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Messages - Glassback

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General Car Chat / Re: restoration project?
« on: 19 May 2020, 20:56:11 »
Sheffield Registration.

General Car Chat / Re: Autobahnstormers
« on: 22 March 2020, 12:23:44 »
Admin Edit:
Message removed as it does not comply with our guidelines, sorry

General Car Chat / Re: Autobahnstormers
« on: 21 March 2020, 13:48:11 »
How do I add photos. ?

General Car Chat / Re: Autobahnstormers
« on: 16 March 2020, 22:08:37 »
I was in the Autobahnstomers myself in my Senator days, must be over 10yrs now. I ask because I have some bit's to give away, I cant put them in the for sale section because I don't have enough posts, (I opened a can of worms about 5 yrs back) If any one is interested I will list what I have, just pay the p&p. P.s. it may have to be via pm or email.

General Car Chat / Autobahnstormers
« on: 16 March 2020, 17:39:07 »
Hi, I was just wondering if any one on here is also on the Autobahnstomers forum,

General Car Chat / Total Carlton.
« on: 21 July 2019, 13:11:22 »
Hi, Anyone know what is happened or happening to Total Carlton ? Seems to have been down for quite some time now..

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 20 September 2015, 01:27:10 »
Of course, if people actually bothered to read the rules when they signed up then they probably wouldn't feel so hard done by :-X

This is an example of a busy body, because no one feels hard done by. If they do they have not said so on here..

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 20 September 2015, 01:21:04 »
Three pages of bleating about something that 993 people have had no problem with...


Get over it and move on.

Can't believe this is still going on, such a simple rule & made so clear when signing up  !!!

I have read three pages, and I cant see that any one has a problem with the rules. Its been stated that they may be  a little unhappy with the rules saying things like "A little dissapointed that posts in the test zone dont count " but it's not a complaint, just an observation. but of course the busy bodies jump on this and take it out of context, perhaps they worked as newspaper reporters in a previous life and cant get out of the habit.

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 19 September 2015, 00:22:25 »
Another newbie who doesnt like facts,oh for your info im not a newbie,as such,been on here for a few years now,and have seen so many new members try to sell cars with not enough posts to sell them,as said you did agree to t & c's when joining the forum so abide by them,if not and you think you are so special that the t & c's should be changed,start your own forum and lets us enjoy this forum without your moaning.

P.s dont let the door slam in your face when you exit

+3 ;D

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 18 September 2015, 08:31:51 »
Another newbie who doesnt like facts,oh for your info im not a newbie,as such,been on here for a few years now,and have seen so many new members try to sell cars with not enough posts to sell them,as said you did agree to t & c's when joining the forum so abide by them,if not and you think you are so special that the t & c's should be changed,start your own forum and lets us enjoy this forum without your moaning.

P.s dont let the door slam in your face when you exit

Oooooo that'l impress em,,,good for you..

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 16 September 2015, 23:00:16 »
When you tick the box to agree to t &c's when you join the forum thats what you agreed to,dont like it dont bloody well join,use a site like ebay,gumtree,and many other other free sites .

Ooo get you miss shitty nickers..trying to impress the big boys..

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 08 September 2015, 23:36:16 »
quote//////smoke a funny ciggy   :y...definately and then see double you would only need already said 250 post just isnt a lot if you get involved........5,years on this forum crikey that would only require 1 post a week,how hard could that be..  ;D ;D ;D

It's not about how hard it is to reach 250 posts, some people go all out to reach such a number in a short time in order just to sell stuff. I just like to get on with my life and just have a steady carry on, and visit the forum when I need to. and not come on just to increase my post count...

Test Zone / Re: Selling cars with low potcounts
« on: 07 September 2015, 18:17:10 »
Certainly agree with the low post count bit, I just dont think 128 is low, I think 250 is too high. New members have to spend most of there waking hours in front of a lump of glass and plastic in order to get anywhere, I have been on here 5 yrs. I think there should be a qualifying time as well as a post count, but thats just my opinion....

Omega General Help / Re: Rear seat
« on: 23 August 2015, 17:05:45 »
Will pre face lift fit ??

Omega General Help / Rear seat
« on: 23 August 2015, 10:51:58 »
Hi, I am in need of a rear seat, just the part where you park your behind I don't need the back rest. It's for f/l 2.2 dti cdx saloon, are these seats interchangeable with other models ? for example Astra / Cavalier or are they specific to the model ? cheers...Colin..

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