boxes are not the best,
No shit sherlock

I'm sticking with my Humax HDR, from people who have owned Sky boxes and this - they much prefer the Humax box
Maybe the box is better Martin.
I prefer the channel options though.
In all honesty, if Cable was available to me Sky would be long gone, but thier dish would then be handy for freesat, at sky's original exspence.
Just cant see us ever getting cable. :-/ 
I have two Thomson HD boxes here which now perform without fault since I changed the PSU's in each.
The only thing I don't like about them is the way they have positioned the disc above the system board. The Pace box mounts this, much more sensibily, to the side of it.
Mine is an Amstrad, no issue's with it other than it takes 2 or 3 attempts to power up after a power cut. and the hard drive is tooooooooooooo small, and I cant use any of the sockets, RJ35, USB etc.
HUMAX box will be added at come stage, also a twin Freesat DVD/R, as soon as the sky box warranty tuns out that will get a 1TB drive fitted. Maybe even bigger.