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Messages - Bionic

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 89
Once again someone has made serious sexuall assault allegations that have THIS TIME been proven to be unfounded. Lord McAlpine, the accused,  was apparently never involved at all. The 'victim' has even stated that it was not him and yet the gutter press and tv all had him down as guilty, no doubt as many of the general public did because they believe the rag press and tv, and went out of their way to persecute him. He is suing them and I hope that if there is any justice at all the penalties will be in Billions of pounds against all of those who were involved. I also hope that the 'victim' is alongside those who face the punshment for their unfounded and malicious allegation against an innocen man whatever his political calling!
When will the populace of this country believe in innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Never is the word by what is happening recently when joe public is incited by those few who have nothing better to do than utter, or to publish their bilious thoughts. Could it be that they are trying to hide their own pasts? Mine is an open book, because I too was unjustly accused by a grudge bearing single female parent only to be found wholly innocent after a 12 month life destroying, family disrupting intensive forensic invetsigation, and I have the proof of that from the boys in blue.
Perhaps anyone wishing to comment should have the same type of experience as I before they vent their spleens before any proof is given. The courts are the only justice system in this country and no-one else has the right to pre-judge the guilt of others beforehand.
Hoping for sensible comments  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Another one pushing up daisys
« on: 10 November 2012, 06:39:48 »
 >:( Oh jezzus.....please,please don't tell me that there are now going to be hourly bulletins and the usual never ending repeats of that bum show on every channel they can get it on.
Gods sake corrie fans, he's dead so let him go and have bit of consideration for the rest of us who did not watch it when he was alive and certainly won't now he's gone. Pet names for some of the 'shows' I have heard are Constipation street, haemmoroid farm, *ockenders, and those are just the more common ones. Perhaps if the producers and writers knew how many dislike their products they would start to write decent storylines and hopefully even some new ones and not ones that were previously shown with just the characters switched around!
Its like watching paint dry and ultimately brain death................Who knows they might even bring back the worst of all......Tossroads... ;)

Omega General Help / Re: headlight - taillight check
« on: 09 November 2012, 13:29:34 »
Could be something as simple as a bulb filament breaking then healing again which can happen when the bulb is about to fail. Only to use good quality bulbs is your best bet for long life and reliability. El cheapos are not the same in quality and that is why they are el cheapo.....

Omega General Help / Re: headlight - taillight check
« on: 09 November 2012, 11:03:33 »
Could be something as simple as a bulb filament breaking then healing again which can happen when the bulb is about to fail. Only to use good quality bulbs is your best bet for long life and reliability. El cheapos are not the same in quality and that is why they are el cheapo.....

Omega General Help / Re: Rear Diff or Wheel Bearing Shot
« on: 09 November 2012, 10:59:54 »
I was told by a testing station (not my usual one) that the rear wheel bearings were both shot so I took it home and had a go myself. After a bit of reading I found out that the noise could also be caused by a limited slip diff being fitted and that, when I had taken it to my usual test station who knew the car well, confirmed that that was the case. An easy mistake to be made by testers who do not fully know the specs of every car they test and being testers they believe that they are all knowledable to the point of never being wrong anyway.
Hope that helps you............

General Discussion Area / Re: Jimmy Saville...right or wrong?
« on: 09 November 2012, 10:55:21 »
Seems to be a few who are very quick to judge on what still remain to be allegations without proof. Perhaps they should hold their comments until it is proven which would be a far better attitude to adopt considering that this country was bulit on 'Not guilty until proven otherwise in a court of law'. It is all too easy to slander or libel those who are dead because they cannot defend themselves, perhaps those who do should try to wear the same shoes............would they like it if it were aimed at them? No, they would scream like 'ell!!!!!!!!!!
If he is ever proven to have committed the offences then he should, or more rightly, have been through the justice system prior to his death. Why was he not? There is apparently according to those 'in the know' ample proof so why has it not been brought to light before? All police forces cannot have been so corrupt they all hid the alleged crimes so that only leaves the thought that many of the allegations will be proven to be unfounded and only brought for a minutes fame and /or monetary gain from the gutter press. Time will tell and until then I will not judge.
All celebrities charge for the events they appear at so why bring that up? At the end of the day he raised more than any of them and that is a fact which cannot be denied.

General Discussion Area / Re: What are you doing tonight?
« on: 03 November 2012, 16:02:51 »
 ;D Watching our neighbours fireworks cos they have spent near on 400 quid on them........We will save ours til Xmas now  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D and yes.....I do admit to being a tight ass........ ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Ever been a pallbearer?
« on: 03 November 2012, 16:01:07 »
 :y That used to be one of my jobs for Ginns and Gutteridge in Leicester and I have done literally thousands of them. What is it that you need to know and I will pass on my vast experience if you PM me.
This is no P take either........its too sad for any tomfoolery I reckon.

