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Chat Area => General Discussion Area => Topic started by: STEMO on 10 October 2016, 13:13:11

Title: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 10 October 2016, 13:13:11
How depressing that one of these is going to be president of the USA. We all know what Trump is, he has made it perfectly clear what kind of individual he is. But Clinton was slow, disjointed and generally appeared too old for the job.
David Cameron would have made mincemeat of the two of them.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 October 2016, 13:52:48
I do not envy the choice the American people have to make. :-\
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 October 2016, 13:55:11
How is it possible that Trump got this far?

Is Bill Clinton's piece of Rumpo the best  the Democrats could come up with?

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 October 2016, 13:56:58
For clarification......When I say Bill Clinton's piece of rumpo, I mean Hillary not Monica. :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: tunnie on 10 October 2016, 14:06:14
Trump got this far, due to money.  :(

You look at those two choices, kinda shows how good we have it here. If you park that idiot Corbyn and his looney brigade to one side that is.

I still do wonder if Corbyn is a Tory agent, he has done a lovely job of getting liebor to implode   ;D   
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 October 2016, 14:41:06
Trump got this far, due to money.  :(

You look at those two choices, kinda shows how good we have it here. If you park that idiot Corbyn and his looney brigade to one side that is.

I still do wonder if Corbyn is a Tory agent, he has done a lovely job of getting liebor to implode   ;D

The Lib Dems are a 'busted flush' after nailing their colours to the Tory mast.

UKIP now have no purpose. Their job is done. Let the fighting commence. 

Labour are sadly lost. It is hard to believe Labour won three elections in a row  with Blair. It seems so long ago.

We are now living in (if there is such a thing) a one party democracy. I imagine that Brexit will split the Tories apart in short order.

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Varche on 10 October 2016, 14:54:06
I cannot remember a time in politics when things have been so dire.


A true dilema by definition. A Goldman Sachs puppet OR Trump muppet.  Remember one of those will have their say in where the warring world, and it is at war , goes.


Tories in by default. No manifesto and no clear idea of policies. Just look at the "every Bitish company will have to declare its foreign workers edict then a few days later that is cancelled. The Tories ARE the Right wing, Left wing and centre ground.
Labour. Dead ducks.
Lib Dems . Who?
UKIP . Too busy fighting to be credible.
The only opposition to government is the pound which takes a pasting every time May opens her mouth.


No overall majority and has had no government for months and months. The Labour party leader resigned to facilitate a co alition with Conservatives.

Lots of countries have voters finally waking up to the fact that globalisation isn't that good. Whatever it is here to stay. Plenty of right wing sentiment surfacing. Hungary hounding out the left wing Press. Turkey cleansing the country of opposition.   
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 10 October 2016, 15:53:53
Trump and Clinton are both correct about each other. In their own different ways they are both sleazy crooks, and neither of them is remotely fit for high public office.
As for the U.K. Its early days for May and her government. There has been some impressive talk (the rivers of Rudd speech aside) but talk is cheap. Time will tell.
Labour - Corbyn will carry on with his loony left, Marxist agenda until they get slaughtered at the next elelection, and then the moderates will tear him apart.
Libdems - finished. Nuff said.
UKIP. They have a big problem. Farage is UKIP, and as soon as he takes one step back, they start fighting like ferrets in a sack. The north of England is there for them to take. Labour could be finished in the north if UKIP get their act together, but imo, if they don't sort them selves out within the next 6 months, then they should disband and merge back into the Tory party.
First thing they need to do is expel Carswell, Suzanne Evans and the ludicrous Neil Hamilton.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 10 October 2016, 15:56:40
Trump and Clinton are both correct about each other. In their own different ways they are both sleazy crooks, and neither of them is remotely fit for high public office.
As for the U.K. Its early days for May and her government. There has been some impressive talk (the rivers of Rudd speech aside) but talk is cheap. Time will tell.
Labour - Corbyn will carry on with his loony left, Marxist agenda until they get slaughtered at the next elelection, and then the moderates will tear him apart.
Libdems - finished. Nuff said.
UKIP. They have a big problem. Farage is UKIP, and as soon as he takes one step back, they start fighting like ferrets in a sack. The north of England is there for them to take. Labour could be finished in the north if UKIP get their act together, but imo, if they don't sort them selves out within the next 6 months, then they should disband and merge back into the Tory party.
First thing they need to do is expel Carswell, Suzanne Evans and the ludicrous Neil Hamilton.

