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Topics - hotel21

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General Discussion Area / comp PSU question
« on: 05 December 2011, 20:23:44 »
Finally got of my rear end and swapped out the duff PSU from my desktop.  Duff one is 400 watts, temp replacement is only 250 and needed an adaptor (lent by a friend) to convert 4 pin power output to hard drive to SATA?

Questions are, what plug outputs are on the following piccy so that I can get same at DABS or similar place.

And, I note that 250 watts means that system struggles a tad under duress.  That said, would there be an advantage in getting a 500 watt replacement as theres not much in it pricewise.


General Discussion Area / King Goblin
« on: 29 November 2011, 18:37:15 »
Had to pop into Morrisons for some bits and bobs for dinner and, as if by magic, felt a compelling urge to visit the beer isle.

Got a couple of boxes of St Ella for fizzy pop in the fridge and then spotted two lonesome bottles of King Goblin from the wychwood brewery. Falls in at a quaffable 6.6% so, at 2 quid a bottle, decided on both.

Can recommend to others as its now going down a treat whilst the home made chilli bubbles and festers on the hob.

Slainge!   :y

Omega General Help / MOVED: m.o.t ?
« on: 26 November 2011, 08:51:40 »

General Discussion Area / Frekkin Southend my Harris.....
« on: 22 November 2011, 17:58:51 »
Just as well I didn't bring any OOF transport bits down with me to the 'Southend' described to me last week.

I'm in Woodford, next to Epping blooming Forrest!!! 

On the plus side, the London Pride is off but the Youngs is fresh and going down rather well.

Chin chin!!! ;D

General Discussion Area / Bit of a random question
« on: 18 November 2011, 19:06:55 »
As discussed previously, my mig welder is currently out of service as the nylon sheath inside the operating cable has a cut or similar in it and the feed wire continually jams at the same bit.

I removed it and nothing is obvious.  Also tried reassembly by swapping ends so wire feeds in opposite direction but again, no change.  Wire still jams so suspect an internal blockage.

Have tried to source replacement makers part but it is so old that I have failed and so, am no further forward.

My Q.  Is the vac pipe used in the mig sold by the foot/metre from the dealers or are pipes supplied as finished parts?  Looks approx same internal size (its for 0.8 wire but can change that if needed) and can jury rig fitment at the ends to make good.

Or anyone any other ideas/sources?

General Discussion Area / OOF transport services
« on: 18 November 2011, 18:49:37 »
Heading southwards towards Southend from up here this coming Tuesday in a Landy if its of use to anyone.  Not sussed a route properly yet so flexible as to east or west coast route but probably the M6 then cut across.

Its train back on the wednesday so unable to do a northbound run.  Sorry....

As title, as fits to the centre of the dashboard near the screen, to fit a MY 2002 3.2 if anyone has one.  Seems mine has gone tts up.   ::)

ta...   :y

General Car Chat / Chrysler 300c
« on: 04 November 2011, 20:18:00 »
Had a 40 minute enthusiastic punt today over known roads (albeit slightly damp) and I am less than impressed, handling wise.

Power available was fine for a big lump of a car, brakes were sound, cabin comfort was acceptable but, begger me, handling was dire....

Moved about more than a well greased lady of the night on piece work!

Even accepting that the suspension is very much orientated to the american market it was very bouncy in an uneven sense and seemed to bounce about like a cork in a rough sea rather than be a confident drive of an 'executive' car.

OK, it was a trade in of a couple of years old and about 20k miles going for paintwork and not been through the workshop but, not impressed...... :-\

General Discussion Area / this gave me a giggle
« on: 01 November 2011, 22:49:31 »

General Discussion Area / Nofekkinvember
« on: 01 November 2011, 22:30:56 »
Was just happily dikkin about on the lappy.  She is away to bed, dog walked, dishwasher on, alarm set for the morrow, watching deadliest catch as background noise, when up pops a shedload of crimbo adds.

Guess its the 1st of Nofekkinvember then....

Humbug!!   >:(   ;D

General Discussion Area / Pets can be so amusing....
« on: 30 October 2011, 20:53:02 »
Just opened a new bottle of Old Pulteney and as usual, Jura got the outer carton with a few kibbles in it with the end cap taped on.

Talk about kids playing with the boxes rather than the toys!  It's been rolled around, thrown around, dropped down the stairs, and generally chased around the room to within an inch of its life. She usually gives it about 40 mins to an hour before the cardboard gets a bit soft and she gets to the treasure inside.

Makes having pets worthwhile really.....

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