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Topics - bob.dent

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General Discussion Area / Christmas wishes from an old member
« on: 20 December 2012, 11:04:01 »
And yes, it's been some time since I was on here!! Hi all, hope everyone is all well and good heading in to the festive season.
Sorry I haven't been on the forum for ages but it just seems different not being an Omega owner any longer. It's also been a very difficult year for me as the company I work for went into administration in July and we were then bought by a new owner and restarted again, but it's been hellish! Anyway, thought I'd drop in and say a quick hello and wish you all a very merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Will drop in from time to time and until then, hope to catch up with a few of you guys at one of the meets next year.
Hope you're all behaving!  ::)
Cheers all
Bob :y

General Discussion Area / A sad day at the office
« on: 09 July 2012, 12:58:12 »
As some of you may have read from one of my previous posts, the company I work for is in administration. Well, the good new is that I still have a job when we restart the business under a new owner, but it's been a really sad day saying goodbye to some of my colleagues that I've worked with for over 20 years that didn't escape the chop. :'(

General Discussion Area / Soooo proud of my boy........
« on: 27 June 2012, 13:06:27 »
As some of you on here know, my youngest son Tim started his training for the RAF Regiment last year at RAF Honnington.
I'm so proud to say that he's successfully graduated with flying colours and has his passing out parade on Friday. :y :y :y Going up there with his mum, brother, girlfriend and one of his mates Friday and it's going to be a very emotional day (note to self - take extra large box of Kleenex). His girlfriend has arranged a surprise celebration party for Friday evening so all his mates and family will be there when he arrives with us so I imagine there's going to be a few sore heads come Saturday morning! ::) ;D
He'll have a couple of weeks leave following this so he's off to Majorca with his girlfriend for a week for a well deserved rest (that's what he tells me anyway! ;D). He'll have a few months specialist weapons training when he goes back and then the bad news.........he off to Helmand Province in Afghanistan for his first tour of duty next April. :(

I'm feeling like the proudest father in the world at the moment! :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / The cr@p has finally hit the fan!
« on: 25 June 2012, 15:13:07 »
Well, it's been on the cards for a long time now but we were officially notified this morning that our company is going into administration. :' ( There is the possibility of some kind of rescue package, but there will most certainly be redundancies so all a bit uncertain how much longer I'm likely to be gainfully employed. :-\ Not a good time to be looking for another job at 58 and too early to retire - not that I could afford to anyway, so bleak times ahead I fear! :(

General Discussion Area / Have a's Friday
« on: 22 June 2012, 15:28:27 »
A man walks into Ann Summers to purchase some see-through lingerie for his wife.

He is shown several possibilities that range from £50 to £150 in price, the more see-through, the higher the price

He opts for the sheerest item, pays the £150 and takes the lingerie home.

He presents it to his wife and asks her to go upstairs put it on and model it for him

Upstairs the wife thinks 'I have an idea.

It's so see-through that it might as well be nothing.

I won't put it on - do the modelling naked, return it tomorrow and get a £150 refund and keep the money for myself'.

So she appears naked at the top of the stairs and strikes a pose.

The husband says 'Stone me, it wasn't that creased in the shop'.

His funeral is this Thursday.

I work in an office that's all glass and it gets pretty warm at the best of times when the sun's out, but now there's a bit of hot weather, bang on time, the aircon system's faulty. >:( I kid you not, it's like a bloody sauna - if you've ever been into a large greenhouse on a hot summers day, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Why do these things go tits up when they're needed most?? ::) Ah well, the ice cold beers are going to go down particularly well tonight I feel. :y

General Discussion Area / A right kick in the nad's!!........
« on: 10 May 2012, 19:58:30 »
Well, after selling my beloved MV6 estate and getting a more "economical" Mondeo TDCI estate, the rather Dagenham dustbin decided to disintigrate it's DMF taking out the starter motor and clutch and left me with a nice £1000 repair bill!! >:( :'( So much for an economical change!  :'( :'( :'(

Police were chasing an Omega and caught him up when he had to stop for a level crossing that had gates down. Didn't realise Omega windows were so tough......the copper was repeatedly whacking the drivers door window with his truncheon (oo-er missus) as hard as he could and just couldn't break it! :o Then the nutter in the Omega reversed and nearly crushed the coppers legs between the Omega and police car and took off again. Anyone on here by any chance? ::) ;D

General Car Chat / New 2012 F1 Ferrari
« on: 03 February 2012, 10:47:57 »
Not sure about the nose but look like it's going to be adopted by most teams. :-\

General Car Chat / Engine steam cleaning advice
« on: 10 January 2012, 09:34:54 »
My garage said I have a small oil leak but can't pinpoint it due to build up of gunk in the area caused by the leak. They've suggested I get the engine steam cleaned to clear all the crap away so they can find it but I'm a bit undecided. Is it safe to clean modern engines by steam cleaning and isn't there a chance it could damage electrics and sensors etc.

Anyone able to advise?

General Discussion Area / A message to all........
« on: 23 December 2011, 13:03:49 »
Sadly now I'm no longer an Omega owner I don't get on here as much as I used to so just like to wish everyone on here a Very Merry Christmas and New Year. I shall still be lurking around on here as it's still the best car forum going (the Mondeo Owners Forum is bloody rubbish compared to this place!! ::)) and I'll hopefully catch up with some of you in the New Year.
Cheers all  :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Ah, I see it's my turn now.......
« on: 29 November 2011, 09:35:33 »
to have my name doctored! ::) Buggers!! :P

General Discussion Area / Raikkonen confirmed in F1 for 2012
« on: 29 November 2011, 09:31:38 »
Been rumours circulating about his return to F1 for a while, but now confirmed as driver for Team Lotus for 2012. Just hope he remembers he's driving an F1 car and not a rally car! ::) Always thought he was an exciting driver but thought he'd lost it a bit before he retired.

General Discussion Area / Ljay's new name
« on: 22 November 2011, 09:36:30 »

Just noticed. ;D ;D ;D
Looks like admin have been tinkering again. ::)


So the do gooders are at it again!! Not happy with banning smokers from nearly everywhere except their own homes, these rather do gooders are trying to make it illegal to smoke in our own bought and paid for environment.....our own cars!!  >:( >:(
Now I know there are probably a fair few non-smokers on here that may or may not agree with this ridiculous proposal but at the end of the day smokers have rights too for chrissake (yes, I am a smoker ::)). This is just more nanny state crap from tossers who really don't live in the real world. >:( Wether you choose to smoke, drink or indulge in any other form of enjoyment, why do we need these idiots to tell us what to do? Oh, and I'd love to know how they expect our already overstretched police to reinforce such a ban. ::)


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