Neil Hamilton is a pork pie short of a picnic.

He is entertaining .......but not in a good way.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: annihilator on 10 October 2016, 16:26:58
Sadly either people have short memories or have no interest in learning lessons from the past as didn't hitler get into power by telling the masses what they wanted to hear.Same with ethnic cleansing who would think the atrocities in ww2 could be repeated but the Balkans, most of the middle east and africa disproved that >:(
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 10 October 2016, 16:48:58
Trump and Clinton are both correct about each other. In their own different ways they are both sleazy crooks, and neither of them is remotely fit for high public office.
As for the U.K. Its early days for May and her government. There has been some impressive talk (the rivers of Rudd speech aside) but talk is cheap. Time will tell.
Labour - Corbyn will carry on with his loony left, Marxist agenda until they get slaughtered at the next elelection, and then the moderates will tear him apart.
Libdems - finished. Nuff said.
UKIP. They have a big problem. Farage is UKIP, and as soon as he takes one step back, they start fighting like ferrets in a sack. The north of England is there for them to take. Labour could be finished in the north if UKIP get their act together, but imo, if they don't sort them selves out within the next 6 months, then they should disband and merge back into the Tory party.
First thing they need to do is expel Carswell, Suzanne Evans and the ludicrous Neil Hamilton.
Talking of Farage, he's gone well down in my estimation. As soon as the 'Donald' tapes were released, he should of run a mile. Instead, he tries to defend him. Not good, Nige.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 10 October 2016, 19:29:19
I disagree with most of the posters on this subject.

Just saying...  ;)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 10 October 2016, 19:32:26
I disagree with most of the posters on this subject.

Just saying...  ;)
In what respect(s)?
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 10 October 2016, 19:44:12
I disagree with most of the posters on this subject.

Just saying...  ;)
In what respect(s)?

Yes, Trump was unwise to say those things. However, it WAS 10 years ago and the conversation was supposed to be private. I doubt there is anyone on here that has not said something in the past that they now regret. However, these were WORDS, not actions – there is huge difference.
Now, compare to Clinton whose past actions have been, in my opinion, not just immoral, but possibly much, much, worse.

The mainstream media, especially in this country (but also including CNN in the States) have deliberately presented Trump as the anti-Christ. The fact, as I see it, is that he wants to limit immigration, reduce taxes and stop the US involvement in foreign wars (my number 1 reason for hoping Trump wins). So, what's not to like?

Essentially, he is anti-establishment. The Clinton Foundation is part of the establishment. When I see all those Western arms in the hands of the so-called moderate rebels in Syria, I remember that it was a Democrat POTUS and a Secretary of State that pushed for Assad to be overthrown. Whatever you may say about Assad (and Gaddafi and Hussein, for that matter), they largely kept a lid on things. In the case of Assad, he oversaw a secular state which included many Christians. Now, there are hundreds of thousands dead and those that aren't, are living in hopeless conditions with the ever-present fear of imminent death. Meanwhile, Christians face persecution and execution as these states turn into jihadist hellholes.

Many Americans have seen how the US has behaved abroad and want nothing more to do with it. If Clinton is elected, the world will be even more dangerous than it is now, IMHO. In contrast, Trump is a pragmatic businessman who, I suspect, will command a great deal more respect in Beijing and Moscow than the current incumbent.

In any event, he said something in private for which he has apologised. Time to move on, as most American voters would seem to be doing.

These are my opinions and are based, not on C4, BBC or ITV News, but on many hours reading online articles and comments across the political spectrum.

