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Messages - Olympia5776

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General Discussion Area / Re: Head In Sand
« on: 05 May 2024, 13:47:37 »
Those of the Islamic faith are now awaking to the power they hold , they will become kingmakers before becoming king.
Farage is absolutely correct , we now have sectarian politics .
The biggest problem we have is the total lack of interest the lazy Indigenous populace have in using their vote.
They are living a life they have known through Conservative or Labour governments which have shown little or no difference to their day to day life and have therefore become utterly disinterested in the process of election.
We now are on the edge of the abyss of having a third and very progressive religious party who's followers will vote en masse as instructed which will change our comfortable western lifesyle as never experienced .
And the sad thing it's already too late to stop .
I'm as Mr Rog in that it won't really affect me but I do get angry at what I see looming over the horizon and the way that those in power did , and are doing , absolutely nothing to prevent it .

General Discussion Area / Re: Humza Useless quits
« on: 29 April 2024, 23:12:10 »
I think the whole debacle displays the utter greed and grasp of the SNP/Greens and even Alba.
It's apparent that they will stoop to new lows to ensure they can continue to squander the future of Scotland and introduce their perverted beliefs to a populace that deserve so much better .
Last week it was handbags at dawn now fellatio is back on the menu.
If you took time to look at each of the main players in this tragic farce it would become so very apparent that they are all very peculiar people .
When I think of John Smith , Wuillie Ross, Donald Dewar George Robinson et all they were men of principle  who focused on the people of Scotland's well being and future not Gaza or sexual orientation lessons  for 5 year olds .
Save for two or three the current parasites  look ,act and debate like parish councilors .
I left Scotland many years ago but speaking to friends back there they are in a state of utter disbelief at the quality of leadership that sits in that dreadful ,dull and dated building in Edinburgh .
Frankly I believe that the whole assembly  should be deemed a total failure and revert to having a Scottish Executive again .

Just wait and watch the greens call their delusional and perverted  shots again ............

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 15 April 2024, 20:01:16 »
The news that there were another 534 yesterday ........

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 17 March 2024, 19:07:14 »
Why is it that when you lay out the power cable, water hose and HP line to the Karcher power washer gun carefully and all routed separate from each other that within ten minutes it's like a plate of soggy spaghetti with them all twisted around each other  >:(

If it does, its likely that Putin will then carry on into other countries, hoping to rebuild his beloved USSR.

Cobblers. He not only doesn't have the resources, but why would he even want to acquire a bunch of pseudo-liberal shitholes, full of illegal immigrants? (Which pretty much describes all Western countries now). Plus the fact he has never said he wanted to re-establish the USSR. It's simply absurd.

Russia has all it needs in terms of resources, plus the fact that it is a cohesive society with strong family values and patriotism (like the UK I grew up in once had).

This 'dangle berries' about carrying on into other countries is deliberate scare-mongering put out by the globalists and their puppet media. It represents a barrier to the dreams (nightmares!) of a WEF-controlled world. Just look at which Western leaders are part of that cult: Zelensky, Trudeau, Sunak, Mordaunt...the list goes on and on.

America (under Biden) is a far greater threat to humanity. Why had it established 12 CIA stations in Ukraine, along with several bio-labs? Why did Nuland orchestrate the coup in 2014?   

As for my view, I want the UK to return to being a traditional conservative country. The extreme right-wing nationalists in Western Ukraine, with their SS emblems on their fatigues, are an anathema to me...and should be to anyone that lost family members in WW2.


Voted yet ....?

General Discussion Area / Re: Jock cop woke joke.
« on: 16 March 2024, 14:15:49 »
No question the hand of dumza is behind this .
I'm increasingly disturbed at the speed of influence that is occurring to , from and for the shouty bearded men that hate us .
It seems to have went from logarithmic to exponential since the seventh of October last .
I wonder if that date is looked back on as the catalyst of change in their eyes .
I now believe that there is a chance that I'll see the inevitable clash between the indigenous British citizen and those of that faith in my lifetime .

I wonder if Police Scotland will wish us similar at Easter .......

General Discussion Area / Re: Rochdale
« on: 02 March 2024, 15:22:38 »
What an odious and deeply repugnant creature he is .
I grew up in Scotland when he was carving his career in the Dundee Labour party where even then he was an egotistical opportunist , he was universally disliked even then .
He's slowly slipped to the bottom of the pile of merde that he wallows in .
His saving grace (  ::)) is his ability to orate at length which leads the willing to believe that he is profound and deeply intellectual .
In reality he is a charlatan , a bigot and a seriously divisive individual who can "read the room " and exploit the weakness's of his adversaries using any means he can manipulate .
To paraphrase the man ......." I despise him " .
I predict that he will exploit his new found , and fortunate , exalted position and galvanise the Islamic vote in other areas for others to follow / join him in his pursuit of his subversive ideology .

