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Messages - Jukeboxnut

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Omega General Help / Re: Poxy cold weather
« on: 18 December 2022, 12:00:40 »
Usually there is, although I can't  remember what it is but I don't remember a dash light coming on.  It was a fair time ago and my memory is not as good as it was.

Omega General Help / Re: Poxy cold weather
« on: 17 December 2022, 15:28:19 »
The cam sensors seem to fail randomly, often in the middle of a journey.  The car will always start again immediately and carry on to the next failure.  Easy to change on the 2.2 and 2.0.

General Discussion Area / Re: Blackouts
« on: 17 December 2022, 14:38:20 »
We have been going to The Gambia for over 20 years and 6 years ago bought a compound and built a couple of houses, one for adopted Gambian family and one for us for less than the price of a garage here in the South of England.
We have lived there from January to April for the last 4 years and absolutely love it.
Power cuts are no problem as we have a generator and all cooking is done with bottled gas or charcoal.
We also have a bore hole so no water problem.
I love the Gambian driving, just bully your way through or use the local bush taxis, great fun.
Everything is so cheap as we use the local markets, even the bribes are cheap so you can live like a millionaire on a UK pension.
We have used the Serekunda markets which are closer to us with all the sights and smells they have.
Wall to wall sunshine and virtually zero humidity, absolutely perfect.
The only downside is the 5am mosque call but you get used to it fairly quickly.

General Discussion Area / Re: Blackouts
« on: 17 December 2022, 10:14:33 »
Wind power is virtually useless, too spasmodic.
Solar power is no good as when you need it most in cold winter weather there is no sign of the sun.
We are an island surrounded by sea so wave and tidal power is the way to go but no numbnut politician is interested.
I really fear for the future and am seriously considering moving to The Gambia where freezing to death is not an option.

Omega General Help / Re: Poxy cold weather
« on: 17 December 2022, 09:38:30 »
I meant cam sensor, not Crank sensor, sorry.

Omega General Help / Re: Poxy cold weather
« on: 17 December 2022, 09:37:34 »
I would agree that it most likely the Crank sensor.  I had very similar problems with both my 2.2 estate and earlier 2.0 estate and each time a replacement cam sensor cured all issues.  Just make sure it is a proper OEM quality sensor.

General Discussion Area / Re: Blackouts
« on: 09 December 2022, 10:42:54 »
Looks like I will have to dig out my old Honda generator which I bought years ago cheap on ebay and hid under the workbench just in case.

General Car Chat / Re: Tube for vacuuming oil
« on: 09 December 2022, 10:35:49 »
The flexible tube on my Pela is the same as the outer casing fitted to bicycle brake cables.
I have replaced the one on mine (which I damaged) with a spare brake cable outer case cut down to length.  Brake cable is easily bought from any bike shop, Halfords or ebay very cheaply in a wide range of lengths and it is perfect for feeding down dipstick tubes.  I have used it on my Mercedes autobox dip tube several times just a bit slow extracting due to the small bore.

General Car Chat / Re: End of an era
« on: 20 June 2021, 20:03:50 »
One of the main reasons for me buying the Mercedes is the quality of the build, it was the golden era of Mercedes before the bean counters stepped in and ruined them to make a bigger profit.

We have a house in The Gambia and spend the winters there, using the local taxis to travel around because they are cheap and plentiful.  Most of them are Mercedes, generally 190 diesels, 124 diesels and even a few 123 models, there are literally dozens of them still in everyday use.  They appear to have minimal servicing and are driven with very little mechanical sympathy on some of the the worst roads imaginable in the blazing heat.  Virtually no other cars of that era are still running around and I was really impressed by the strength of them, if the Gambians can't kill them I must get one for myself.  I have seen just 2 Omegas in our travels there and both had obviously been immobile for a while.

General Car Chat / End of an era
« on: 18 June 2021, 21:17:20 »
I no longer own an Omega as I have recently part exchanged my much loved 2004 2.2 automatic CDX estate which I have owned since 2007 for a 1993 Mercedes S124 E220 automatic estate.

The Omega has been ultra reliable all the time I have owned it hence I have rarely had to post on this excellent forum and it had just reached 140,000 miles with all original suspension, apart from new front wishbones a few years ago.  The new owner is really pleased with it and has just had it waxoyled to preserve  the excellent bodywork.  I have told him about this forum and hopefully he will start posting soon.

I bought the Mercedes as it was a Japanese import some years ago and then prepared to concours standard by the enthusiastic owner so it really is in mint condition and too good to miss for the price.  In fact it is a very similar car to the Omega in many ways with the same size 16 valve engine and 4 speed auto box etc.  I will miss the Omega very much but I cannot justify 2 cars any more and I still have my wife's Focus estate as a stand in if needed.  The indestructible Merc will hopefully see me out and I will still keep an eye on this forum.  I must clear out my shed soon and sell the spares I have accumulated over the years.

General Car Chat / Re: Goodwood revival
« on: 13 September 2019, 20:48:11 »
I live about 12 miles from Goodwood and would like to go sometime but the traffic jams put me off.  The roads around Chichester are bad enough normally but when the show is on it can virtually grid lock at certain times.  Sit back in my garden, listen to the sound track and watch the a odd aerial display.

Omega General Help / Re: Steering drop link
« on: 09 June 2019, 20:22:30 »
Thanks for all the replies and observations.  Looks like I have an inferior part as it is in a plain plastic bag with no Vauxhall part number on it.  It is a real pity that there are no decent quality items available as I was looking forward to keeping this car for as long as possible because it has virtual no rust and runs a treat.  In contrast I recently bought an old Mercedes estate which is nearly 30 years old and there are still huge stocks of original parts available from the local Mercedes dealer albeit at a relatively high price. 

Omega General Help / Re: Steering drop link
« on: 07 June 2019, 21:44:04 »
Perhaps I should have said idler instead of drop link.

Omega General Help / Steering drop link
« on: 07 June 2019, 21:41:47 »
My CDX estate has now covered 137,00 trouble free miles miles with only the tyres, brakes, battery, exhaust and lower suspension arms being replaced, apart from the usual servicing items of course.  However I recently discovered a small amount of play on the steering drop link.  I rang my local Main Dealer in Chichester and they eventually found me one old stock item for half price which I thought was helpful.  However when I collected it I found that it has  AutoMega Q18-05 printed on it so it is obviously not an original Vauxhall item.  Will this be any good or should I just get a cheapo from ebay?  I have always tried to use original Vauxhall items because they seem to last well.  I have not posted for a long time because the car has been ultra reliable, perhaps I should not say that out loud.

General Car Chat / Re: Omega replacements- what's yours?
« on: 04 June 2019, 16:06:48 »
I have not replaced my 2.2 CDX estate which I love to bits but have bought a low mileage 1991 Mercedes 230TE auto estate as a retirement toy.  It has most of the options, aircon, cruise, electric windows and sunroof etc. etc. and it feels a similar car to drive to the Omega but a bit smaller.  However I can still shove a jukebox in the back so all is well.

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