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Messages - Rangie

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 361
General Discussion Area / Re: Abbot
« on: Yesterday at 16:05:13 »
Maybe she has the beginnings of dementia, she has been incoherent on several occasions in the past, blamed it on diabetes.

General Car Chat / Re: Anyone had one or got one ?
« on: Yesterday at 09:56:15 »
basically its a ford KA and as such shares lots of components especially underneath/ mechanically so should be reliable enough for what it is . sister in law had one ( and a KA more recently and had no real issues other than a faulty throttle pedal) daughter has a KA at the moment and it seems to survive the abuse it gets !
it also basically the same as a panda too in lots of respects .
not the most refined of cars in terms of comfort or tyre noise but fun enough to drive .

Thanks for that , didn't realise the KA connection so that's a plus👍

General Car Chat / Anyone had one or got one ?
« on: Yesterday at 07:45:16 »
The new version of the Fiat 500 SWMBO fancies one to keep over in Spain once our villa is finished in July, I'm not really bothered as everything is within a reasonable walking distance for me, so just a little runabout, she had a Fiat Panda a few years back & it so any knowledge on here welcomed.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 30 May 2024, 12:55:57 »
Indeed (28 degrees) where I am.

We're in Crete at the moment with all the family, the more time we stay away from the UK the better, it's become an utter shithole & will only get worse. It's  absolutely spotless where we are & people are happy & smiling.

They're all a bunch of corrupt useless cu**s.

I have lost all interest in politics MPs seem to be either corrupt or paedophiles, we have just returned from Spain where we are buying a villa so will be spending time lounging in the sun & drinking cold beer certainly not worrying about what's happening on the UK.

General Discussion Area / Re: Insurance Renewal Due
« on: 23 May 2024, 07:41:32 »
Last year the RRS was £364 with LV this year's renewal £587 ,no claims & I have maximum no claims bonus, renewed with Quote me happy £255 & I am indeed very happy 😁
As long as I'm legal I couldn't give a monkeys who I'm insured with a 16 year old vehicle will be written off for the minimum amount of damage. So both vehicles now insured for a total of £442 👍

General Discussion Area / Re: Middle East
« on: 14 April 2024, 08:04:39 »
Certainly things are stepping up now.

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 13 April 2024, 18:31:56 »
Cleaned the RRS checked fluids etc, off to collect the "tin tent" tomorrow for a few days away in Sussex.

Now there's some great ideas..😂

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 11 April 2024, 09:24:06 »
Juicy jugs

General Discussion Area / Re: Chemist prescription deliveries
« on: 10 April 2024, 19:27:56 »
What I don't get is...The pharmacists' job appears to be counting. Not sure when it became a requirement to have a university degree to count up to 14 (or multiples thereof)

So it takes at least 2 people 15 minutes to move a pre-sealed box of pills about 3 feet from the shelf where they were stacked to the "customer". You get home, take that day's pills and wash them down with a nice single malt.

The pharmacist's job is checking, not counting. They're checking that the prescription is safe both singly and in combination with other medications, correctly prescribed(the right dose, chemical, amount etc), labelled and given to the correct person before putting their name and reputation on it. It's not unusual for a pharmacist phone the prescribing doctor and read them the riot act about dangerous prescriptions as they have far more understanding of how the drugs actually work, and don't just look up the symptoms and likely drug in  a list.

What you're implying is the equivalent of Boeing relying on the new, barely trained, over-worked employee being able to fit a door panel without supervision and inspection. Or some fool designing his own deep water submersible.

I disagree. 99.999% of prescriptions are pills in pre-packed blisters. Opening the packet tells you nothing. If the pills in the blister is the wrong drug, or the wrong strength they won't know. They don't grind one up to measure it's strength and there is no visual difference between a 2mg, 5mg, 10mg, 20mg pill. Even if there were you can't see through the foil covering the pill in the blister.

At best they are counting the number of pills, and checking that the drug name and strength printed on the blister foil is the same as on the cardboard box. If there is no other pill on the prescription they can't tell if it contradicts other medication. I'm on Esomeprosol, and I soon learnt not to ask for Ibruprofen at the same time coz you get the riot act read to you. Just buy the Ibruprofen later.

In the old days when pills came in a large 'sweetie' jar and they had to count them out into a bottle using that triangular measuring thingy then yes perhaps Pharmacists had a role. Nowadays, nope - simply more NHS inefficiency. Most pills could be dispensed by a vending machine in one tenth the time and a fraction of the cost - especially repeat prescriptions.

I find that quite surprising being honest. Both myself and my wife have regular prescriptions, and the cardboard box containing the blister packs are never opened, and they are presented in the paper bag still intact with the clear seal on the box. This is the same whichever chemist we use.

Exactly the same here mine are always completely sealed & quite honestly that's the way I want them they should not have been opened by anyone other than myself.

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 10 April 2024, 18:58:08 »

General Car Chat / Re: Bavarian brawn
« on: 10 April 2024, 18:55:10 »
Lovely looking car 👍

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