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Messages - PhilRich

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 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :y

General Car Chat / Re: Aldi car parking fine.
« on: 09 June 2015, 14:43:42 »
Myself & swmbo have been the victim of the 'Double Dip' phenomena mentioned in that link from Jimmy, not one or twice but SEVEN times, always at our local ASDA store and from Parking Eye! We argued that the cameras must be faulty, Operator error etc, etc but each time ASDA refuted this although they did get the tickets cancelled after the third occassion in only two weeks! When they still kept coming, I asked for my complaint to be escalated to ASDA Head Office and threatened to sue them for harassment and distress as they employ Parking Eye as a Direct Agent. Suprisingly we have had no further trouble since ;D
My advice would be DO NOT engage with Parking Eye in any way until after approaching the Manager of the store involved and taking the matter up with them and their Head Office if necessary. Do not be fobbed off with excuses such as ' we have nothing to do with the Parking Company', or 'There is nothing we can do you must take it up with the Parking Company directly', this is BS, but you must be willing to stand your ground and let the Supermarket know you hold them responsible for the predicament you find yourself in and expect them to solve it! Good Luck with it Opti  :y

General Car Chat / Re: This one looks good to me.
« on: 18 May 2015, 21:22:30 »
That's lovely shiney paint on the rear arch ^^^^^^  ;D

Yes looks recent and a lovely orange peel texture too! ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Another Snowden?
« on: 18 May 2015, 19:37:08 »
The guy cannot put together a grammatically correct sentence so how the hell did he get the qualifications to be let loose anywhere near a technologically sensitive bit of kit as an SSBN in such a responsible job :-\ THAT ls the frightening bit for me!
If anyone thinks for one second that the highly trained Officers and crew of a Nuclear submarine are going to put their lives and their boat at risk unnecessarily for ANY reason, they need their bumps felt. He may well have genuine concerns for the perceived lack of Security but this is not the way to address it! 
  Granted, in my day you needn't go far to find a fair few Ratings knuckledragging their way through a Commission (and the odd Officer too!). I've seen equipment/armament manned on occassion by bods you wouldn't let anywhere near a hot spoon never mind stuff lethal to life and limb but incidents were dealt with through a tried & tested system of checks and balances evolved over time to maintain the Status Quo. Any man has the right to approach his seniors all the way up the chain of command to the Captain and beyond if necessary to air his grievences! We learned very early on to 'Do your duty first and air your grievances afterwards at an appropriate time', and most importantly, 'If you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined'! ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Renewing a driving licence
« on: 18 May 2015, 16:49:25 »
Expired mince is still perfectly edible in a curry, waste not want not ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Big day for that STMO chappie.
« on: 23 April 2015, 21:21:37 »
'snot funny.

Bo gie yes it is...

All together now!...........Oh no it'snot ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: First day today...
« on: 23 March 2015, 13:02:20 »
Best Wishes for the future Al! :y

Omega General Help / Re: poer steering pump change ?
« on: 15 March 2015, 19:19:36 »
This place is Simply the Best!

Glad to hear you're all in one (big) piece Jason ;-)

Omega General Help / Re: Advice please
« on: 14 March 2015, 22:24:49 »
Get rid! You will only be throwing good money after bad believe me I know!!! After 3...yes THREE 2.2's all blowing headgaskets more than once plus gearbox problems I wouldn't have one given free! Stick to the full fat V6 versions

General Discussion Area / Re: Brazilian Wandering Spider
« on: 13 March 2015, 20:20:40 »
If this spider bites a man it gives him a 4 hour erection! :D
The downside is it kills you after two hours ???
What a bloody waste of a good stiffy! ::) ;D,d.d24&cad=rja

Now when did you last have one of those................... :D :D :D

Sadly i've never been bitten by a spider, Brazilian or otherwise but I live in hope and we are doing all our shopping at Tesco now to shorten the odds :y ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Oh Cock!
« on: 13 March 2015, 20:16:21 »
I really feel for the lad :(
He started out with a 12" black mamba and has ended up with a 4" white slug. Mind you, he can still take thepiss, only not as far :y ;D ;D ;D

Omega General Help / Re: Offer of work
« on: 13 March 2015, 20:05:36 »
That would mean going to ..........Hartlepool.... :o

The Riviera of the North ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: LPG
« on: 12 March 2015, 22:11:31 »
From recent personal experience, the DVLA at Swansea are now asking for written confirmation of the Lpg installation from the 'Garage' that fitted it!

For what reason Phil?  ???

I don't know Tig, I transfered ownership of my Lpg'd Omega estate to my youngest lad & sent off the amended V5. We received a letter from DVLA saying that they were retaining the V5 until we provided written confirmation from the 'Garage' that had installed the Lpg!  As I had installed it myself but not had it inspected by an UKLPG 'Approved' Installer I was told that the V5 would not be issued until the Install had been inspected and 'Approved'. The cost of this here is £175 plus Vat  :P

General Discussion Area / Re: LPG
« on: 12 March 2015, 21:48:47 »
My insurance company (lv) stated they didn't require any paperwork ref lpg for my last lpg car

Was your car on the official register James?

There is no 'Official Register' Kate, The shysters who set up the UKLPG Register like to style themselves as the only proper register of Lpg converted vehicles but they have no 'Official' ie Government backing. They are simply a UK Company with a database of vehicles converted by Affiliated Installers. Unfortunately they appear to be recognised as an 'Official' body by some motor insurers :(
From recent personal experience, the DVLA at Swansea are now asking for written confirmation of the Lpg installation from the 'Garage' that fitted it!

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