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Messages - LJay

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Been a dull day then Mike, all in all! ::) ::) ;D

Something like that, been a long week this Monday and Tuesday so a bit of a long weekend, school holidays next week, as you know, so should be lively by the end of the week.... :D :D :D

Oh yes, always good to liven things up!  I do miss interesting work, slightly bored of ''normal childcare'' now.  The NHS learning disability call outs were always good for a dose of insanity.

Been a dull day then Mike, all in all! ::) ::) ;D

Hiya Cem, I hope you have been a good boy while I was in prison. Errrrrr.... I mean on my holidays  :-[

Trust you to pop up in a teenage contraception thread ST! :P :P
Well I can't go on the teenage porn ones anymore, that's what put me away in the first place   :-X

Ah so that's why you're gracing us with your presence! ::)

Hiya Cem, I hope you have been a good boy while I was in prison. Errrrrr.... I mean on my holidays  :-[

Trust you to pop up in a teenage contraception thread ST! :P :P

General Car Chat / Re: Another notch on the bedpost
« on: 07 February 2012, 19:40:26 »
the male mantra for self preservation is    " only MY wife is ALWAYS right.....    even when she's not....."

therefore,  from TB's perspective , or mine,     you cannot always be right......     :y :y :y  ;D

(gets coat, puts on hard hat and ducks behind nearest upturned table....   )

Think you're out of order but what would I know....apparently....I'm a woman therefore always wrong! >:(

No need to be patronising you know. ;)

General Car Chat / Re: Another notch on the bedpost
« on: 07 February 2012, 18:28:55 »
...and yes, get yourself checked over. Log the aches and pains.

Yep. I know you don't like "bollock fondlers" but well worth making sure any injuries are checked out.

I think he's just scared he'll enjoy it! ;)

Seriously though, whiplash needs treating or you may be in to long term problems, loss of mobility being one.  Don't be a baby!

for a change Jaime,  she's actually right  !!!!!    take note !!!!   

 :y 8) ;D

gonna nag you till  Mrs TB says you've been.......      >:(

Oi!  Excuse me!  I'm always right!  Cheek of you anyway! >:(

General Car Chat / Re: Another notch on the bedpost
« on: 07 February 2012, 08:39:19 »
...and yes, get yourself checked over. Log the aches and pains.

Yep. I know you don't like "bollock fondlers" but well worth making sure any injuries are checked out.

I think he's just scared he'll enjoy it! ;)

Seriously though, whiplash needs treating or you may be in to long term problems, loss of mobility being one.  Don't be a baby!

General Discussion Area / Re: Who's got snow then?
« on: 06 February 2012, 22:32:29 »
What's the point in a Wales with no snow?
Sheep. Rain. Sheep.

Get enough sheep and I suppose you could pretend they're snow! ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Who's got snow then?
« on: 06 February 2012, 19:19:34 »
I'm feeling a bit let down!  We live in wales, within spitting distance of a mountain and not one flake of snow has fallen!  >:( What's the point in a Wales with no snow? :(

Now fog....there's another matter! :(

General Car Chat / Re: Another notch on the bedpost
« on: 06 February 2012, 19:16:10 »
As long as you're ok TB, the car can be replaced.
Not entirely sure it can  :'(, no luck so far in my search.

Meant in so much as it's a metal box versus an irreplaceable TB!  :-*

General Car Chat / Re: Another notch on the bedpost
« on: 06 February 2012, 18:10:02 »
As long as you're ok TB, the car can be replaced.  Love to Mrs TB too, know she's gutted as well as being relieved.  :-* :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: suffering bad with man flu
« on: 02 February 2012, 21:44:55 »
Can't believe how rough i feel just trying to turn the tv over is extremely hard work. its times like this i wish i was still married but just have to do my best i guess. i If i don't make it, it would be nice to have a convoy of omegas on my funeral proscession.  :'(

Some facts about man flu

Get a grip, you have a cold! :P

easy for you to say seeing as women only get girlie sniffles. i won't even make the pub tomorrow now. i might have to go and stay with my x wife its that on me last less i think.only a man can understand how life threatening this is.

Poor woman!  Reckon she'll be thrilled at having a pathetic snivelling bloke cluttering up the place! :P :P ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: suffering bad with man flu
« on: 02 February 2012, 21:34:19 »
Can't believe how rough i feel just trying to turn the tv over is extremely hard work. its times like this i wish i was still married but just have to do my best i guess. i If i don't make it, it would be nice to have a convoy of omegas on my funeral proscession.  :'(

Some facts about man flu

Get a grip, you have a cold! :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Just putting the record straight
« on: 02 February 2012, 21:33:04 »
Surely, if you know where all this started from, you would be better taking it up with them than dropping cryptic clues all over the forum. ???

As long as you and yours are ok hun, who cares what anyone else has to say.  Stuff them. :-*

General Discussion Area / Re: Elsenham station crossing deaths
« on: 02 February 2012, 08:46:20 »
Sad as it is and I've not read the details.

The fact is you can make it fool proof but you can't make it idiot proof! 

Warnings are there for a reason and if a 14 year old decides to ignore them then that, ultimately, is their responsibility.  Kids of that age often have an air of invincibility about them, walking out into traffic etc., who's to say that didn't apply here.

We have a level crossing about half a mile away which is regularly closed to pick up bits of people, sad but their decision.

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