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Messages - Ian_D

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Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 19:04:45 »
I did think about stripping everything down upto the head bolts stage, then let Daz do the scary bits (heads off, and back on + cambelt etc) to try and keep costs down  ;D

Theres about 133k on her. Engine has a slightly noisy tappet when started from cold which only lasts about 5-10 seconds (so im not worried about that), otherwise she still runs fine, and pulls like a train.

James has PMed me with a fantastic offer, however the more I think of it, the costs involved in geting the car to/from his make this route out of budget really.

I may just have to be brave and crack on with it myself. I've got all the tools I need (apart from the timming tools) Argh! I Dunno...!  :(

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 16:48:34 »
Also just had a quick read of the HG how to (Thanks again James)

It doesn't look 'that' bad if im honest.  :-X

I didn't know there was enough room to remove the heads while leaving the exhaust manifolds on.

Guess it depends on costs still though...  :-\

What anyones experience of changing the HG's on the V6?

Omega General Help / Re: Kick Down...
« on: 01 December 2011, 16:39:48 »
If your foot is planted and held down on the kickdown switch, it will rev to just before the rev limiter, then change up.
It makes no difference if its in sports mode or not when your foot is firmly planted too the floor.  ;D

Did it actually hit the rev limiter? As when I first got mine, I sometimes used to see the revs go up and think 'change...change...change' and then I would lift off the throttle thinking it wouldn't change up in time... however if I just left it a fraction longer it would have done!  :y

Omega General Help / Re: MPG??
« on: 01 December 2011, 16:33:28 »
Forgot to say, that was in a 3.0 Auto, so I would expect 35ish in a 2.0 IMO.

Omega General Help / Re: MPG??
« on: 01 December 2011, 16:32:32 »
Mine was doing 32mpg on the motorways at 70ish for 100 miles or so.

That dropped to 30ish on the way back home due to going a tad faster!  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 01 December 2011, 16:30:10 »
Opened the bonnet, topped coolant up again...

Then checked the dip stick and went 'arghhh..... shit!'  ... shut the bonnet and went back inside!  ;D

See the 'Water in Oil' thread!  :'(

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 15:43:54 »
Afraid to say sounds HG  :(
I think it does :-(

Typical, I've just ordered 3 tires from the net (in post now), Just bought 6 Months tax last night, it needs 4 wheel alignment doing asap, and is also over due a back box... and ontop of all that i'm currently without a job  :'( :'( :'( Looks like im going to have a good xmas!  ;D :-X

So, do I break her up (which I really dont want to do if I can help it). Or fix it. However, an R reg Elite with 130k on the clock possibly isn't worth spending the cash on (which I dont really have to spend!). Now if... and its a big IF, I did the headgaskets myself, what costs are involved?

I assume I would need 2x head gasket kits + 2x exhaust manifold gaskets + inlet gaskets and a cambelt kit. (then try and borrow a locking kit of someone too!) I really dont know if I can be bothered if im honest.

PM sent.

If you can get it to Gloucester, I'll do it for an exceptional fee, part of which will go to H4H.
I also have a set of EX manifold gaskets here (MLS genuine ones) which I'll chuck in free to help you out.

Thanks James,

If needed I can get the car there (either driving it - providing it doesnt get worse, or if it 'breaks down' I just call the AA! :-X

Thats actually where I bought the car from! Whitminster IIRC... ;D

If you want to drop me another PM with a ball park figure, I will have a think about it.

For what its worth, is it worth sticking in some radweld / forte type stuff?

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 15:21:21 »
Its what its worth to you really, I spent a fair few quid getting my 3.2 up to spec after it had been stood for a year. Worth it because of the lack of rust anywhere underneath and over-all condition.

Well thats the other issue, been a 98, shes starting to show signs of rust (rear arches + doors) - Now I dont mind doing this myself, but everywhere I go, nobody can match the paint! Its magic grey. And its always a shade to pale, or too purple or something - tried several paint suppliers now too (2k paint too), plan was to try again next year!

If the bodywork was mint, I would be fixing it without a doubt. If its the silver 3.2 your on about, If that was mine, the I too would be willing to spend on it as I know it would last another good few years... however with mine, lets face it, another year or two max... and it would be sent to the sky  :'(

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 15:13:09 »
Water in oil - headgasket failure. ;)

Sometimes with an oil cooler failure, you WILL get some water going back into the oil, but generally this only occurs after it's made a load of sludge in the coolant, so doubt it's relevent in this case.

Is there a chance it could just be some condensation given the time of year? Worth an oil change, and monitoring it?

Worth draining it out, so you can look at it in a bowl?

Not quite right.

Under normal running, oil is at a much greater pressure than the water so the oil is forced into the coolant system. After turn off the oil pressure quickly drops but the sealed coolant system remains pressurised for a period fo time  and hence water can (and does) get forced into the sump. This will happen right from the first stage failure  :y

Thats what I thought Mark, and theres no trace of Oil in the water. Its also had a new oil cooler fitted before I bought the car (around 5 years ago) so I assume its got a stainless cooler in it now?