PS Hope that answers your question, Steve.  :y 
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 10 October 2016, 19:50:20
Trump and Clinton are both correct about each other. In their own different ways they are both sleazy crooks, and neither of them is remotely fit for high public office.
As for the U.K. Its early days for May and her government. There has been some impressive talk (the rivers of Rudd speech aside) but talk is cheap. Time will tell.
Labour - Corbyn will carry on with his loony left, Marxist agenda until they get slaughtered at the next elelection, and then the moderates will tear him apart.
Libdems - finished. Nuff said.
UKIP. They have a big problem. Farage is UKIP, and as soon as he takes one step back, they start fighting like ferrets in a sack. The north of England is there for them to take. Labour could be finished in the north if UKIP get their act together, but imo, if they don't sort them selves out within the next 6 months, then they should disband and merge back into the Tory party.
First thing they need to do is expel Carswell, Suzanne Evans and the ludicrous Neil Hamilton.
Talking of Farage, he's gone well down in my estimation. As soon as the 'Donald' tapes were released, he should of run a mile. Instead, he tries to defend him. Not good, Nige.

A rare but serious error of judgement in my view. Either he hates Hilary beyond all reason, or Trump is paying him an enormous wedge in expenses to help & advise him.
He does seem to be embarking on a global mission to help undermine the political elite, but even so, Trump may be a step too far.
Of course if Trump wins, there could be muchos kudos and a lucrative lecture tour etc. in the U.S.for Farage.
Time will tell.
Whatever he does or doesn't do in the future, to me he will always be one of the 3 people in the U.K.who have swam against the tide and saved the country from ruin, within the last century.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 10 October 2016, 20:05:06
I disagree with most of the posters on this subject.

Just saying...  ;)
In what respect(s)?

Yes, Trump was unwise to say those things. However, it WAS 10 years ago and the conversation was supposed to be private. I doubt there is anyone on here that has not said something in the past that they now regret. However, these were WORDS, not actions – there is huge difference.
Now, compare to Clinton whose past actions have been, in my opinion, not just immoral, but possibly much, much, worse.

The mainstream media, especially in this country (but also including CNN in the States) have deliberately presented Trump as the anti-Christ. The fact, as I see it, is that he wants to limit immigration, reduce taxes and stop the US involvement in foreign wars (my number 1 reason for hoping Trump wins). So, what's not to like?

Essentially, he is anti-establishment. The Clinton Foundation is part of the establishment. When I see all those Western arms in the hands of the so-called moderate rebels in Syria, I remember that it was a Democrat POTUS and a Secretary of State that pushed for Assad to be overthrown. Whatever you may say about Assad (and Gaddafi and Hussein, for that matter), they largely kept a lid on things. In the case of Assad, he oversaw a secular state which included many Christians. Now, there are hundreds of thousands dead and those that aren't, are living in hopeless conditions with the ever-present fear of imminent death. Meanwhile, Christians face persecution and execution as these states turn into jihadist hellholes.

Many Americans have seen how the US has behaved abroad and want nothing more to do with it. If Clinton is elected, the world will be even more dangerous than it is now, IMHO. In contrast, Trump is a pragmatic businessman who, I suspect, will command a great deal more respect in Beijing and Moscow than the current incumbent.

In any event, he said something in private for which he has apologised. Time to move on, as most American voters would seem to be doing.

These are my opinions and are based, not on C4, BBC or ITV News, but on many hours reading online articles and comments across the political spectrum.

PS Hope that answers your question, Steve.  :y
It's a point of view that many Americans take and I think that the contest will be closer than people think. My OP was just lamenting the fact that it has to be either of them, I'm not particularly taken with Clinton either.
The world is, IMO, in a parlous state at the moment, and we have never been closer to a major kick-off. I just can't see either of these two making a difference for the better, possibly they could make it a lot worse.
America is on the wane, with Russia and China taking much more of an assertive position in the world. OK, about time, maybe, but America and Americans won't give up their throne easily, neither will they treat Russia or China as equals.
When you say anti-establishment, what makes you think that is a good thing? I think it just means more uncertainty.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Rods2 on 11 October 2016, 00:12:18
For clarification......When I say Bill Clinton's piece of rumpo, I mean Hillary not Monica. :)

I don't think the names of all of them will fit in the 5000 character post limit. ::) :o

I'm sure the average English Lord's accomplishments are quite modest in comparison, M'lud. :P :P :P
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Steve B on 01 November 2016, 23:56:00
So who is going to win this one then ?
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Bigron on 02 November 2016, 06:32:18
What staggers me is that, from a population of over 300 million people, these two are the "best" they could find?

