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Messages - Rods2

Pages: 1 ... 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 [496] 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 ... 508
Omega General Help / Re: Fault codes, what do these mean?
« on: 16 October 2011, 03:31:10 »
duff = broken = knackered = shagged = not working

Hopefully one of those translations should work :y
Actually, don't run that one through a translator, sorry  :-[

Why not as that leads to up the duff.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Horse whipping
« on: 16 October 2011, 03:08:59 »
2kv to the testicles every time they whip the horse seems perfectly reasonable feedback to me.  :y :y :y

They can then say in the post race interview they could really feel the horses pain on the home straight.  :o :o :o

If they apply this as a rule will Mat Mosley apply to be a jockey?  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: A nuclear U-turn..
« on: 16 October 2011, 02:32:59 »
Energy prices are one of the fundamentals for the competitiveness of a country industries and the comfort of their citizens, especially the heavy industries that are energy intensive (like steel, cement and glass) and old age pensioners who are more vulnerable to cold weather. Again we are let down by our politicians with their 30p/kwh subsidized next to useless windmills and solar panels.  :( :( :( Instead of cheap safe nuclear power.  :y :y :y

We had 13 years of Labour pontificating on new nuclear power stations, until decisions could not be put off any longer without the lights going out, so they reluctantly agreed, in IMHO, much to late to stop a UK electric energy crisis from 2017-2023 to building a new generation. At one time we were one of the world's leaders in Nuclear power, guess who is now with the development of 5th generation of ultra safe reactors, with 1000's of years of fuels reserves, China with their liquid Thorium reactor program. Just shows how far we have slipped in the worlds order in last 60 years.

Still, I guess our MP's have much higher priorities, why tax the brain of building new nuclear power stations where there are more pressing things like build floating duck houses and flipping their house subsidiary for maximum profit.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( Any time they have left over they can spend on important things like having a non-gender category on passports as this is much more important than taxing the brain on keeping industries going and pensioners warm or even CO tax trading programs to make our heavy industry even more un-competitive.  >:( >:( >:(

Still MP's have an outstanding record of understanding and support for our world class hi-tech projects which is why they cancelled the Blue Streak rocket system, TSR2 and the Supersonic Harrier. Makes me proud to be represented by such a bunch of useless charlatans.  >:( >:( >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: A nuclear U-turn..
« on: 16 October 2011, 01:51:00 »
Cheapest Electricity prices in western Europe are where?

France, there mix of generation systems is 71% Nuclear, 18% hydro electric and windmills and 11% fossil fuels. Don't you just hate it when the French outsmart us.  >:( >:( >:( >:(

Ukraine is 50% Nuclear, 15% Hydro and 35% fossil fuels.

I was talking to my wife a few days ago and she was complaining where Electricity and gas have gone up by about 40% in the last 12 months, she had just paid her mums bill at 100UAH (£7.75), so I asked her how many kwh they had used for the bill, she looked it up, it was 335kwh, which works out at 2.3p/kwh. Bring it to the UK as I think we would all like some of that at that price.  :y :y :y The Ukraine is the biggest exporter of electricity in Europe mainly to Russia, Moldova and Belarus, why can't we have some at these prices please.  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: gift from rain..
« on: 16 October 2011, 01:32:01 »
Real sorry to hear what has happened to your clit.

Nature can be a real bitch at times.  >:( >:( >:(

And Murphy with is law if forever vigilant.  >:( >:( >:(

Excellent  :y :y ;D ;D ;D

I'm afraid I agree with the scrapping of the minimum wage as it is a major cause of the large increase in youth unemployment. Do you take on an experienced worker at £6.20p/h or an inexperienced 19 year old who you have to train at £6.20p/h? I know who I would take on.

It is also contributor to 10 pubs shutting a week and many high street shops going, not to mention other low skilled jobs going abroad. People with families that have these low paid job will get what they live on topped up by working and child tax credits. Young people will have the chance of a job, real world skills and from this base hopefully higher wages.

The alternative is continued high and growing unemployment.

What the west has to face up to is that we have to compete with the Eastern European, Asian, South American and African economies, by dramatically reducing our cost base of property prices, energy costs, wages and very high taxes. It is going to be a very painful adjustment, but without it we will be another Greece and 3rd world country. We all have to start living within our means, governments and individuals. The west is going to have to reinvent itself, if it doesn't than the prediction is that in 20 years time the emerging economies will control 70% of global turnover and the west 30% a reverse of where we are now.

