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Messages - 78bex

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Got sun burnt ears, or is that another symptom they`re not telling us about  ???
No headache, dizziness or loss of smell & taste just yet, just these funny ears   ::)

Thinking about riding down to the beach with the team, but can`t  cos it`s the law  :'(
Heard a minister say: if you go out shopping etc be back within the hour
Bloody neighbors have been out all day, delivering much needed supplies apparently  ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Labour leader
« on: 05 April 2020, 01:46:09 »
Angela Rayner is the deputy.  If Starmer tries to take Labour towards the centre ground expect fireworks from her!  :)

Handsome woman & likes to put her locks up in a pony tail  ::)
If starmer just pulls that pony tail & whispers in her ear occasionally,  she`ll soon come to heel.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown Time Is upon us
« on: 03 April 2020, 22:14:20 »
Used to go to school with a Chinese kid, his Dad owned several companies in the area.
He told me once that it was bad to whistle, cos it invited the evil spirits to visit you.
Another bit of advise was to eat dog meat if you have the fever
A very old lady lived in a back room & only spoke Chinese

Then one day without warning the family just moved & at the age of 10 I really missed my little buddy  & months went by & then  I got a postcard from NY city  :o the whole family were now in the US. that Christmas he sent me a one dollar bill which I`ve still got somewhere :)
Bit of a ramble, I wonder what he`s doing today  ???

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown Time Is upon us
« on: 29 March 2020, 00:54:19 »
Can`t think why we panic bought huge amounts of bog roll  :-\ Oh well can always start reselling it on Ebay  ::) Our local Tesco seemed to have most items available again.
Couldn`t resist adding to our soup mountain, I do like Heinz spring veg yum yum
I ordered the girls to buy 3 tins each & we soon had that shelf cleared again :y

Omega General Help / Re: timning belt
« on: 22 March 2020, 13:34:11 »
I love fiddling with my Desmond   :-X  always good to be open about these things  :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: T/V licence for over 75s
« on: 13 March 2020, 00:43:13 »
My Uncle soon to be 80 Yrs  :) , say`s the Beeb ain`t  getting one penny of his pension
I can`t see this going well for the old boy  :(
He say`s the money will just be spent on queers   :-X :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: ..few..
« on: 17 February 2020, 00:41:04 »
 I`ll feed me `orse with some `ay from that vield.  As a kid I used to stay with my great uncle  close to the New Forest.  I rarely here that Hampshire accent now that my Mum has passed  :(

General Car Chat / Re: Any opinions of the Vauxhall Insignia?
« on: 06 February 2020, 01:44:37 »

VED rate   Band H
Annually   £235.00
Six-monthly   £129.25
Six-monthly Direct Debit   £123.38
Monthly Direct Debit   £20.56
CO2 emissions   169 g/km

Date of registration   28 Mar 2017

MOT history
Date tested 7 January 2020 PASS
Mileage 30,714 miles
MOT test number 5682 2532 0751
Expiry date 6 January 2021

General Car Chat / Re: DeLorean
« on: 05 February 2020, 21:57:17 »
I wonder if they`ll keep the old Lotus chassis design  :-\

General Discussion Area / Re: Terrorism
« on: 03 February 2020, 23:19:57 »
Overheard in my local chinky takeaway tonight while waiting for my order ......
"Ooh that was frightin wan`t it lovey, you know the police had to kill that terrorist chappy"
Ali who owns the shop ; "shootin is too good for those bastids"  :o

General Car Chat / Re: Aaron's Cobra build blog
« on: 31 January 2020, 14:12:22 »
That's half the problem, I think - money has been tight recently and I feel like I'm constantly spending money (even if it is only £30 here, £30 there.. or £300 and £100 in the case of the prop and header tank) and getting nowhere..

There must be someway of generating more cash  :-\
Bloke at work rents out his driveway, but there again he does live quite close to the railway station  ::)

General Car Chat / Re: Dumb motorways ....
« on: 27 January 2020, 23:39:07 »
Bandwagon anyone? ::)

 Not at all. Cars are inherently more reliable these days but there are still breakdowns and you need some where safe to stop.
That wasn't where I was going... Smart motorways have always been a bad idea, anyone except the non driving graduates who designed them have always said as much.

It was aimed at the previous post... Always pops up with a video or outrage whenever some everyday thing pops up in front of him and could probably do with learning to read the road ahead a bit better, much like the lorry driver in the clip... :-X

Two things surprise me about the article... Firstly that ONLY 35 people were killed and secondly that there were 1472 ish near misses... I would have expected both to be much, much higher, and can only suggest that the near misses are reported ones and probably only reflect about 1% of the true number. If anything, the saddest thing is that this point wasn't reported as it might educate a few more people (or at least encourage them to read the highway code).

Oh dear ,it looks as if I`m being stalked by Doctor Gollum.  ;D ;D ;D

Come out, come out wherever you are............. he`s gotta be around here somewhere the stench is gettin stronger  ;D ;D ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Dumb motorways ....
« on: 27 January 2020, 23:18:16 »
Bandwagon anyone? ::)

 Not at all. Cars are inherently more reliable these days but there are still breakdowns and you need some where safe to stop.
That wasn't where I was going... Smart motorways have always been a bad idea, anyone except the non driving graduates who designed them have always said as much.

It was aimed at the previous post... Always pops up with a video or outrage whenever some everyday thing pops up in front of him and could probably do with learning to read the road ahead a bit better, much like the lorry driver in the clip... :-X

Two things surprise me about the article... Firstly that ONLY 35 people were killed and secondly that there were 1472 ish near misses... I would have expected both to be much, much higher, and can only suggest that the near misses are reported ones and probably only reflect about 1% of the true number. If anything, the saddest thing is that this point wasn't reported as it might educate a few more people (or at least encourage them to read the highway code).

Oh dear ,it looks as if I`m being stalked by Doctor Gollum.  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Desktop pc
« on: 27 January 2020, 22:43:05 »
I usually buy Dell machines, but they`re looking a bit pricey these days  :-\

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