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 02 November 2016, 09:29:52
It's getting very close, and there's a 2% margin between them in the polls with Clinton on 48% and Trump on 46%.  As we well know in this country the polls are often wrong!  ;)

I'm wondering what the hell the FBI is playing at, reopening the email investigation and releasing a bunch of stuff into the public domain at this late stage of the election?  :-\
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 02 November 2016, 09:36:23
If it were revealed after the election that they kept it quiet until after the polls closed, they would be in deep trouble. They have done the right thing in my opinion.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Kevin Wood on 02 November 2016, 12:13:47
What staggers me is that, from a population of over 300 million people, these two are the "best" they could find buy?


Fixed that for you. ;)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 02 November 2016, 12:43:07
If you watch that Michael Moore piece I posted recently, it actually gets explained quite nicely...

Starts off explaining why Donald will win, and continues by explaining why Hillary should win regardless of whether you like either ;)

Their system needs as much of a kick up the arse as ours, and voting Donald in will deliver that in spades. If he gets a second term, it would be entirely on merit... not sure the same could be said of Hillary :-\
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 02 November 2016, 13:14:48
If you watch that Michael Moore piece I posted recently, it actually gets explained quite nicely...

Starts off explaining why Donald will win, and continues by explaining why Hillary should win regardless of whether you like either ;)

Their system needs as much of a kick up the arse as ours, and voting Donald in will deliver that in spades. If he gets a second term, it would be entirely on merit... not sure the same could be said of Hillary :-\

He won't get a second term. The Earth will be a burned-out cinder spinning aimlessly in space long before that happens. :)

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 02 November 2016, 13:44:50
What's the worst that could happen?
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 02 November 2016, 16:08:43
What's the worst that could happen?

The end of the human race through MAD. :)

Then follows planet of the apes. :D
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 02 November 2016, 16:21:16
The cockroaches will be OK though.  :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 02 November 2016, 17:02:23
The cockroaches will be OK though.  :)
That's alright then...
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 02 November 2016, 17:56:42
The cockroaches will be OK though.  :)
One of the cockroaches will be president.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 02 November 2016, 21:31:47
Hillary's toast.

Just sayin'  ;)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: ozzycat on 02 November 2016, 23:17:22
prepare for WW3 dont matter who gets in russia will be rubbing its hands :( :( :( :o
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 03 November 2016, 09:45:28
prepare for WW3 dont matter who gets in russia will be rubbing its hands :( :( :( :o

I very much doubt it. If Clinton gets in (she won't) there could be an issue over Syria, which could then escalate but, assuming Trump gets in, I see a thaw in the relations between the USA and Russia — much like the Reagan/Gorbachev era. Neither Trump nor Putin would care for hostilities. I think they're too pragmatic. They also share a deep mistrust of a certain faith-based section of society.  ;)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 03 November 2016, 10:59:36
prepare for WW3 dont matter who gets in russia will be rubbing its hands :( :( :( :o

I very much doubt it. If Clinton gets in (she won't) there could be an issue over Syria, which could then escalate but, assuming Trump gets in, I see a thaw in the relations between the USA and Russia — much like the Reagan/Gorbachev era. Neither Trump nor Putin would care for hostilities. I think they're too pragmatic. They also share a deep mistrust of a certain faith-based section of society.  ;)
Yeah, American Jews.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 03 November 2016, 11:28:14
prepare for WW3 dont matter who gets in russia will be rubbing its hands :( :( :( :o

I very much doubt it. If Clinton gets in (she won't) there could be an issue over Syria, which could then escalate but, assuming Trump gets in, I see a thaw in the relations between the USA and Russia — much like the Reagan/Gorbachev era. Neither Trump nor Putin would care for hostilities. I think they're too pragmatic. They also share a deep mistrust of a certain faith-based section of society.  ;)
Yeah, American Jews.

