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Topics - SP_3.2

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [25]
General Discussion Area / 465 from £60
« on: 19 October 2007, 09:07:33 »
Last week i put in £60 of V- power and have just had 465 out of it . This was a 3.2 and mainly motorway driving it as £1.01 per l. does that sound ok    

Just looking on e-bay and seen this

It had the sat nav and built in phone 1st i,v seen like that pre 2000.

Looks nice.

General Discussion Area / New chairs for the guys at top gear.
« on: 08 October 2007, 09:15:14 »
Would anyone have a full set of Senny or pre 1998 lether seat for the boys just do not look the same on these new one,s. But what a great show nice to have them back it think just what sunday are about :y

General Discussion Area / Fifth Gear on Monday.
« on: 03 October 2007, 09:44:20 »
Did any of you guys see Fifth Gear on Monday ( i dont think that it is as good a TOP GEAR) :y. They had a part where they tested the petrol additives and octane boosters and found that not only did they not help with the BHP or power but that the cars lost power when they where used.

Just wanted to know your options.

I belive that TOP GEAR is back on Sunday i think :D

General Discussion Area / Tank up before the weekend?
« on: 28 September 2007, 10:53:10 »
With the news today about the price of petol  >:( going up how many of use are Tanking up before the weekend.

Put some in on the way to work and was 2p more than yesterday.
I think i will have to keep an eye out of the offers at the supermaket.


General Discussion Area / Price of Oil up SO price of petrol up
« on: 24 September 2007, 12:15:31 »
Could not sleep much last night had the news on in the back ground and  they are saying that the price of Oil   is up to an all time high.They means soon the petrol prices will be back up. >:(

What happed to the day,s when you could get in for under 80p per L? or even 90p.    

General Discussion Area / big plans
« on: 14 September 2007, 15:34:23 »

 looked like they had big plans for the facelift would have  been nice to have some of the things they are looking at. :-[

General Discussion Area / Cars from Road wars on sky.  
« on: 12 September 2007, 14:17:28 »
I have been over the past few months waching Road Wars on Sky. They seem to use the Omegas alot back then. Do any of the foces still use them?.And do you think that any on use could have one of the Road Wars Omeges without knowing.


General Discussion Area / wax which is best
« on: 04 September 2007, 12:06:58 »
Hi all just to get your feed back on which Wax or polish you would say is the best and which make.

looking to give the carl a big clean  on my day off ( not a lot to do)

Also  which make Autoglum OR Meguiars

I have see one by Meguiars which is in a spray bottel its a wax and is said to give the car a glass like shine. Is it that good.

Thanks all.  :y  

General Discussion Area / Tyre pressure and full rev range
« on: 29 August 2007, 10:26:46 »
Just wondering what pressures you lot run your tyres at the book says for 235 is 31 psi i have seen that some have there's higher are there any avantages to this?.

Also I tend to drive the car without opening her up much . Just how often should I take her tp full rev range and use sport,s to keep the enging in good shape

Thanks Guys

General Discussion Area / Shell Optimax
« on: 23 August 2007, 15:10:48 »
Just to check how many of you guys are using Optimax. I used to use it 80% of the time but  now the prices have come down some i have been using it for the past few months all the time. In Cov its 99P and  the car seem to run better on it. IF i put  £20 i can get 120-130max on mostly motorway run with some town driving which i think is good for a 3.2.  [smiley=smiley.gif]
Just to see what you guys think and how for you get on £20.


General Discussion Area / Polish for the weekend sir?
« on: 24 August 2007, 10:43:22 »
As it is set to be a nice weekend and bank holiday I think there will be a lot of use making sure that the Omegas are looking there very best

Just whated to know what everyone uses as a polish

Have been told that Autogyn is good the to with the Black writing to the bottle? [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

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