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Topics - Rods2

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After the US, UK & EU bankers getting away pretty much scot free it makes a good change to see somebody brought to book for their corporate fraud. :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Maunder Minimum
« on: 26 August 2017, 14:45:55 »
An interesting short video on what is happening with the sun.

General Discussion Area / First images from Mamma Mia 2
« on: 25 August 2017, 15:37:43 »
I know there are some avid watchers of the first film on here and here are the first images from the next one, which some will be dying to see. :y :y :y


EU General Data Protection Regulation is coming in next year with big fines for non-compliant companies. The applies to all companies regardless of size if you keep computerised data on anybody and also if you currently have any data you must have an audit path to show it has been collected in a compliant way or you must contact the person and get compliant permission. I'm assuming you will also need to keep an audit path to show the data has been used in a compliant way in any contact with staff or customers.

General Discussion Area / My idiot of the week
« on: 11 August 2017, 14:21:10 »
A car driving erratically down a motorway and on closer inspection the driver and passenger were inhaling laughing gas from party balloons. :o :o :o

I'm expecting at least one person to put answer 4. ::) ::) ::)


General Discussion Area / The Scottish Wind Power Racket
« on: 10 August 2017, 19:56:17 »
When you start getting your winter electricity bills in and they are higher than you were expecting spare a poor thought for all those rich Scottish landowners, as they have an even bigger problem on how to spend even more money that you have generously given to them in the form of wind farm subsidies. It makes Soviet 5-year shoe making plans, where they ended up with 5 million left shoes, all the same size, per year look a very sensible use of money and resources in comparison! >:( >:( >:( :o :o :o

The rest are regional or local powers. The same result has been found by two different power blocks using very different methodologies.

General Discussion Area / A seriously fast 2-wheeled milk float
« on: 07 August 2017, 20:52:28 »
200bhp, 168ft-lbs torque, 218mph top speed.

General Discussion Area / This weeks Darwin award winners are....
« on: 04 August 2017, 10:33:22 »
A pair of drunk tourists in India are visiting a 100 foot high waterfall attraction. For a laugh they decided to climb over the safety barrier and then let go of the guard rail. What could possibly go wrong?

Apart from falling 100 feet to their deaths. :o :o :o

Derrrr I thought it would be interesting to try eating cherry seeds, by cracking open the stone and eating the seed inside and they tasted of cherry flavoured almonds, yummy, let's have some more. :o :o :o

Derrrr now I feel ill, I had better Google why? They taste of almonds where they are high in cyanide and I might be dying derrrr. ;D ;D ;D

Ring, ring, derrrr can I have an ambulance, please. :o :o :o

And the clincher for idiot of the week: Derrr cherries should come with health warnings not to eat the seeds. :o :o :o So, if you see any cherry trees wrapped up with loads of H&S warning notices you will know why. ;D ;D ;D

Many fruit seeds contain cyanide or arsenic for those that don't know, including apples. :-[ :-[ :-[

General Discussion Area / Climate Change & CO2
« on: 20 July 2017, 21:26:16 »
Scientists have been aware that the global climate is not behaving as expected as CO2 has risen with the world staying much colder than expected. The experiments on the heating effects of CO2 that are used in climate models were performed over 100 years a go with CO2 in glass tanks. A scientific paper has been published arguing that the very use of glass tanks to hold the CO2 are very different circumstances to what happens in the atmosphere.

This paper has found a correlation between a planet's temperature due to the amount of the Sun's heat reaching it and the density of the air pressure on the plant. The composition of the gas has no effect. The study only uses a small number of planets and moons in the Solar system to confirm this relationship and further work is required to prove or disprove this is correct. Very little science is totally settled so this is of no surprise and it is going to be interesting to see how the climate change models evolve where the theory they are based on doesn't reflect what is happening in the real world.

Personally, due to the combination of Newtonian maths and chaos theory, I can't see how we can meaningfully predict the long term future in much the same way that economic modeling is a similar problem and much of the time little more than a guess due to the chaos element. In both cases when there is known correct historical data you can see where the models are wrong and try to improve them but this is hardly predicting the long term future in any meaningful way.

Those that think it doesn't affect them or their life need to remember that on average every working person is paying about £500 in renewable subsidies per year and this is only going to keep on growing.

General Discussion Area / Unemployed
« on: 14 July 2017, 21:17:46 »
*** My weekly "broken light bulb at birth" award goes to: ***

This 19yo is struggling to get a job. For the life of m,e I can't see why he has a problem. Anybody any ideas? ::) ::) ::) :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D

Fortunately, in cases like this, they don't walk invisibly amongst us. ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Darwin claims another
« on: 13 July 2017, 17:05:58 »
St Maarten runway starts as the beach ends, with a fence on the runway parameter with danger warning signs telling people not to stand at the fence watching aircraft land or take off due to jet blast. Of course, why follow stupid danger warning signs, whatever could go wrong? :o :o :o :-[ :-[ :-[

General Discussion Area / Donald Trump Jr
« on: 11 July 2017, 20:21:29 »
Seems to have got himself in a bit of bother, by meeting a Russian spy to get hacked material on Clinton and an agreement of assistance from Putin and the Kremlin to help win Trump the presidency. :o :o :o

Where the contents of an email incriminating him of this became public, he has now disclosed a full copy of the email publically with all of it's incriminating evidence himself. He has either been thrown to the White House wolves, is incredibly dumb even by Trump family standards or expects Daddy to use his executive powers to pardon him. :-[ :-[ :-[

According to ex-NSA director and spook John Schindler you now have had one of several 'entrees', but be patient and wait for the disclosure and much, much worse main course to arrive. :o :o :o

Ex George Bush ethics lawyer, who is known for his cautious language said this of Donald Trump Jr: "What he has done is treason!" :o :o :o

Things are really hotting up for the Trump clan in the US now and although I think the main culprits, most powerful figures, will get away with it through pardons, I think some of the lessor figures and hangers-on will be looking at some serious Watergate on steroids porridge. :o :o :o

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