No, not who I had in mind. Try again.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: tigers_gonads on 03 November 2016, 11:44:51
Some of them don't wear sandals and mutter something about god is great do they  :-X :-X

But Stemo is also spot on with his too
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 03 November 2016, 21:35:33
Who to have as First lady? Hard choice.  :P

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 03 November 2016, 22:05:05
One advantage of Trump's...ermmm...good lady is that she will be able to communicate with Putin.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 03 November 2016, 22:26:01
One advantage of Trump's...ermmm...good lady is that she will be able to communicate with Putin.

Indeed, the Slovenians share a similar language.

BTW, what I have been reading tonight has shaken me. It could well be not just emails that will bring Clinton down, but something far more unsavoury, if true. :o
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 03 November 2016, 23:01:03
Finally being charged with murder then? ::)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 03 November 2016, 23:06:01
That was the land deals issue, yes ? Or the recording of her laughing after her first case as a lawyer when she got a guy acquitted who had raped a 12 year old girl, when she knew he was guilty ?
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 03 November 2016, 23:12:43
Both... Probably...
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migalot on 03 November 2016, 23:15:32
I stumbled on this while looking for a recipe for apple crumble. Anyone understand it? (
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 03 November 2016, 23:18:16
I wouldn't put anything past old Bill. And whatever he did, she would be complicit in it in order to ensure the dynasty survived.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 08 November 2016, 17:56:34
It is upon us. Looks like Clinton will win.....hopefully.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 08 November 2016, 18:19:35
It is upon us. Looks like Clinton will win.....hopefully.
Dream on...
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Varche on 08 November 2016, 18:30:11
Please god , let it be all over. :o :'( :-\ :-X :P ::) ??? :( >:( ;) :D

In fact, although I didn't rate Obama too highly especially on foreign policy can we have him for another four years please?
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: BazaJT on 08 November 2016, 18:51:54
Couldn't the Americans combine the two and vote for Trumpton? :D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: amazonian on 08 November 2016, 20:28:55
Clinton WILL win the election, so you can all stop speculating and get some sleep.

 :) :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Entwood on 08 November 2016, 21:43:19
Only in America ...  at least it shows some have a sense of humour !!
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Sir Tigger KC on 08 November 2016, 22:25:35
So if Clinton wins, who will be most worried at a Clinton presidency?

Putin? ISIS? Al Qaeda?   ???

Nope it'll be all the young female interns at the White House worried at the prospect of Old Bill roaming the corridors again!  ;D
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: amazonian on 08 November 2016, 22:37:05
Latest betting on Betfair,

Clinton 1/6

Trump 6/1

Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 November 2016, 04:02:05
Bit early to say landslide, but...
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: LFF64 on 09 November 2016, 07:41:41
President Trump
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Ever Ready on 09 November 2016, 08:00:54
Listening to his victory speech.

Brave new world, Gulp :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 09 November 2016, 08:05:03
I can go and collect my winnings now. Leicester City, Brexit and Trump, should be a nice few bob.  ;D
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Doctor Gollum on 09 November 2016, 09:21:12
Bit early to say landslide, but...
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Migv6 le Frog Fan on 09 November 2016, 10:07:54
Worse than that - Mrs Mig has been telling me so for months.  The bee in the bonnet may begin to quieten down around Christmas. ::) :o ;D
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 09 November 2016, 10:50:16
Bit early to say landslide, but...
I don't remember that.  :-\
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 November 2016, 12:18:44
Bit early to say landslide, but...
I don't remember that.  :-\

He did. :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 09 November 2016, 12:23:41
Bit early to say landslide, but...
I don't remember that.  :-\

He did. :)
Yes, I know  :-X
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 November 2016, 12:33:27
I'm just glad I had a speculative punt on Mr Donald of £2000 when the odds of him reaching The White house was 150/1.

The fella is as mad as a March hare but the £300,000 will help keep the wolf from the door. :)
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: STEMO on 09 November 2016, 12:37:10
You could buy another 5 or 6 jags, or 3000 omegas.
Title: Re: Trump v Clinton debate
Post by: Field Marshal Dr. Opti on 09 November 2016, 12:45:44
You could buy another 5 or 6 jags, or 3000 omegas.

Almost ten Jags. :)

Not quite sure what I would do with 3000 examples of Vauxhall's prestigious flagship. ;)

I suppose I could use them to make two or three half-decent examples. :D ;)