The UK is slowly awakening from it's slumber regarding the threat of Islamisation ...........albeit about ten years too gnikcuf late .

Note to self , explore if Amazon have a Kindle version of the quoran .

General Discussion Area / Re: London under the control of Islamists .
« on: 28 February 2024, 14:49:24 »
I just caused some embarrassment on my walk with the dog. As my wife says, I would cause an argument in a telephone box  :-[
On Grimethorpe muckstack, there are loads of lovely conifers that have been growing for about 20 years, just starting to look full and smell lovely. They're cutting them down! When I asked why,  I was told they shouldn't have been planted in the first place, they are an invasive species. What about these twáțs who come over on boats? I asked. They're an invasive species, are we gonna chop their fùckin legs off?
Silence. I walked off.

Nearly all of which are young men of fighting age. Where are the women and children and old people? ::)

Waiting on their visas to join the young men of fighting age when they are granted asylum ........

General Discussion Area / Re: Not long now.
« on: 17 February 2024, 18:23:12 »
I'm very envious Mick and I hope you have a wonderful time . Your Port of call list sounds beautiful.
You are correct in living for the moment .
We planned our retirement for over 35 years and had many plans to do as you are doing but Sheilagh's series of  strokes took it all away from us .
So get out there and enjoy it  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: What has P*ssed you off today?
« on: 17 February 2024, 00:35:37 »
My nights are 15 hours though.  :)

I did shift work all of my working life and legally we had to have a clear 11 hours rest time between shifts, so a maximum shift of 13 hours.  :y 
On some jobs you can sign away that right, but we were bound by the rules.  :y
When I did the 6-2, 2-10, 10-6 shifts, we were sometimes asked to cover for someone who hadn't turned up, so a 16 hour shift. You would get time and a half for the second 8 hours and, because you had to turn up again 8 hours later for your normal shift, time and a half again. You can manage it when you're young, I'd have no chance now.

Pah .....!
I trained and worked in the Steel Mill at Ravenscraig Steel Plant covering the same shift pattern as yourself for some years .
What you describe was a "doubler " where you stayed on to cover your absent relief . Also ,The rules were that you could "claim " the shift if he was over 60mins late .
That was a fairly common event in the 70's .
The more uncommon , but not unknown , was the " Ghoster " where if you were unlucky or lucky depending on your viewpoint , and your relief and the relief that followed did not turn up you had to stay on for 24 hours .
I had this occur twice in my years at the plant and indeed one of them followed two doublers in one week ......
I can vividly recall being awakend by two Police officers after a member of the public reported me slouched over the steering wheel after I fell asleep in a car park after stopping for an errand on the way home .
In the event of a Ghoster the management were by the third shift aware of your situation and you were given 24 hours off to recuperate .
Payment was time and a half for the 8-16 hours and double time for the 16-24 hours .
It was rough because my/our  responsibilities were the Process and Control Instrumentation over the Strip Mill and you could not just hide in a corner so by the end of the 24 hours you really were at a point of hallucinating .
Health and safety .........nah we never needed that mate ...... ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 16 February 2024, 21:04:02 »
Very much indicative of the depravity of russia .
It's impossible not to draw comparisons with the Nazi party in the thirties.
Fear , intimidation ,propaganda ,lies and disimformation plus lengthy imprisonment and death  if one dares to question or  display anything but slavish behaviour to those in power .

A brave man that knew the consequences of his contempt for putin but still led from the front .

General Discussion Area / Re: Dead Person
« on: 14 February 2024, 00:07:21 »
A lot of happy memories came flooding back when I went back over the years that I listened to him in the afternoon.
When I think about some of his early characters , Sid the manager and Mr angry + he really created a great show .
Another part of life's journey gone , what a shame .

RIP you gave a lot of laughs to a lot of people .   :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: Carlson Putin interview
« on: 10 February 2024, 14:35:27 »
That all may be well and true, but... the interview, or at least the very fact it took place, is a significant event if not quite an historic one.

Such an interview with such an individual is always going to be conditional. It does however show that Putin is prepared to have some form of dialogue and that has to be significant even if you have to take the contents and context with a pinch of salt. Everything he said took place can readily be fact checked.

Comparing it to an Oprah interview with a pair of washed up wannabe celebrities trying to sell books is to do it a disservice. Ok, it wasn't so much an 'interview' as an opportunity for Putin to say his piece without tabloid interference or political bias. In this day and age, that isn't a bad thing.

