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Messages - Viral_Jim

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General Car Chat / Re: Land/Range Rover insurance
« on: 23 February 2024, 15:36:13 »
Insurance does appear to have massively gone up in the last year, and is continuing to do so.  Bear in mind that a scratch on an EV is often enough to write it off, and the amount of pointless shit fitted to the front of most cars because drivers cant drive, all makes insurance repairs rocket.

Agreed, at this point I don't think I would want an EV with my own money, for the reasons you've stated. Letting my employer run one for me though, whole different ball game  :y.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 22 February 2024, 23:57:09 »
That's a fair distance (assuming its Paris TX and there isn't another Paris USA I'm unaware of), anything in Paris worth seeing?

General Car Chat / Re: Land/Range Rover insurance
« on: 22 February 2024, 22:19:45 »
Swmbo Evoque has gone from £580 -> £750 -> £975 (as at today, thinking about renewal in July). That's for a 2015 car that WBAC reckons is worth £8650. She hasn't made any claims or moved in that time either. That's purely cost inflation.

This will probably push us back towards a company EV I think, roll two cars (300c and Evoque) into one. We will probably save money and I won't have to lie under either of them.  :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: British Army’s Race Action Plan
« on: 22 February 2024, 10:13:15 »

Given how late the government are to the party about securing critical infrastructure, makes no difference, we're still Donald Ducked!

I don't know how you can be so pessimistic, we've installed the bestest chinese hardware at our most critical sites and the Chinese have assured us that they are super secure.  ::) ::) 

General Discussion Area / Re: Boots
« on: 20 February 2024, 10:06:24 »
PMSL, right on cue, Dominos just pulled up outside ;D

Dominos for breakfast?! Fu£king savages!

General Discussion Area / Re: French lithium fire
« on: 19 February 2024, 14:57:39 »

Had to happen sooner or later
Not doing much for the climate now?

It's all relative.

There's a crater in Turkmenistan that's been burning constantly since the 1980's because some idiot "engineers" set it on fire to burn off what they thought was a pocket of natural gas.

General Discussion Area / Re: Not long now.
« on: 17 February 2024, 22:59:39 »
looking forward to some sunshine 🌞 ✈️🛳️✈️🛳️🌞

What a cracking itinerary, enjoy! I'm very jealous.  :y

I'm 40 this year and between SWMBO being on the unpaid part of her maternity leave and some work on the house getting done we'd agreed we weren't doing anything much.

Apparently she had other ideas and booked us on a week's RCCL cruise out of Southampton in May, I can't wait but I'm guessing you will have the better weather  8).

General Car Chat / Re: Car insurance
« on: 16 February 2024, 11:20:18 »
I usually go with one of the better known companies, probably because I think they're more likely to be easier to claim from should I need to. But I've just been looking at quotes from Go Skippy and other ones I've never heard of. Less than half the price, about time I stopped being loyal to the big boys.

You'll probably find they are just trading names anyway. There aren't that many actual motor insurers in the UK. If you look at money supermarket for example, select a quote and click on the "More" button you can scroll down and see who the actual underwriter is. Chances are you will be speaking to the same call handlers in the same offices, just reading a different script...

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 16 February 2024, 11:12:32 »
More of a this week than today.....
But had the eldests Corsa HIAB'd out a field and recovered home, cleaned it off ready to work out what needs fixing at the weekend :(

Ouch! Everyone ok I hope? You can always bend the tin back into shape, people less so... :-\

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 16 February 2024, 07:27:23 »
Yes Ste, very much performs as advertised, a much nicer prospect than doing the same journey in the Zafira, as we did a couple of years ago. The engine also really suits the car, enough grunt to still move you along nicely even when fully laden.

As with any new-to-me car there are some bits I want to do but overall a really nice result  :y. As a bonus, my father in law is as deaf as a door post, so we sat him by the squeak and he was non the wiser  ;D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 16 February 2024, 00:20:02 »
Drove it just over 1,000 miles in four days. Loaded to the gunwells. Six people, one mobility scooter, one pram, plus a roof box and half the boot full of assorted cr@p.

Managed just under 40mpg and didn't miss a beat. I still need to sort that annoying squeak (reat suspension bush is the current suspect) but overall I'm very happy with its performance  :y

Taking it to the local eastern European hand car wash on Saturday to treat it. It honestly looks like a family of bears has ransacked in the back  ::) ;D.

General Car Chat / Re: New EU directive – no old car repairs?
« on: 08 February 2024, 17:39:34 »
Except that very little of it does *actually* happen.

In this instance, we aren't adopting any new EU law in the way we did when we were part of the club, so it won't apply to us. Also, as far as I can tell we already have a system in this country and have for a long time under which cars (of any age) can be deemed irreparable or unfit to go back on the road, or even unfit to be sold for parts. What used to be called Cat A or B write offs (no idea what they are called now).

So I really don't see what all the fuss is about  ???.

If I had to guess, I would say this legislation is aimed at levelling the playing field, I don't know, but could easily imagine that parts of Eastern Europe have much more lax rules around what can be repaired and put back on the road than somewhere like Germany, such legislation would stop a flow of potentially badly repaired cars making their way back onto roads in Western Europe after having been certified as fit to drive in countries which don't have the same safety standards.

Or it could all be a massive conspiracy. Who knows.... 

General Discussion Area / Re: Police for sale?
« on: 05 February 2024, 09:45:57 »
When he asked what to do to prevent a repeat of the theft when he got his replacement he was advised by the Police to purchase a lead lined box to keep the fob in to prevent the thieves from intercepting the transmission between the car and fob.
FFS . ::)

Exceedingly poor advice IMO. SWMBO's former boss had his three day old cayenne turbo nicked off his drive in a "posh" bit of Birmingham. he had done as suggested and secured the keyless entry fob. The thieves used an axe to gain entry to his home and threatened his family for the keys. As far as I'm concerned they can have the car off the drive, its insured for a reason.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 04 February 2024, 19:58:58 »
Prepped the galaxy for next week's road trip to Paris. Nothing particularly strenuous. Fluids and tyres checked, hard wired a phone charge cradle (I can't abide dangling wires in my cars), UK stickers and fitted my knock-off Thule roof bars and actual Thule roof box.

Finally dug around in the garage for all the assorted sh!te you're expected to carry in order to avoid the Gendarmes giving you a ticket for being foreign. ::)

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 04 February 2024, 13:30:38 »
Also, managed to brick yet another screen in the XJ, FFS.

You and that car really aren't friends atm are you? How did you manage that?!

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