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Messages - biggriffin

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General Car Chat / Re: My Christmas treat
« on: 30 December 2024, 20:08:45 »
It has been plonked in the Garage, it's going to have a vice bolted to soon :o

General Car Chat / My Christmas treat
« on: 29 December 2024, 20:57:44 »
 So I bought myself a Christmas present, it had 50% off, and a bit more after carful negotiations.

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: Cam covers
« on: 14 December 2024, 16:00:30 »
I believe so I shall check at lunchtime :y
Thank you  :y

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Cam covers
« on: 10 December 2024, 12:35:37 »
Looking for passengers side cam cover 2'4'6.
Anybody got 1 please and thank you

General Car Chat / Re: Halfords advanced toolboxes
« on: 09 December 2024, 21:25:09 »
We arrived at circuit for testing, get set up cars ready to go out, drivers in cars, out they go, Car comes back in, there's a metallic knocking, lots of looking, boonets up,boot open wheels off, nothing. Back out, same report, back in Driver out, more investigation,,  spanner under seat between the two rails...  :-\

General Car Chat / Re: Halfords advanced toolboxes
« on: 08 December 2024, 20:23:55 »
But I have a 50 year old Snap On box that is still perfect and it was used when I got it from the dealer!!!! Top, middle and roll cab with side shelf.

I'd love a strap on box  :D. But even in battered condition they are way more than I'm going to pay these days.

 Snap on is Overpriced to allow the dealers to make a living, there's other tools which are just as good for half the price, I have a very mixed tool collection, Even when earning a living with them I didn't buy much Snap-on, My Cabinets are Sealey HD, I've a Snap-on middle which I acquired as payment,

Omega Gallery / Re: Moonland Omega 3.2 V6 manual Z155
« on: 07 December 2024, 20:55:55 »
Offftt that's nice 8)

General Car Chat / Re: Halfords advanced toolboxes
« on: 07 December 2024, 19:04:32 »
I see that the 200 piece advanced socket set has gone back up to £330. When I went in a couple of weeks back it was reduced to £200, which is a massive saving, although I’d never pay the full price as they are periodically reduced throughout the year.  :y
The advanced stuff is lifetime guarantee and My experience is that they do honour with no quibble.  :y

 I'm old enough to remember paying £150 for mine..

General Discussion Area / Re: Assisted Suicide
« on: 01 December 2024, 14:12:41 »
I'm wondering how life insurance companies and the like would look at this. A lot of policies make it quite clear that they don't pay out for suicide.

 Insurance companies will already be rewriting terms and conditions, possibly putting "assisted death" voids the the policy as it's not natural death.
 All about the money.
The removal of the HA will kill a few oldies, so technically Twoteir has already brought in "state sponsored death" Do 

Members of this parish best be careful  ;D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 28 November 2024, 21:49:39 »
Got the Bastid bolt back in, top hose fitted - that did put up a bit of a fight.
Pressure tested the system and when it got to around 0.5 bar coolant pissed out from under the stat.  :'( :'( >:(
Its just had a new seal so god knows why its leaking.  ???
Got to  take it all apart for the third time, try and work out what the problem is, and then do it all again.
Maybe buy a new Stat housing in case this one has warped ?  :-\

 Refill with just water in case it leaks again again,, you need to check that bolts aren't bottoming, threads are good in the housing, and it hasn't got hairline crack, also check the hose, they can leak, use a new jubilee

Omega General Help / Re: Coolant transfer pipe seals.
« on: 18 November 2024, 20:26:45 »
Before refitting, clean everything up, when refitting I use to smear both ends with Silicone. Hardest part of job is getting B-bolt back in :D

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 18 November 2024, 20:23:03 »
Ive ordered all three O rings from Autodoc. Nearly £20 inc delivery for three little rubber rings, but what can you do ?
I dont want to keep having to repeat the process because something isnt sealing quite right. Its too awkward, and wrong time of year to keep messing around like that.
Cars as old as Omegas are now, some parts will be difficult to source and a few quid has to be spent.
No idea when delivery will be at the minute, which is a bit of a pain, but hopefully not too long.  ::)

Actually, I should have posted this in my thread in Omega help. Will pop in there and duplicate it.  ;D

 Check that both surfaces are true,

General Car Chat / Re: How old is your car(s)?
« on: 17 November 2024, 18:15:40 »
I've got
 2014 Vivaro van 136k
2013 Insignificant elite 85k
2006 Nissan Micra 112k
2010 Fiesta 111k

General Discussion Area / Re: Central heating boffin required.
« on: 11 November 2024, 21:17:12 »
Looking at the state of those pipes, it's going to get messy :o

Omega General Help / Re: 1999 Omega 2.5 v6 Elite - failed oil cooler
« on: 11 November 2024, 18:46:48 »
An extension cooler/remote can be fitted, you need to remove the connections/pipes that are on the oil filter housing, and get the correct pipe work made up, and fit a new cooler in front of the rads, you will need to leave the old cooler in situ,as this keeps the water flow at a flow.

To clean out the sludge, drain system refill with 1L of liquid dish washer soap run for few miles, flush out and repeat a couple of times.

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