The last American that Putin spoke to was probably Donald Trump. And yes it's easy to tow the narrative about whom he spoke to and why, at least there was formal conversations had on a regular basis... Keep your enemies close and all that.

I think you meant monologue .
There was no , none , zero significance in the event it was an orchestrated appearance of a man seeking to portray himself as a worthy strong leader to an enslaved and brainwashed populace in the run up to a travesty of an election and Carlson realised that soon after it started , there was no scoop ......

General Discussion Area / Re: Carlson Putin interview
« on: 10 February 2024, 13:02:46 »
He said he wasn't going to invade Ukraine, that was a bit of a porky  ;D

That's why he deliberately termed the incursion as a Special Military Operation, as he answered a request for help from the Russian-speaking populations of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts who had suffered 14,000 deaths from bombing by Kiev between 2014 and 2021.

Talking of lies, declassified documents show security assurances against NATO expansion to given to Soviet leaders [following German reunification] from Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major, and Woerner. That collective lie led to all this.

Oh, and the Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 Accords (which would have kept Ukraine intact) were guaranteed by France and Germany but they later admitted that they had no intention of honouring the Accords. So they effectively lied.

And, of course, following the initial incursion by 70,000 Russian troops, Ukraine initialed the Istanbul Agreement which, again, would have kept Ukraine intact. As part of that, Russia agreed as a goodwill gesture to withdraw troops from Kiev. Unfortunately, Johnson flew to Kiev and told Zelensky not to sign, but to fight Russia instead. Very bad move.

Had the Minsk Accords and the Istanbul Agreement been honoured, Donbass would have remained part of Ukraine, albeit with autonomy governing language, religion etc.

In a little mitigation, Zelensky has been under pressure from the Nazi element within Western Ukrainian society. These openly display the Nazi salute and have tattoos of Hitler and the Waffen SS.

My late parents both served in WW2 against Nazism. I honour their memory by similarly opposing Nazism in Ukraine.

You won't find all that on the BBC.

However, in 2015 (following the coup of 2014), Consortium News reported: "The U.S. House of Representatives has admitted an ugly truth that the U.S. mainstream media has tried to hide from the American people that the post-coup regime in Ukraine has relied heavily on Nazi storm troopers to carry out its bloody war against ethnic Russians, reports Robert Parry."   

/\ /\ /\
This , Gentlemen, is a superb example of how a tyranical ,authoritarian administration successfully operates it's propaganda machine .
Single source deeply biased information spoon fed to a corraled , subservient and intimidated populace , who understand the consequences if they openly question what they have to believe .
It's nigh on impossible for us in the free West to understand the inward almost incestuous vision of those that has been implanted and then exploited by the russian elite for decades .
In some very slight way , I have sympathy for them because if you are spoon fed excreta every day steak may taste awful.
The author of this diatribe above is well known to the forum for his pro russian views and sympathies .
On at least two occasions he has proudly announced living with his russian wife and family surrounded by russian friends so his deeply flawed and frankly nausiating portrayel of the events surrounding putin's invasion of a sovereign state are quite understandable and traceable to their source(s) ......
I ceased engaging with him on this subject some time ago simply due to the fact that you will never persuade or convert  an indoctrinated fool with three paragraphs on an Internet forum.
In a perverse way  welcome his bizzare musings as it boosts my belief that russians are full of self importance , have a state cultivated arrogance in their perceived place in the civilised world and warmly envelope themselves in a slavish relationship with who ever holds the reigns of power in their deeply flawed and corrupt administration.
I often ponder if Jens Stolenburg said " Look , just stay within the confines of your sordid , primitive and unsophisticated country and clip your talons of covert involvement in Soverign states  and we will ignore you ." if it would in any slight way let them understand what we all really feel about them.
That stage managed "interview " was an affront to any person with the ability to listen , consider , fact check and conclude .

And yes , I did watch it .

General Discussion Area / Re: Police for sale?
« on: 04 February 2024, 23:23:33 »
Cheaper than fixing the car security perhaps? ;)

This is a very valid point .
A friend of mine had his 9 month old MB E63 AMG stolen from his house in Guildford recently . Two other cars were stolen from the same street that night with an estimated value of £300 K .
None were ever traced or recovered .
He couldn't understand it as it was locked and the fob was safely in the house and was rather perplexed that such a valuable and secure vehicle ( with a set of expensive golf clubs inside ) could be spirited away seemingly with ease .
Keyless entry .......
When he asked what to do to prevent a repeat of the theft when he got his replacement he was advised by the Police to purchase a lead lined box to keep the fob in to prevent the thieves from intercepting the transmission between the car and fob.
FFS . ::)

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