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Messages - tigers_gonads

Pages: 1 ... 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 [589] 590 591 592 593 594
General Discussion Area / Re: halfords tool guarantee
« on: 10 December 2009, 12:43:56 »
just had a word with a mate of mine who's a manager at halfrauds  :y

his advise is go back  ......... call for the manager ........... get his name ........  point out the halfrauds name on it and if they refuse to replace it then phone tradeing standards in front of him and watch him sh*t himself  :y

whatever you do, Don't back down  :y

have fun mate  :y

General Discussion Area / joke time
« on: 28 November 2009, 13:16:33 »
Tiger Woods drives his BMW into a petrol station in a remote part of Ireland. The pump attendant,who knows nothing about golf or Tiger, says "top o the mornin to yer sir" Tiger nods & bends to pick up the nozzle. As he does so, 2 tees fall out of his shirt pocket. "What are those?" asks the attendant. "They're called tees, they're for resting my balls on when I'm driving" says Tiger. break  me" says the Irishman, "BMW think of everything!

General Discussion Area / Re: I Will Survive
« on: 12 November 2009, 12:44:41 »
our lass says mine is infant sized  :y

it's 9 1/2 inches long and weighs  7 pound    ;) ;) :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: gary glitter programme
« on: 10 November 2009, 07:51:43 »
might have to print that off  ;D ;D ;D

love it  ;D ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: gary glitter programme
« on: 10 November 2009, 07:05:33 »
only if admin turn the filters off so people can say what they realy feel about scum like him  >:( >:(

if he's gonna die then its got to be slow and painfull   >:( >:(  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Central heating and landlords
« on: 10 November 2009, 08:00:40 »
As previously mentioned on another thread I have been without heating for the last 5 weeks after the gas inspector broke the boiler.  Maintenance on my property is sub contracted and I have one of their longest running complaints open on their file about this.

The first engineer came and ordered a new fan, a week later it arrived.  It was the exact same fan but it wouldent fit properly.  So a new seal was ordered. That took 2 weeks to arrive, but a different engineer came and said it needed a different fan.  Now they are talking about replacing the boiler some time this or next week.

Hot water is provided through an immersion boiler and they have provided 2 small space heaters for our rooms.  The living room has an electric fake fire thingy.

My question is, does anyone know where I stand vis-a-vis the law and obtaining compensation for this.  I have fallen ill twice since the heating has been off, before which I had only been ill once this year.  There must be something about provision to tennants but I can only find info about gas safety certificates.

i think you will find that as long as the landlord is providing a heating sorce ( space heaters ) and he is making reasonable progres to fix the fault ( turning up ) then you ain't got a leg too stand on mate  :( :(

sorry, i used to work for these wank*rs  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: nws just about sums it up for me
« on: 07 November 2009, 11:49:31 »
Great link, nothing 'not work safe' about it.  All those images have appeared in newspapers in the past.

It pretty much sums up what I have seen in the past 5 years

Agreed G, it's the very least that can be done to honour those whose duty it is to carry out government policy.

Every last person here at home needs to see and understand the consequences of having placed our personnel in harms way – whatever the reason.

going back a few years now but i remember the amount of sh*t we used to get of people at greenham common.   we got called baby murderers and plenty more by the old cnd protesters  :o   what they and alot of the public could not get into there thick heads is the biggest pasifists on the planet are the lads and lasses who are out there getting rather shot at  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: nws just about sums it up for me
« on: 07 November 2009, 10:43:36 »
Great link, nothing 'not work safe' about it.  All those images have appeared in newspapers in the past.

It pretty much sums up what I have seen in the past 5 years

well i've been out nearly 20 years and the RAF was going to sh*t then  >:(

lot of respect for the lads and lasses in the mob today.

it was a lot easier in them days ............... the russians and anybody east of the big fence was the bad guys .............. you avoided the yanks at all costs  ;) ;) and everybody else was friendly ish  :D :D

as for the sc*m in the house of commons ................. lick ar*e ..... kiss babys and line your own pockets  comes too mind  >:( >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: nws just about sums it up for me
« on: 07 November 2009, 09:53:12 »
noted  :y

found that last night and played it too my lad ( 14 years old )
after a brief discusion about my time in the raf, he wants to go into town tomorrow morning for the service.

sometimes i wish he would toughen up a bit but on this i can't fault him.  well proud  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Government Vs Science
« on: 01 November 2009, 17:53:05 »
I commented on this subject on another thread about it yesterday,but I am completely convinced that the government is right.Have seen the results of this so called safe drug up close and personal - its horrific for those susceptible to its effects.

You may be right Albs, although I have found cannibis very soothing, but the main point is that you could say that far more about tobacco and drink which I have seen close up and personal with people around me and in hospital. 

If the Government were really serious about this subject they would restrict tobacco and alcohol far more than now which costs this country untold millions / billions in health treatment, along with police and the courts time. ;) ;)

that will never happen liz, they make far too much money out of it in tax  :y

as for cannibis, don't use it myself but know plenty of people that do including 2 people who suffer from ms.

again cannibis will never be legal because it is too easy to produce  :y

the goverment of the day could never tax it

General Discussion Area / Re: Twitter ?????
« on: 01 November 2009, 20:51:31 »
twitter ????
thats what bird do ain't it ? :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: The Dog Is Truely Mans Best Friend
« on: 01 November 2009, 19:28:06 »
i just tried it and the boots stuck !!!!!

poor dog  :D :D

General Discussion Area / Re: help with tools, electrical.
« on: 29 October 2009, 14:49:54 »
check the conections at the back of the lighting plug and the socket that it is pluged into  :y

if your getting a volts drop then my money would be on a bad neutral somewhere  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: help with tools, electrical.
« on: 29 October 2009, 14:46:48 »
a ring main is where your live / neutral / earth starts at the fuse board and goes to the 1st socket.............. then from the 1st to the 2nd and so on till you reach your last socket then you go back to the fuse  :y

a spur is where you take a 3rd wire ( live / neutral / earth and take it to another socket ( a max of 4 sockets can be spured off a ring )   :y

a radial is where you come out of the fuseboard ( like in a ring ) and go upto a max of 4 sockets then stop !   these are normally on a 15 or 20amp fuse  :y

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