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Messages - swiss

Pages: [1] 2 3
Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Flickering beams
« on: 25 September 2010, 14:47:40 »
Right, so it's spent the day at an auto sparky's shop and the stalk has been condemned. This is a good thing since, having been through two replacement stalks with no improvement, the wife decided my initial assessment of a bad stalk was wrong - wrong to the point that she did the "I told you so" dance.

Interestingly, the sparky also condemned the headlight switch. I didn't have any complaints about that one, yes it was kinda loose when it should perhaps have been nice and clicky, but it certainly worked.

Now, my mechanic is researching spares. In the mean time I've seen stalks ('tis the cruise control flavour I need) on Ebay for ~£23 or so. These are not, apparently, GM parts but do carry 12 month warranties. Can anyone comment on the suitability of these parts?

Many thanks for your advice thus far!

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Flickering beams
« on: 17 September 2010, 01:48:09 »
Right yes, I have the PDF from doing the water pump last year... thanks for the tip mind, and I'll see about picking up a Haynes from ebay... only things like wiring and trim that I'm worried about, the generic stuff.

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Flickering beams
« on: 16 September 2010, 23:52:23 »
Southampton, I appreciate the offer but I doubt I'd get wifely permission for a trip like that ;)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Flickering beams
« on: 16 September 2010, 23:20:40 »
No-one that I know...

How about this or this?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Flickering beams
« on: 16 September 2010, 22:56:16 »
I wondered about the relay, since AFAIK it's the only other component with mechanical bits other than the stalk.

May I ask where the offending relay might be located?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Flickering beams
« on: 16 September 2010, 22:23:20 »
Hi, apologies if this has been covered before, I couldn't find the issue from the search function.

My main beams have developed a flickering issue. When I have my lights on of an evening, the main beams will flicker as if on a hair trigger. About 90% of the time this happens when the indicator stalk has self-cancelled, but it can also be brought on by bumping over Southampton's excuses-for-roads. The indicator 'method' can usually be avoided by manually re-setting the stalk position (but not always).

Once on - sometimes solid, sometimes flickering - the beams cannot always be cancelled easily, requiring much swearing and jiggling of the stalk, confusing the drivers in front of me and upsetting the local constabulary.

The stalk has been replaced (with a scrappy job, not a new part), no change to the problem. I can't see any lose connections in the steering column. Can anyone suggest what I might look at next?

And while I'm here, can anyone please suggest which Haynes manual would be appropriate for a '97 2.5TD?

Many thanks peeps

Omega General Help / Re: Glow plug over ride / poor cold start
« on: 21 March 2011, 20:42:26 »
Wowser! Just what the doctor ordered!

Many thanks for the advice peeps, will report back with results if SWMBO goes for this option...

Omega General Help / Re: Glow plug over ride / poor cold start
« on: 21 March 2011, 11:49:43 »
Er... yes :D

Sorry, having a blond moment I suppose ^_^

Omega General Help / Re: Glow plug over ride / poor cold start
« on: 21 March 2011, 10:27:49 »
But surely this is my point; if the plugs fire then the car starts without problems. It's only if the engine is already warm enough that the plugs don't fire that it struggles. Therefore I was wondering if anyone has managed to rig the glow plugs to run with every start-up, regardless of what the ECU thinks :)

Omega General Help / Glow plug over ride / poor cold start
« on: 20 March 2011, 23:35:52 »
Hi, struggling very much with the cold start... to the point where the Omega is gonna have to go the great scrap heap in the sky after failing to start out side the kebab shop. Luckily the kebab guy got his A4 and gave us a jump...

Anyway, it fires just fine after the plugs have run but struggles without... is there an easy, cheaty way to fire the plugs irrespective of the engine temperature or is this gonna be a dicking with the ECU job?



Omega General Help / Re: Oil Sump plug Shredded
« on: 08 October 2010, 15:56:16 »
Hmm, wise words methinks. At the moment then that's looking like the most attractive option. Thanks folks for all the advice.

Oh, and I should apologise to the OP for semi-jacking his thread ^-^

Omega General Help / Re: Oil Sump plug Shredded
« on: 08 October 2010, 15:41:00 »
And are a nightmare to change - you either have to lift the engine significantly, or drop the subframe.

Oh? I confess I've not looked at it closely, but I'd assumed the sump just dropped off once it was unbolted. From your post I guess the subframe is in the way.

This would explain why one local garage described the operation as 'quite a difficult job' and wanted nearly 300 squids for it >.<

So would it be acceptable to helicoil it with the sump in place? Naturally I'm concerned about swarf ending up inside it and eating the engine's guts...

Omega General Help / Re: Oil Sump plug Shredded
« on: 07 October 2010, 20:55:39 »
Good thinking Batman!

Hey look, my post count went up by one!  8-)

Omega General Help / Re: Oil Sump plug Shredded
« on: 07 October 2010, 16:25:24 »
Bah, and I got my hopes up and everything :D

I do like the idea of welding a nut*, if I only I could persuade the missus to spend some money on fixing the oil leak instead of shoes and perfume...

*insert smut here

Omega General Help / Re: Oil Sump plug Shredded
« on: 07 October 2010, 12:21:27 »
Certainly with mine it's the thread on the pan drain that's chewed to buggery, I was lucky to get the plug back in there last time...

Once again, if anyone can point me at exactly where I can get a new pan for 35 quid I'd be grateful, my dealer is asking quite a bit more...

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