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General Discussion Area / Re: Fave 80's song.
« on: 13 March 2012, 22:12:22 »
Here is mine     P.I.L Rise   
although i like this alot too  Duran Duran rio
but i also like   whitesnake  here i go again

I cant decide so my fav 80s song is 3 songs

General Discussion Area / Re: David jason speaks out
« on: 19 December 2011, 21:23:17 »
His comments are right on the money.

General Discussion Area / Hurricane Bawbag
« on: 09 December 2011, 12:48:35 »
Anyone sustain any damage?
My wife came out from work to find the 2 cars to her left had a massive tree branch on there roof ine of them was a 1 wweek old focus, luckily my wifes volvo sustained no damage and we also got away without as much as a tile missing from the roof

General Discussion Area / Re: Beko white goods
« on: 23 November 2011, 18:07:24 »
as jiffy says not too hard to fit yourself, LG seals on the bay of e are £20-£35 ish depending on serial number.
mostly fitting is only a sort of ring clamp  :y
there is 2 clamps one is easy to remove  the other involves removing the top and front of the machine

its too much hassle and although not a difficult job it is for me   I walk with 2 elbow crutches now and have limited mobility due to an ongoing spinal problem (long story)
so thats the reason for deciding to junk it and replace it.


General Discussion Area / Re: Beko white goods
« on: 23 November 2011, 18:02:50 » 
dont forget the beko fridges that catch fire

any something i didnt know beko is turkish  ???

The parent company Arçelik is huge in turkey  and according to wikipedia sells products in over 100 different countries

20 years ago i bought a Lucky Goldstar tv as a cheapo  I never thought it would become the manufacturer if high quality goods that LG now sell,  I sort of hoped Beko had gone the same way hence the question of quality and reliability

General Discussion Area / Beko white goods
« on: 23 November 2011, 00:20:01 »
My LG washing machine is leaking because of a duff door seal the cheapest replacement part i can find is £81 plus labour which i find to be a hell of a lot of cash for a door seal and im not willing to pay that for a 5 year old machine
So i have been looking online at buying a replacement and there are alot of decent spec Beko washers to be had for not a lot of money.

I have been reading reviews online and lots of people think Beko are pretty good but i have always thought of them as cheap crap
has anyone here owned any Beko products and have good things to say about them or am i correct in saying that there cheap crap.and you get what you pay for

any input possitive or not would be greatly recieved


General Discussion Area / I wanted to be first
« on: 23 November 2011, 00:08:00 »
To wish you all a very merry Christmas and a great new year  :y


Alex Salmond is a dick
He done well at the last elections because many labour voters voted snp in protest to the titanic balls up labour made of the country

He will not fare so well in a general election
not all Scots (including me) want to seperate from the rest of the UK   Alex Salmond would have you all believe we all want all want independance  I am a Brit who was fortunate To be born in Scotland

I have told my Wife if Scotland ever gains independance i will be moving south, Newcastle would be far enough :)
 I believe the union of the 4 countries works
Salmond was always banging his drum about other small countries iceland, ireland etc and how well they were doing right up untill they landed on their arses   he has gone a bit quiet about them now.

Most Scots dont want independance  and if there ever was a referendum i think salmond would be unsucsessfull
they have always been a one police party  i am amazed he done as well as he has

You lot have no conception of haven't given birth!  Big load of wusses!   :P

learly you have never stood on a plug in the dark when going for a pee   and having to contain the agony cos you dont want to wake everyone up


When mine went it was....

What time of year was it?   winter
What time of day was it? 8.50am
What was the weather / temperature?  cold (frost)
Is the car used for long / short journeys? both
When was the Battery last replaced? 2 2 years previously
Have you heard any "beeps" from the sounder? no

note frosty roofs in picture  so it was cold at the time


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / retro fitting xenons
« on: 28 January 2010, 23:00:44 »
hi all
I want to retro fit the xenon lights from an elite into my cdx
what do i need other than the complete light units ?
will the wiring from my car just plug up or is it a nightmare job?
i klnow about the washers for the lights too  im prepaired for that

please point me in the right direction because if i need anything else from the car i need to know asap as the car goes the crusher tommorow


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Gay Blue or ECO-Green ?
« on: 19 December 2009, 01:48:01 »
ffs - does it make it go any faster?   ;D ;D ;D ;D

man thats worth at least 20 extra BHP  that combined with the 40bhp they get from the k+n and the 60 bhp from the back box  means they have at easily enough power from their 1.2 clit  to leave a cossie for dead
dont you know anything ?  ;D :y


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Just heard a Sony rumour . . .
« on: 19 December 2009, 01:43:24 »
I have a sony radio in my car
I am not a sony fan and have always bought alpine gear  but my local tescos were selling off their car audio  and a got my sony head unit  for £70 quid  which i thought was a good price for a device with a DAB tuner and triple pre outs.
and as much as i hate to admit it its been totaly flawless

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: powersounder batteries
« on: 19 December 2009, 01:52:35 »
What if I simply disconnect the powersounder until I sort this problem out? Could it cause any problems?

How can I figure out what kind of batteries my powersounder has got without taking the actual unit apart? I've seen in a separate topic that it could have two different types, the simple button battery and the big 3.6V 150A green battery pack.

just pull the plug out the power sounder and it wont bother you again and you wont wake up one mornign to your car black and crispy . Its happened to a few of us on here including me :y

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: retro fitting parking sensors
« on: 06 December 2009, 23:36:20 »
I would like to know if its possible (straight forward) to fit the reverse parking sensors to my 97 cdx

I have bought a 99 elite for bits and wanna use the bumpers  so it would be nice if the included reversing sensors worked

anyone done it ?

I found an electronic module I couldn't identify up behind the spare wheel in my 2003 Elite saloon. Judging by where the noise seems to come from when reversing I think that must be the reversing sensor control/sounder unit.

Unless someone posts the wiring diagrams I think you are going to have to unpick the wiring loom to find where it is fed from.

'dangle berries'  i sort of thought that would be the answer
ah well it can wait untill the new year


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