it from your front garden and place it back on the road. 10 minutes later the guy was back full of apologies and even asked my friend if he wanted a cup of tea.  :y :y :y ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Top Gear USA
« on: 19 October 2011, 00:41:23 »
Watched bit about Dodge Viper for a few minutes, thought presenters were as dry as the Arizona desert or eating 10 packets of cream cracker in one go and switched to another channel.  ::) ::) :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Chance of EU vote....
« on: 19 October 2011, 00:22:52 »
Turkeys don't vote for Christmas and when MPs lose their seat or want to increase their income, or a lucrative retirement. Then it is I ho, I ho, its off to Brussels we go, as the EU gravy train and trough make our MP's look positively impoverished.  ::) >:( >:(

I'm sure in the unlikely event we were granted a referendum the Liberal Democraps would insist in writing the question for their continued support of the ConDem alliance and it would be along the lines of:

Do you think the UK should leave the EU - Tick the No box


Do you think the UK should stay in the EU - Tick the Yes box
 :o :o :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: ubuntu
« on: 18 October 2011, 03:40:07 »
<                                                                             ::) :y
Linux has a place. I look after hundreds of the buggers, which many of you are using every day without realising, aside from OOF ::).

But that place isn't on the desktop for the vast majority of people.

Tend to agree with that statement - however personally "like" linux (used to like DOS too!!) plus there's some very good GNU licensed software to suit  :y
'Proper' Linux is also GNU. Doesn't make it cheap. Actually, makes Windows Server look cheap ;)

I use on my home development server Linux Fedora which is a free (but big) download.

General Discussion Area / Re: last thing he saw
« on: 18 October 2011, 03:35:38 »
seriously in countries where people are depressed, sexually hungry and unhappy on most respects, its obvious you will see numerous mad drivers.. imo no need to explain further :(

Well.. that explains my driving, then!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

you are right though cem. i heard that a huge percentage of russian men die of alcohol poisoning. that tells its own story really

Same in Ukraine, my mother in law's next door neighbour drinks 1L of Vodka a day. Hence, a men's life expectancy through drinking, accidents and suicide is only 60 in Ukraine where a women's is 72.  :( :( :(

This is why there are 100 women for every 85 men.

General Discussion Area / Re: DIY thread
« on: 18 October 2011, 03:24:29 »
unless youre in the right light its difficult to tell youve done a ceiling.......... until the light hits the freaking bit yove missed  >:( >:( :D ;D ;D ;D

10 years I lived in my last flat.. 10 years I spent looking at the bit I missed on the ceiling when I first painted  ;D I rather hate DIY..

Although I did batten & panel the garage by myself, that was not a fun job.. 1.2x2.4m sheets of ply are not light when you're on your own!

I've cut the grass, this only takes about 15 minutes where I have a 22" self-propelled motor mower. I raked over the areas

Cor, it's all a bit posh down there in Sandhurst, isn't it? Ride on mowers and your own log shed.. ;) S'not like that up here in scummy Bracknell! ;D Which reminds me I haven't cut the grass this year  :-[ :-[ fortunately the garden is 50% jungle from 20 years of neglect prior to me moving in and 25% gravel/weed mix. The remaining 25% is grass that doesn't grow very well thanks to the dirty great oak tree..

Though I really should cut it, before it snows.. if only I could be arsed to move the cement mixer, garden table, BBQ and old concrete shuttering..

Not quite a ride on mower, just press the drive lever and hang on to the bar at the back, but that might be where i only have one throttle position in life... full  (miggy pedal to the metal rules ok) :y ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: DIY thread
« on: 18 October 2011, 03:18:32 »
Over the weekend I used my chainsaw to cut up wood for the log fire and my axe to split to size. My wood shed is now full, ready for the winter. I always regret doing this the next day as I have a sore or bad back,  :( but it is great fun at the time.  :y :y :y

I've cut the grass, this only takes about 15 minutes where I have a 22" self-propelled motor mower. I raked over the areas in the front garden where the grass has died due to my trees and a dry spring, and reseeded, ready for the heavy rain on Tuesday. Weather should hopefully be warm enough for this to establish itself before winter.

Finally, I working on re-artexing the landing and stairwell ceil as part of their re-decoration. I've removed the old stipple artex, repaired where my leaking cold water tank overflow, damaged my ceiling and will use artex-sealer on it tomorrow ready to re-artex. I've made a plank with 4" x 2" battens underneath which latch onto my ladder and foot stool at the other end. Made this ultra safe as I have a bad head for heights and don't enjoy walking the plank.  ::)

Later in the week I have got to finish the installation of new thermostat valve in my en-suit shower and then start on ripping out and replacing my bathroom. Go a great deal from next door neighbours lad where he is a bathroom fitter and he has a garage full of top quality bathrooms he bought in a clearance sale.  :y :y :y

When I'm tiling it seems to take forever, but I have found an electric tile cutter a sound investment and find it quite straight forward to even go around complex shapes. During my electronics apprenticeship I was taught you must learn how to use the material you are working with, measure and mark out accurately, check twice and work to your markings. Result spot on job, Simples.  :) :y

anywhere other than b and shit i presume?  ::) :D ;D

Yes, I bought it at Macro about 10 years ago in one of their special offers. No longer a trade card holder and I must admit I do miss shopping at Macro in Reading.

