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Messages - steve6367

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General Discussion Area / Re: Feral kids
« on: 11 March 2017, 08:44:15 »
I had a run in with some nasty gobby teenage lads yesterday afternoon.  ::)

It started off with a friendly chat about an electric scooter that one of them had and he said it was £300, then his mate jumped in and said that he had one that cost £1000.  He then asked me how much my car cost, with a laugh I told him to mind his own business.  Immediately this kid of about 14 or so, turned nasty and started calling me a oppsing self-abuser. At that point I just shrugged said "You're a gobby little shite arn't you" and went back inside, where I could hear them talking about chucking a brick through my window.  ::)

Then I heard a noise at the window, and one of them had climbed up onto the window sill and was reaching in to grab the curtain, but he fell off!  ;D  So I went back outside told them to opps off and then got my phone out and went to take a photo of these kids.  The gobby one, as soon as he realised that I was going to take a photo, jumped behind a car and then got really angry, calling me a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce etc etc and that he was going to get his Dad up to sort me out!  ::)  My reply to that was "Yes please do!  I'd love to tell him what a nasty, horrible, arrogant little prick you are! "  :D 

After that though I just stood in the doorway and waited for the little shit to run out of steam.  In the event I didn't get to take the photo, but he thought I had, and kept telling me to delete it as I wasn't allowed to take photos of kids, you're a oppsing self-abuser, oppsing nonce yada yada.  ::)  Now this happened at a rental property I have in South Wales, so I decided that there was no point in winding them up and escalating things, and went back inside as the house has already suffered some minor vandalism since it's been empty.  >:(  Later when I left, I found dogshit smeared on my car!  >:(

Initially, I thought I'd forget about it and ignore them and they'd get bored and go and annoy someone else, but I've decided to report the incident to the Police.  Mainly because no one should have to put up with that sort of abuse from anyone, especially kids, and also if something like the house gets broken into while I'm not there, the Police have had a report that I might have a problem there.  ::)

The point though of my long winded tale is, what are the legalities of taking photos of people/kids?  Although in the end I didn't take the photo because the gobby one was to quick for me, I had every intention of taking it.  If I had, could I have got on the wrong side of the law?  :-\  Judging by his reaction, I reckon he is well known to the local Police, which is why he went nuts!  ;D  My intention was that if anything does happen I could have gone to the Police showed them the photo and said that these kids had been causing trouble....

Makes me wish I could have turned the clock back to 1957 when I could have gone out and beat the shit out of the little bastard and everyone, including the Police would have clapped me on the back and said "Well done!"  ::)  Today though, these kids are untouchable and they bloody well know it!  ::) Little bastards!!  >:(

Sorry again for the long winded post, but I'll be interested to hear what you guys and girls think!  ::)  :)

I work with children and there is certainly an element with the attitude you describe here. If you need to take photos, report the incident to the police and give them the photos and you will be fine. I wouldn't build up a archive of photos on your phone over months then produce them later. If there is someone else around when you take them even better  :y if your worried discuss with the local PCSO first.

General Discussion Area / Re: Caught myself a scumbag......
« on: 09 March 2017, 17:14:56 »
Pleased that ended well  :y

Eurocrapparts seem to be supplying everyone else... And would explain why nothing is ever in stock...
Ah, well, if they supply AGP, that might explain the poor product life of my last one :(

They don't supply AGP.. ;D ;D ;D Lemfoerder do. We can also supply this bush. If you can wait a couple of weeks- they are out of stock in the UK presently. You'll need to find the item as follows: >
Choose make (presently need to choose ) Opel >
Choose model = Omega B >
Choose sub model eg. 2.2 DTI 16V >
Choose category = Axle mounting, steering and wheels >
Choose sub category = Steering >
Choose 'control arm' (?) and this will show the idler bush in Lemforder.

As I mention these are a couple of weeks delivery from order.

Have a look on the site. It's been relaunched and only Lemfoerder and Meyle on at the moment but with many more coming over the next few days. Price match on genuine UK sites if they're cheaper.

Site looks good, but can't see the part referenced following the above flow.

General Discussion Area / Re: New Top Gear.
« on: 07 March 2017, 09:57:44 »
I really enjoyed it, much better than the last series  :y

IT has been noted on here before that it could be a Tech2 setting also.....