General Discussion Area / Re: Usual suspects
« on: 31 October 2012, 05:44:56 »
 ;) Don't forget that Rolf's 2 little boys also had 2 little 'toys' so is this how it will escalate?
Consider this.....The Gary Glitter affair caused a massive countrywide which then led to an international 'investigation' which covered and included ALL and ANYONE he had been associated with so why the hell has this latest round of allegations began? Are we to believe, as some are beginning to hint, that there was a 'cover up' on that scale by everyone and organisation involved in it?
I fear that any pop star or indeed anyone who has a fan following will now beome a target for the get rich quick, lets sue, crowd of neer-do-well's who probably have been supported by the state for god knows how long that this country seems to have bred or copied from the ever suing for any reason USA. It will only be those parasitic legal eagles who will benefit once again and probably many innocent victims of the allegations will have their name indelibly besmirched forever. The best that can be hoped for is that anyone making a false allegation is taken by those they have 'named' throught the CIVIL courts and sued for all they have, plus being charged and mandatorilly jailed for a long time, regardless of any personal circumstances, for wasting Police time and also made to compensate for that too by being made laible for all of the Police and prosecution costs.
Maybe hard lessons like that will stop those who are out for a game or just to get a bit of easy cash from the gutter press and cheapo magazines!
 ::) Hm...caused a stir again methinks ;)

Omega General Help / Re: Information suspension springs
« on: 28 October 2012, 16:17:04 »
Whatever you do do it in pairs and not singly! The springs and the shockers have all done the same amount of work and so will all be worn the same. Just make sure that you order the correct ones for your model and that you install them correctly. Buy them new too so you know they are unworn..........second hand ones you take a risk with and may end up doing it all again............
Good luck safe..... :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Windows 8
« on: 28 October 2012, 16:11:34 »
Yes, I have tried it too and was not impressed, I was involved in the pre-test release testing phase too, and like many others who have have decided that it is not for me due to its changes being more geared to the touch screen and tablet pc so I have cancelled the pre-order I had placed. I will, like the others, stick to the stable WIN7. To back that up I have just ordered another WIN7 Home Premium.
I have the idea that this new WIN8 will go the same way as did that lousy Vista.....Millenium, 2003 and 2000! All were rubbish!
Your choice, but have a good tryout first before you part with the readies............
Its on sale now WIN8 Pro for the paltry sum of £25.99 as a download or £49.99 for the retail pack DVD.

Omega General Help / Re: Irmscher wheels damaged by pot hole
« on: 28 October 2012, 16:03:59 »
 ;) Be very very careful cos not rims are pure ally, some contain high levels of manganese which readily bursts into flame and turns to ash.
Best bet is to take it to a specialist rim restorer and bite bullet on cost. The crack means that it now weakened and there may be other hairline cracks you cannot see with the naked eye.
Until then I would take it off and put a substitute on even if the style does'nt match.
Sorry news was not better............

General Discussion Area / Re: MDT Hard Disk Drives are rubbish
« on: 27 October 2012, 15:00:17 »
Hmmmm, Seagate have been taken over by MTD I heard so the failures are no real surprise if that is true.....
 ;) My problem is that I take great care of my drives and they are never subjected to any shock, damp, or temperatures outside their parameters. They are all kept in a safe environment in protective cases. Looking at the many adverse comments on the various forums there are quite literally hundreds who have had failures of MDT drives for no apparent reason and they can't all have abused the drives when some who have commented are professionals with the industry.
I certainly will not trust them again cos one had been made in China, the other in Malaysia and the last from Korea. All therefore could not be the same batch and I reckon the drives are inherently suspect. No wonder they are cheaper and that was my will never happen again though. MDT you can shove where the sun don't shine......Fortunately I have other backups on a couple of WD 500Gb and a WD 1Tb MyBook so nothing was lost.
Postie has just delivered my new 2Tb WD My Book so I can get all my movie collection onto that now.....and salvage the lesser one to another task, probably into my laptop in place of the 750....
Paragon Drive clone here I go... ;)

General Discussion Area / MDT Hard Disk Drives are rubbish
« on: 27 October 2012, 13:47:39 »
Word of advice from me about these really unreliable and nasty drives.....THEY DO NOT LAST!
I bought 3 of them, all new,  2 of 320gb and a 250gb to use in my backup external drives and after 4 months all of them have failed........none will recognise and all they do is stutter. I have ran every disk repair program I know and they remain duff. Even a data recovery firm said that they had loads of them in so that says something I reckon.
I had a looky on the pc techy forums and other ones and all say the same thing....DO not buy them, you will regret it sooner than later.
Now to look for another few WD, samsung or Hitachi ones that I know can be relied on....
My lesson has been well and truly learned. ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Is this Loo Knee's new 4x4?
« on: 27 October 2012, 06:50:54 »
 :D ;D
Ain't seen it yet but I will have to keep an eye out next time I go up this one teaching someone to drive or just trying to save someone fuel costs? Its a novel idea you have to admit  ;D ;D ;D ;D

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