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Messages - x25xe

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 [56] 57 58 59 60 61
General Discussion Area / Re: Is there a spell checker on here?
« on: 09 November 2006, 14:31:13 »
Yoo cood all ways purchiss a dikshunery from WH Smiffs ;D ;D

Nice one!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Website temp fix
« on: 08 November 2006, 15:23:37 »
I too have noticed the slower response times of late.  Seems MUCH imporved today though.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Thought I'd share my handy work!
« on: 05 November 2006, 09:46:39 »
Nice one.  I've always fought shy of body work and painting.  You must be chuffed with the result.

General Discussion Area / Re: Classic Cars
« on: 27 October 2006, 11:59:52 »
Great to hear about the Rootes cars!  Glad that the Imps are still making an appearance at Linwood.  Mijfife, you will be able to see the pics of the inside of the factory - I found them very interesting and even considered taking a trip up there myself, although a little far from Heathrow!

Tony, The holbay engine is quite sought after, I had a mate who had it in a Humber Sceptre.  Very nice car that was.  Hunters were very good for their time - much better built than the Cortina for example.  It is a real shame that Rootes demised.  Who knows what machinery they would be turning out today?

General Discussion Area / Re: Classic Cars
« on: 26 October 2006, 14:38:01 »
Hi Mijfife

REALLY enjoyed looking at the pic of your Imp.  A great car!  As for the BS Nymph what can I say?  Great and you are to be commended for doing all the work yourself.

As you are in Scotland, have you ever travelled to Linwood to see where the Rootes factory was?  Parts of it still remain and the old machine shop still stands.  There is a web site, which shows the factory and inside it. This is the site's home page:

There is also another fairly good site,

I am somewhat of a Rootes fan.  As a boy my dad had a Hillman Minx (the Hunter or Arrow shape) and this went round the clock twice - unheard of in those days.  I remember the vynal seats that you stuck to in the summer and were too cold in the winter.  It had a strip speedo.  Those were the days!

Wish you luck and enjoyment with the Singer and BS Nymph.

General Discussion Area / Re: Getting help...especialy via VXON
« on: 26 October 2006, 12:31:18 »
I would not tar all of them over there with the same brush.

There are a few decent souls over there who are helpful, but alas they are not the ones running the site!

There is still a very strong cliquey atmosphere there, and if you are in the clique, great. if not... well I guess you have to look elsewhere.

Personally if I wanted a Trade Club card I'd join Autobahnstormers. ;)

Agreed and I thought of joining Autobahnstormers too!

General Discussion Area / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAIDBACK
« on: 19 October 2006, 15:28:42 »
Have a good one mate!  It will be me in 8 years time!

General Discussion Area / Re: Great advert!!
« on: 11 October 2006, 22:43:25 »

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Project - battery charging
« on: 08 October 2006, 20:30:43 »
Seems a good idea to me - BUT what Ronnie says is correct - you should never charge a battery with the alternator still connected.  You could always put a diode in line with the alternator output in order to prevent any back flow, but you would need a heafty one (+ 120AMP) which I doubt is even available.  You could also use a switch, one of those battery security switches would be ideal.

However, for all the hassle is it worth it?

What about one of those solar panel chargers - does anyone know who they get around the alternator problem?

Another answer is you could always fit a bigger battery meant for a deisel.  These have a higher AH rating which means they are better suited to periods of non use.

Hope this helps

General Discussion Area / Re: Good luck Mr McB (again)
« on: 04 October 2006, 11:25:41 »
Nice one mate - hopr you have a nice steady supply of pupils!

General Discussion Area / Not the Omega but a successful weekend
« on: 01 October 2006, 18:58:32 »
As some of you may know I am responsible for the upkeep for two minibuses for the local Scout Group.

This weekend has been very successful in so far as I have changed the oil and brake fluid on one and fixed the spare wheel back, along with engine undertray.  That was yesterday.

Today, I have fully serviced the other bus, including a brake fluid change.

Time taken?  About three hours per vehicle and most of that was spent fiddling with the brake bleeding kit, plus getting all the tools, jacks and stands out and putting away again!

Still, I am quite satisfied with this as both vehicles will be off to Blackpool in a few weeks time.

General Discussion Area / Re: Omega Limo!
« on: 01 October 2006, 20:09:32 »
I have seen a funeral company operating "stretched" Omegas.  Saab and Volvo also do them.  I am sure that other car manufactures also offer similar vehicles.

The company that has the omegas has the two types - one for the coffin and the other for the mourners.

The funeral directors happens to be next to the MOT station that I take my minibuses to.  As you have to wait an age lately for an MOT, there was plenty of time to have a good look!

Might use this company when I go! ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Are we slow?
« on: 28 September 2006, 22:16:18 »
Just noticed it slow up somewhat as described.  Still, if a backup is in progress, that'll be why.

and why is it that oil filter straps ALWAYS dissapear??  I have purchased several only to have to buy a new one every time I want one!

WHY do people do oil filters up so bl***y tight anyway?

General Discussion Area / Re: Old Fashioned
« on: 28 September 2006, 22:24:27 »
Just spotted this thread.

Swearing on TV is just another way that standards have dropped like a stone.  There is no (or at least seems to be) respect these days.  People just do as they please.

I think that children are exposed to swearing far too much, not only on TV but by their own parents as has been said.  I remember last christmas I was out on the 24th doing my shopping (late i know).  There was this woman who had a trail of children following her.  She was shouting at them at the top of her voice in the middle of the street "come on you F***ing C*****s get a move on. B******s the lot of you".  I was so amazed at this I stopped dead in my tracks.  I simply looked at her and said "people like you do not deserve to have children".  For this remark, she punched me in the chest to the ground!  I suppose I should not have said anything, but I was so shocked it was an "auto pilot" moment.

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