General Discussion Area / Re: Proper racing
« on: 18 October 2011, 03:08:26 »
Watched the highlights on ITV4 last week. Great racing, wasn't sure when they introduced the 6 leader ride off, but it has certainly worked brilliantly this season.  :y :y :y

Great ride by Tommy Hill, but I did feel a little bit sorry for John Hopkins for about 6 thousandths of a second, until I remembered that Tommy Hill is English and John Hopkins American.  :y ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: E-cat. The future of energy?
« on: 18 October 2011, 02:56:53 »
It is good to see that alchemy is alive and kicking.  ;D ;D ;D

About every 2 years there is a cold fusion story of a miracle process about to be demonstrated, I'd have been dead for a very long time if I had been holding my breath waiting.  :o :o :o

And all the oil companies will sit idly by while they make them obsolete.   ::) ::) ::)

On Forbes announcement did all of the global oil companies stock values bomb?  ::) ::) ::)

I've almost perfected my perpetual motion machine, the miggy fuel generator double-linked dopple ganger, which regenerates the fuel at exactly the same rate as it is used and I will be demonstrating it on the 28th of a month and year yet to be announced.   :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: last thing he saw
« on: 17 October 2011, 01:50:09 »
Sadly, par for the course for Russian and Ukraine driving standards.

If the person is rich they will pay off the police, so no action is taken against them.  >:( >:(

I've had one or two scary moments in Ukraine due to unbelievably crazy driving.

General Discussion Area / Re: Dan Wheldon
« on: 17 October 2011, 00:50:11 »
Very sadly, ESPN confirming that he had died from unsurvivable injuries. RIP

General Discussion Area / Re: DIY thread
« on: 17 October 2011, 00:42:54 »
Over the weekend I used my chainsaw to cut up wood for the log fire and my axe to split to size. My wood shed is now full, ready for the winter. I always regret doing this the next day as I have a sore or bad back,  :( but it is great fun at the time.  :y :y :y

I've cut the grass, this only takes about 15 minutes where I have a 22" self-propelled motor mower. I raked over the areas in the front garden where the grass has died due to my trees and a dry spring, and reseeded, ready for the heavy rain on Tuesday. Weather should hopefully be warm enough for this to establish itself before winter.

Finally, I working on re-artexing the landing and stairwell ceil as part of their re-decoration. I've removed the old stipple artex, repaired where my leaking cold water tank overflow, damaged my ceiling and will use artex-sealer on it tomorrow ready to re-artex. I've made a plank with 4" x 2" battens underneath which latch onto my ladder and foot stool at the other end. Made this ultra safe as I have a bad head for heights and don't enjoy walking the plank.  ::)

Later in the week I have got to finish the installation of new thermostat valve in my en-suit shower and then start on ripping out and replacing my bathroom. Go a great deal from next door neighbours lad where he is a bathroom fitter and he has a garage full of top quality bathrooms he bought in a clearance sale.  :y :y :y

When I'm tiling it seems to take forever, but I have found an electric tile cutter a sound investment and find it quite straight forward to even go around complex shapes. During my electronics apprenticeship I was taught you must learn how to use the material you are working with, measure and mark out accurately, check twice and work to your markings. Result spot on job, Simples.  :) :y

General Discussion Area / Re: A nuclear U-turn..
« on: 16 October 2011, 14:42:46 »
I used the word safe deliberately as Thorium reactors are much, much safer than other forms of reactor.


1. They only work when you bombard them with neutrons as soon as the source is turned off the nuclear reaction stops.
2. The fact that is is stored as a liquid in proposed reactors means it disapates heat automatically through natural circulation WITHOUT any pumps.
3. Much more difficult to extract weapons grade material, so safer to build in non-nuclear countries.
4. Much less nuclear waste and waste is mainly of short duration radioactive particles.
5. Thorium is much more abundant the Uranium, so we have a much greater source of fuel.
6. All nuclear material can be consumed compared with about 2% with Uranium.

America had several Thorium reactors running in the 1960's and it was proposed the building of the worlds first Thorium reactor power station, but it was turned down as USA / UK / France / USSR had all gone the Uranium route to get plutonium as a waste product for making nuclear bombs and because Uranium was abundant and cheaper to make into a nuclear fuel.

India is currently the world's leader on Thorium reactors. Their first commercial power station should go online this year and they have currently 3 test / prototype reactors

Coal contains many nuclear particles which are spewed into the atmosphere when it is burned and concentrated during the burning process to produce radioactive ash. So it is a major source of radiation pollution.

General Discussion Area / Re: He's gone!
« on: 16 October 2011, 04:07:29 »
What I hate is the vindictiveness when decisions like scrapping the Nimrod are made, by cutting them to pieces, so the decision cannot be reversed or the aircraft sold or used in research programs. It was exactly the same when the TSR2 was cancelled all prototypes were destroy where they could have been used as useful research platforms. Surplice Comets, Hunters, a Buccaneer and a Jaguar were used as research aircraft at RAE Farnborough for many years.

This is a criminal waste of our (tax payers) money.  >:( >:( >:( They should have to personally pay it back.  :y :y :y :y

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