On mine the pump can be enabled using diagnostics software so a software issues as to why it does not run with climate sounds plausible.


Both of mine have the pump, it works as I can switch on with diagnostics but never managed to get them to with as you describe - real pain  :-\

Great offer, but the code says its invalid so guess they may have ended it early :-(

They seem to have removed or changed the Link I posted but the Offer and Voucher Code still works

you need to get here - on top of the SELECT YOUR PLAN are two boxes 30 Days and 12 Months, make sure you have clicked on the 30 Day plans (there both the same price, but the Code is only for the 30 Day one) the go to - £29.00 / 32GB / Our fastest 4G, click Choose then appy '+  Got A Voucher?' enter voucher Code I posted above, brings it down to half price.

Note only 1 discount for 1 Sim Order, so check your Shopping Cart Qty is only 1, other wise Voucher will come back as 'Invalid', if in doubt Empty Yoour Basket, close browser and start again.   ;)

Dont hang about if you want one, as deal could go anytime.

Opps  :-[
Did you get one in the end?

Yes ordered one - will open up the option of streaming films when away form home  :y Thank you for the heads up.

Great offer, but the code says its invalid so guess they may have ended it early :-(

They seem to have removed or changed the Link I posted but the Offer and Voucher Code still works

you need to get here - on top of the SELECT YOUR PLAN are two boxes 30 Days and 12 Months, make sure you have clicked on the 30 Day plans (there both the same price, but the Code is only for the 30 Day one) the go to - £29.00 / 32GB / Our fastest 4G, click Choose then appy '+  Got A Voucher?' enter voucher Code I posted above, brings it down to half price.

Note only 1 discount for 1 Sim Order, so check your Shopping Cart Qty is only 1, other wise Voucher will come back as 'Invalid', if in doubt Empty Yoour Basket, close browser and start again.   ;)

Dont hang about if you want one, as deal could go anytime.

Opps  :-[

Great offer, but the code says its invalid so guess they may have ended it early :-(

General Discussion Area / Re: mobile phone
« on: 02 March 2017, 15:25:20 »
I went to Middesboro from York today to buy an omega . got back to York & realised I had left my mobile in the dealers office. he wont risk posting it so its another hours journey tomorrow.  :-[ :y

Good test for the new Omega then  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Amazon prime.
« on: 27 February 2017, 15:42:11 »
I have just received a call back from customer services.

Very quick.....but I could barely understand the 'dark foreign johnny' on the other end of the line. Apparently next day delivery is an aspiration rather than a guarantee. In other words they will do their best but can't promise next day (or any day) delivery.

Not impressed.

I imagine they can't guarantee anything due to the vagaries of couriers - I will say though that we use them a lot and 99% arrives next day, often evening if thats a Sunday. For us very good value.

Amazon offer free postage on orders over £20.

So, in effect, I would be paying £79.95 for some dubious quality viewing with one or two exceptions.

Free delivery is 3 to 5 days, so if speed is important to you (which it is to me) then thats what your paying for  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Amazon prime.
« on: 27 February 2017, 14:21:02 »
I have just received a call back from customer services.

Very quick.....but I could barely understand the 'dark foreign johnny' on the other end of the line. Apparently next day delivery is an aspiration rather than a guarantee. In other words they will do their best but can't promise next day (or any day) delivery.

Not impressed.

I imagine they can't guarantee anything due to the vagaries of couriers - I will say though that we use them a lot and 99% arrives next day, often evening if thats a Sunday. For us very good value.

General Discussion Area / Re: NowTV
« on: 24 February 2017, 22:22:42 »
I Have a 2 month entertainment pass going spare if anyone wants it, Bought it thinking I needed it, Was a none refundable purchase, So it's up for grabs (free)... Only fair way I can think of is first comment gets it. :y

Yes please  :y

Thank you

Will PM it  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: NowTV
« on: 24 February 2017, 22:12:09 »
I Have a 2 month entertainment pass going spare if anyone wants it, Bought it thinking I needed it, Was a none refundable purchase, So it's up for grabs (free)... Only fair way I can think of is first comment gets it. :y

Yes please  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Rust of fuel pipes below boot floor
« on: 21 February 2017, 07:06:29 »
Thanks for the heads up, looks like something worth checking  :y

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