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 15:10:54 »
Afraid to say sounds HG  :(
I think it does :-(

Typical, I've just ordered 3 tires from the net (in post now), Just bought 6 Months tax last night, it needs 4 wheel alignment doing asap, and is also over due a back box... and ontop of all that i'm currently without a job  :'( :'( :'( Looks like im going to have a good xmas!  ;D :-X

So, do I break her up (which I really dont want to do if I can help it). Or fix it. However, an R reg Elite with 130k on the clock possibly isn't worth spending the cash on (which I dont really have to spend!). Now if... and its a big IF, I did the headgaskets myself, what costs are involved?

I assume I would need 2x head gasket kits + 2x exhaust manifold gaskets + inlet gaskets and a cambelt kit. (then try and borrow a locking kit of someone too!) I really dont know if I can be bothered if im honest.

Omega General Help / Re: Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 14:57:49 »
Yes Tunnie, it is the dreaded 1998 3.0 which IIRC these were more common to HG failure :-(

James, She had fresh oil in her les than 2000 miles ago. (nothing looked odd with the old oil) however maybe the oil was boiling the water off due to it been a slow leak?, and now its leaking more coolant into the oil + the colder weather etc, its not? Just a thought?

Forgot to mention that it had the mayo on the Oil cap (before oil change) - I put this down to condensation + short runs and told myself 'its fine' !!  ;D

Then a week ago, I removed the long plastic bit which the Oil cap fits onto to see if the Mayo would clear up... It hasn't - granted the oil cap doesn't look anywhere near as bad as it did, but the mayo is still there :-(

Omega General Help / Water in the oil... help! (V6)
« on: 01 December 2011, 14:18:41 »
For about 3 years, the Omega (3.0 V6) has slowly been using water - however I've never been able to trace where its gone! We are talking maybe a litre or so every 2000 miles or so. (however it was random, sometimes it wouldn't use any for a couple of months)

Now it has all of a sudden just started drinking the stuff!

Couple of weeks ago I went from York to Leicester, and it used about a litre of water (this was a 120 mile trip - sat at 70ish mph all the way) and then around half a litre on the way back home (sat around 80 mph ish).

Again, there was no trace of where the water was going... (checked for leaks, checked oil etc.. all fine)

However, today I have just topped the coolant up (again!), and the dreaded dip stick is just starting to show signs of water in the oil (the oil colour is ever so slightly pale in colour).

What would cause this? There is NO oil in the water, however there IS water in the oil.

Does this rule out the Oil Cooler, since theres no oil in the water?

I hope its not the head gasket...

Any ideas guys?


Concentrated Acetic acid on the end of your tallywacker, if enough ask I will explain!

+2 + 1+ 2 + 3

= Den, Me + Swmbo + two Grandkids + 3 dogs! Were all waiting with bated breath  :D ;D ;D

Ditto, although I have a suspicion I'll regret asking.. ;D

As for pain - standing on a lego brick in bare feet. ;D

Although I think having my fingers mashed down onto an exhaust stud by a friend with a lump hammer at full tilt was worse.

Well seeing as you asked, I shall set the scene..

At the age of 15 I started to suffer some weird blackout episodes. Medical investigation ensued which resulted in all sorts of weird tests such as brain scans for epilepsy, tumours etc .Part of the tests were some urine tests and I was provided with the relevant containers and was told to collect my first tinkle of the day in a small(ish) one . Cue me at 6 am walking into the bathroom as a bleary eyed, post pubic, semi conscious effort of a human, having been on the lash the night before. Oh sh*t I thinks halfway through and grabs the upside down container from the shelf, now how shall I stop myself pissing on my hand, thats right, jam my helmet in the top of the pot .....SADLY NOT HAVING NOTICED THE SKULL AND CROSSBONES ON THE POT!!!! Concentrated acetic acid, corrosive, do not allow contact with skin :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o.

I shit you not, the pain was like nothing I have ever, and will ever,feel again , sod lego bricks or plugs in bare feet, childbirth and stubbing your bleedin toe, this was neanderthal shit. I looked down to see my sausage literally melting, and I mean popping, spitting and smoking, the whole acid horror film nightmare scenario unfolded before my very eyes but the worst bit a youth, what word will you scream without fail at any desperate moment.................that's right............. "MUUUUUUUMMMMM"

The mental scars took longer than the physical ones to heal!!!
Think that will take some beating!   ;D :y How embarrassing!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I bet it was too painful for that!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D
:-X ;D

is it hard to proof read before posting

(clearly not looking at most of my posts)

If my reply is going to be more than a few lines, I tend to type it in MS Word, spell check, and then copy / paste back to OOF...

General Discussion Area / Re: Amazing Ukrainian Artist
« on: 24 October 2011, 01:09:49 »
Very Good  :y

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