Software development is now very much a global business. I have lost work to South African and Indian companies in the last 12 months and cannot compete with my current cost base, hence, this is one of the reasons for my pending move to the Ukraine.

General Discussion Area / Re: He's gone!
« on: 14 October 2011, 23:01:29 »
Almost November 5th, bring back Guy Fawkes is what I say and let him succeed.  :y ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: RIP Steve Jobs
« on: 13 October 2011, 11:59:49 »
Yes, indeed :( I wonder how many lines of C have been written worldwide?

No idea, but I've written a few 100,000 of them. I remember using the Kernighan and Richie reference book on C programming to learn the language.

Apple Mac is about 5% of PC market, but they reckon that with the iPad this will increase to 12% this year. Microsoft's market share is being steadily eroded where tablet computers and smart phones are gaining market share.

To go public in this way to me suggests Iran is increasing their support for terrorism in an area of American interest and this is a warning shot across their bows and to prepare the public if further action (including military) is required to sort it out.

Iran has been providing major support with training, arms, explosives and mercenaries to the Taliban in Afghanistan since the west have had troops there. My thoughts are that there has been either an escalation of support here or they are getting involved in another middle-Eastern country where America has strategic interests, Egypt, Libya and Yemen spring to mind or they are near to completing their first nuclear device.

When Iran joins the nuclear club, it is very bad news for Israel as they are a small country with concentrated centres of population, it will not take many devices to wipe them out, while Iran is the reverse, a big country with a much more spread out population.

With the worlds economic problems and political instability in the middle-east these are scary times. In the 1930's we had depression, currency wars, where everybody was trying to outdo everybody else with devaluation to make their countries more competitive (stage we are at, at the moment with low interest rates, QE and high inflation in USA and UK), trade barriers and trade wars, through selective import duties, followed finally by the Second World War. With both Germany and Japan WWII was about perceived injustices by the allies and natural resources. Germany wanted more living space, strategic natural resources, particularly oil and Japan wanted to secure all the natural resources they could as their country has very few.

Iran, North Korea and China are the worries here as history shows that dictators generally start major wars and democracies fight and win them. China is going through a major military buildup at the moment, have a number of territorial disputes with their neighbours, especially when natural resources are involved and an aggressive foreign policy. But, although they have a very large population, it is also an aging one and old people don't make very good soldiers.

General Discussion Area / Re: if i phones crashed now
« on: 13 October 2011, 10:24:58 »
Ronnie Corbett and Harry Enfield have been there...  ;D ;D ;D

I can't believe it is just a switch problem, or they are amazingly incompetent as they should have backup switches and spare hardware for crucial parts of their server system. I would expect an outage of minutes to maybe an hour for such a problem, if all redundant switches had failed, while they changed the hardware. This to me sounds like a repeat of the Sony fiasco where they were very slow to provide information until they knew the extent of the problem and they were very heavily criticized for it. With RIM already struggling against Apple and Android smart phones, could this be the final nail in their coffin as they will have lost their customers trust.  :o :D

Omega General Help / Re: MV6 1998 3.0 Coolant Leak
« on: 12 October 2011, 21:58:50 »
I thought my head gaskets were quite bad when I changed them, but these are 10 times worse!  ::)

Well I'm going to have to buy a new mattress. This one's full.

Full of paper notes, you can burn when they are useless, to keep you warm during the winter.  ;D ;D ;D

UK 'official' inflation is debasing our currency at 5% per year at the moment, real world inflation is more like 7-10%. Things like the falling price of DVDs and LCD TV's that keep the official rate down, I've found I can't eat!!!  ::) ::) ::)

That's why gold is so expensive. It is seen as a save haven in economic and currency storms.

Forget about gold or other tangible financial instruments - in my experience when things go teats-up the most useful things to have to hand are food and firearms.

Agree, that's one of the reasons I'm keen to emigrate to the Ukraine as soon as possible, so I have my smallholding and food security.  :y :y

Politicians are the only people that I know that make estate agents and bankers look respectable!  ::) ::) ::)

Well I'm going to have to buy a new mattress. This one's full.

Full of paper notes, you can burn when they are useless, to keep you warm during the winter.  ;D ;D ;D

UK 'official' inflation is debasing our currency at 5% per year at the moment, real world inflation is more like 7-10%. Things like the falling price of DVDs and LCD TV's that keep the official rate down, I've found I can't eat!!!  ::) ::) ::)

That's why gold is so expensive. It is seen as a save haven in economic and currency storms.

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