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Messages - PhilRich

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Caught my imagination! ;D ;)
Btw, what were the two in the front doing, i'm afraid my attention was focused erm elsewhere :-[ ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Taxi Drivers & Health & Safety
« on: 12 March 2015, 18:25:40 »
What sort of cab was it Phil?

I gather it was a hackney, as you mention it was a rank...

Were they London type taxi's?

No TD, all the taxis in this town are painted yellow and the vast majority are Octavia saloons and they can only pick up passengers in the town centre at designated Ranks. There are no individual Company markings or telephone numbers etc, just the Council Registration badge at the rear and Registration Number on both front doors.

I've still got a niggling feeling it's the throttle body flap :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: Taxi Drivers & Health & Safety
« on: 12 March 2015, 18:11:55 »
Here are the circumstances:
Got a telephone call this afternoon from my sister in law in a bit of a state. She has Cerebral Palsey & walks like a badly strung puppet, Mother in Law is 87 & has arthritic knees and can only walk a very short distance unaided. She has a lightweight folding wheelchair of the push type with small front & rear wheels. They had been out shopping & their usual Company had no cabs available for an hour so they went to the cab rank where the front driver was in conversation with two other cab drivers. When they approached him he said he would not take them because he was not allowed to lift wheelchairs because of 'elf & safety'. The two other drivers turned their backs on them & got back in their cabs. They approached other drivers in the line but were told they had to use the cab at the front! By this time they were cold, embarrassed and distressed and called me. What's happenened to Common bloody sense & Decency these days? You can lift this type of chair with one hand ffs! >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Top gear suspended.
« on: 12 March 2015, 16:48:32 »
Nice One Andy! :y ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Taxi Drivers & Health & Safety
« on: 12 March 2015, 16:42:34 »
Can any of our Taxi Driving members enlighten me regarding health & safety Legislation preventing them from lifting a folding wheelchair into the cab boot ???

General Discussion Area / Re: Top gear suspended.
« on: 11 March 2015, 16:03:00 »
Jeremy clarkson is a lucky bloke in being able to play the no nonsense black or white Alf Garnet, Mr Rigsby type of hero we used to look up to and laugh at.
The fact that a whole swathe of dim witted -pc correct at all costs, liberal limp wrists don't find him funny says more about how wanky our society has become and how they don't get the joke  >:(
Or more importantly how we have allowed the joke not to be funny anymore for fear of upsetting some insecure self appeasing minority who lets face it are there to be targeted due to there constant whingeing about being a victim.
I get the piss took out of me all the time for some of the things I come out with when i'm working, out in the pub, by my lad and mates etc and I actually take it as a compliment.
Nobody is really offended.
Its just a bloke been daft and having a laugh.
not an insult like it seems 95% of todays society.

All you liberals out there are to blame 
Humour - no taboos
Its the only thing that keeps us sane
(well some of us anyway)

Sadly that is an absolutely spot on assessment of the Multicultural Britain of today TG :(

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 11 March 2015, 14:35:48 »
Well went back to getting Miggy ready for MoT, just got started on welding the rear arch when the oppsing heavens open.... pissed off...!!!

Might put the welder into a plastic bag and try not to get electrocuted.....

Don't you mean pissed ON minifreak ;D ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Well, it's finally happened
« on: 10 March 2015, 18:36:20 »
I think he should be replaced with a nice Lady  :)

Sabine Schmitz?

Nah, now if you'd said Lizzie Zoom.................................................. :P ;)

Thanks TB. What do you mean by MEMS 3?

Modular Engine Management System  :y

I don't know anything about the Rovers but is yours Fly by Wire or throttle cable? If the latter it may be sticking or maladjusted slightly stopping the throttlebody air flap from closing properly :-\

General Car Chat / Re: Huge thanks to Marks DTM
« on: 09 March 2015, 14:17:45 »
Sounds like Mark has done a Sterling job for you Jimbob as for so many others :y

General Car Chat / Re: part numbers wanted
« on: 09 March 2015, 14:11:23 »
If the V6 & 4 pot have the same rad sensor then the part No. is 12992783, if not, then take no notice of me as i'm getting worse by the day! ;D :y

Pay a plumber you tight sod.

£500 tops. :)
Pot, kettle, black.

Yes. But you have disposable wealth I can only dream of.

It's not nice being poor, cold and hungry. :(

You forgot incontinent! ;D ;)

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