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Messages - ckz

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Omega General Help / Re: Steering / Help please urgent
« on: 15 March 2015, 09:33:56 »
that sounds good. but im at work in the morning till 1pm.
i go out the next half an hour and try to see what i can find out.
i know there no leaks, nothing dripping, the reservoir is full, never had any noises on steering - apart when you turn on full lock the usual slight suring.

if its the pump, how much work is involved to change it for a new one?
found some on amazon for around 110£.
not sure if i have to go for omega or if there any other cars are the same.
for example wishbones interchangeable with vectras etc.

the thing is, i am about starting a new job this month and need the car, so i dont have much time to get it done.
the less work the more chances i have someone can fix that.
for a reasonable price.

defo not vauxhall.

if i remember when i drove of there was a rubber burn smell, but not sure from the car or the surrounding place i was at the time.
no burn smell when i was at home.

Omega General Help / Re: Steering / Help please urgent
« on: 15 March 2015, 00:20:12 »
thats great. NOT.
thats all i need. a new is bloody expensive plus the fxxx work required. nobody can do it straight away.
i hope not.

i have a look in the morning and hopefully can determinate anything.

Omega General Help / Re: Steering / Help please urgent
« on: 14 March 2015, 22:24:26 »
ill have a look tomorrow.
belt is there and is running.
with torch i could see all agregates running, nothing stopped.
i only know about the noise becaue i had to drive home.
no overheating no waterleaks, no oilleaks.

ill see when its daylight.
hopefully something easy to fix.
otherwise a new car very quick - dont like driving hers. to small. yuk.

thanks so far. ill keep posted what i find out in the morning.

Omega General Help / Steering / Help please urgent
« on: 14 March 2015, 20:21:19 »
just coming home from work. stopping to let a mate out the car, when i drive in reverse off to get out the drive,  it made an awfull grinding and surring noise ,
no powe-rsteering and after a second it only make a surriiinnnnggggg noise which is louder when the acceleration is pressed down. more speed louder and faster surring noise.
no power-steering at all.reservoir is full.
what is this problem ? i had no problem with the steering before at all, no indication.
don't tell me its worth a new car. lol

General Car Chat / Re: cheap grills
« on: 14 March 2015, 05:49:13 »
i bought a irmscher imitation on flebay.
similar to the one you after.
car is silver. don't look bad.
[img<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo Aviary Photo_130705703490957179_zpsx5t6rc3b.png"/></a>]http://[/img]

( hope one of the link worked )

i tried mutliple rechargeble Bluetooth systems.
they ok but not loud and with music they sound awfull.
i used to have a Bury system 8 too with the workphone but did not work with my samsung so i changed it for a e bay buy - motorola tk30.

fixed installed with connection on car electric and radio ( aftermqrket audio / video system ) and it works like atreat.
even with music and videos over the tab s.
connect all my phones and reacts directly on calls.

General Car Chat / Re: Chassis paint
« on: 11 March 2015, 18:26:02 »
i used to use Plasticoat mixed with underseal and thinner mixed up.
worked well on all car i had so gar. never had any rust.
even holded a rusty audi together, ha ha

guessing the Omega gets some black matt 3 pac underneath this time.

Omega General Help / Re: is there a deeper [problem ?
« on: 06 March 2015, 17:27:19 »
Thanks Guys i did tell him.
now the problem developed further in the meantime.
it screetches too.
hard braking gives a knock and something like a rubber or metall screack.
staying on the brakes and leave the car under distress of being in the position turning the wheel gives a nasty kind of grinding noise with some kind of knocking between.
but no steering feel or blocking. ?????

Omega General Help / is there a deeper [problem ?
« on: 03 March 2015, 01:56:29 »
a workmate bought an omega as he thought is a nice car, and after i  taken him to work he was impressed with it.

in December he had both front wishbones done which costed him more then i paid. lol
tracking was done by same company where he bought brand new tyres.and seems fine. drives straight.
yesterday he told me he has a clunking noise when hard breaking, and it seems the wishbone on one side making this noise.
or can it be something else?

its coming from the passenger side.
now this guy is more then a slow driver and never hit any kerb - even going around potholes and maybe did only 650 miles since the wishbones and tracking was done/

i was trying it in the car park and its as following
reverse and stop, its fine, drive forward and stop - a clunk.
this appears by straight or when turning left or right. by trying it 4 to 5 times it start doing it in reverse too but only on higher speed when stopping the car.

i don't had this noise on mine and as it is so low and we don't have the chance in work to lift it up we rely on suspension until he has time to go to a garage.

any ideas?

he is no fan of Technic or internet and forums, so i told him i ask for him.

General Car Chat / Re: What will stick leather to plastic?
« on: 01 March 2015, 21:40:47 »
I bought a new leather handbrake gaiter and need to attach it to the plastic frame - the original one was stapled on but I don't have anything that's powerful enough to put the new one on like that so was thinking best to glue it on somehow.

Anyone done this?

Think I may have some bostik impact adhesive kicking about, would that work?

i used carpet spray glu couple years back and it was good for 2 years, i sold the car by then.

General Discussion Area / Re: RIP Spock :(
« on: 28 February 2015, 01:22:32 »

sounds sad but i have ALL Starship Enterprise series.
guess they a bit money worth by now.

Whatever happend and Russia decides to do, not one country around is cpapble of stopping them.
who would?
Germany / Merkel ? she is a lying little two faced Bitch which change her ways with the wind.
UK / Cameron ? not any better, he only creates laws for his Business friends and Company owners
                      and he piss his self on his own leg by trouble because he is to scared standing up for his own country
Austria ? what a joke
Poland ? is still under Russias Influence, same as Rumania
France and Spain? there Army is crippled by the EU
Greece ? as said they are there Friends
and so on.

All County's joined the EU to help the poor Country's to get what the rich had due to hard work and investment.
everyone got rid of Army's, Weapon Tec just for the Sake of helping the others and loving the poor in this World, but also every Govt likes to forgets about there own poor people. hmmmmm

maybe a little War is what all them EU joining sad little shit themselves Govt need to clear there Head and see the real Problems before helping other potential threats?

General Discussion Area / Re: Motability scooter insurance
« on: 26 February 2015, 16:46:59 »
that means i selling the one my other half has, because i am not prepared paying expensive insurances to make some brooker happy just for her to go once a month to the doctor. i drive her in the car instead in this case.
oppsing eu applying legislation which makes our life just harder.
all this ruling they doing for themselves makes us hard work and cost everybody a lot money before enjoying life for going to work.
braincaner idiots.

sorry but whatever came in the last 5 years is just a burden instead a relief.

General Discussion Area / Re: Green party sums wrong
« on: 24 February 2015, 18:56:15 »
bloody treehuggers.
everybody should go back to basics to save the environment according to them otssers.
get them out before the start coming in. :(

General Discussion Area / Re: The news
« on: 24 February 2015, 12:25:51 »
When enquiries were made in turkey as to whether the girls had been spotted or not, a local policeman said "They all look the same to me".  ;D

dont surprise me at all.  ;D

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