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Topics - Dan1005

Pages: [1] 2
Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Breakdown
« on: 27 February 2010, 22:29:19 »
So today I was driving along the highway happily for 40mins at 130km/h then when I pulled off the exit ramp and merged onto the next main road the TC light came on, suddenly the engine light came on, and the car wouldnt start...
Coasted to the side of the road and parked, started crawling around the car to figure it out.. eventually deducted it must be a fuse, so checked all in the engine area,,
When looking in the box above the batter (1998 prefacelift)..  I found the the number 4 fuse from right, had a 30 in it not the 80 all the others had, and it was the one that blew.. having no spare fuses I took the first fuse and shoved it into the spot for the number 4 fuse and got the car to start... This meant for the 4km limp into town I had no dash displays or anything but It got me home.. Now cant for the life of me find a 80 fuse anywhere,, nowhere seems to stock them..

But my question is, what does each of those fuses above the battery control? does anyone have a diagram, cause I have searched all my stuff and cant find anything..
Much appreciated..

Omega General Help / Squealing noise on idle
« on: 29 May 2010, 13:10:43 »
Hi Guys,
Today noticed the Omega has a really high pitched squeal when the car is sitting at idle. The moment the accelerator is touched the sound disappears,
has me slightly confused, i'm sure it must be a belt, but that usually squeals constantly....

any help would be greatly appreciated.. Really wanted to go for a drive today, but now have a fear of damaging anything :(

Omega General Help / Removing Engine Cover
« on: 22 May 2010, 10:03:37 »
Hey Guys,

So Ive finally got all the parts to be able to do the oil cooler change today. But when I take the little black plastic covers for the bolts off the engine cover I find that they need a special tool to undo,.. I cant find any mention of the tool on here, and the car hasnt got an extra toolbox hidden away anywhere...
Any Ideas  how I can get these bolts off in order to get into the engine?

Omega General Help / Ebay Oil Cooler + advice needed
« on: 30 April 2010, 14:28:34 »
Hey Guys,

Havent been on for a while as over the past week ive been busy with the epic task of fighting insurance companies and the caryard I purchased the Omega from.
Car is suffering from an abudance of oil in the water, and a slightly hotter than normal running temp, all I believe meaning oil cooler has packed in.
Caryard and insurance company maintain that the oil cooler is not an engine part and is therefore not covered by insurance.
Every mechanic I have gone to is saying headgasket to replace. The latest wanted 800 euro for gasket replacement + 500 euro for compression test and reconditioning of "cylinder barrels" and then another couple of hundered for new wiring..
Sounded way too much like getting hosed to me, so have decided to bite the bullet purchase parts and some decent tools and undertake the task of a cooler change myself..

was wondering what people thought of this cooler as a replacement

and does anyone else have any other tips as to what I should do while I have the engine apart??
Thanks for the help..

Omega General Help / What is this?
« on: 26 February 2010, 20:02:59 »
Was having a play with the car today and noticed this wire coming out of the bonnet not leading anywhere.
Any Ideas what it is?

Omega General Help / Found where my oil is going
« on: 24 February 2010, 18:01:53 »
So today I was fiddling round with the brake lights and engine, decided I should change the air filter as I have a new one I had ordered since buying the car a month ago. Today was warm and sunny here so I got around to doing it after work..

Anyway decided I should check oil even though I know its losing some (as told about in simple service thread). And found it was near low mark.. 500ml and back to almost full.. Then decided I should check the coolant header tank as I had only checked fluid levels quickly in the snowy conditions since I bought the car...

Opened the cap and low and behold I am greeted with brown liquid inside.. dipped finger in and the water is thick with oil...
It should be going in to be repaired some time next week with the insurance company seeming to be in agreement that the engine repairs (again detailed in other thread) are not as a result of my doing...

BUT.. I need to drive about 200km this weekend for some work, is it worth doing this in the Omega with so much oil in the water, even though chances are its being repaired next week??
If not I shall have to try and cancel the trip..

Newbie Welcome Area / hello
« on: 27 January 2010, 11:55:51 »
Hello all. Just wanted to say hi, I'm and Australian currently living in Slovakia and just purchased a 1998 3.0 MV6 Omega. Loving it to bits at the moment, just a perfect drive, and managed to find one without any rust too, which I am stoked about.
Anyway I will upload some photos once I get a good day for it.

Hope to be able to get some of my questions regarding styling and upgrades here. and get to see some others ideas for cars....

Omega Gallery / Opel Grill changes
« on: 26 February 2010, 19:53:54 »
Today decided to make a quick change to the standard Opel grill, thought I would see what everyone thought.. Done this cause I couldnt stand the chrome stripe through the middle making it look a mile wide.. and because I havent found a grill I would like to fit to it yet..
Got to make do with what we have hey..



What do you think? :)

Omega Gallery / My Baby
« on: 20 February 2010, 18:24:44 »
So I finally got a picture of my MV6 Omega ready for upload.. pity the snow here has meant I havent been able to wash her yet :(
1 month of ownership and ive loved every minute :)

General Car Chat / Exhaust
« on: 06 March 2010, 14:01:13 »
I'm looking for a new exhaust system for the omega, sounds like the one I have has broken a few mounting brackets, and got a hole somewhere. It seems to have had enough,

Looking for a sports exhaust to fit,
does anyone know of any in germany etc? (Europe) that I could get a hold of, and what sort of price id be looking at?

General Car Chat / Electrics fixed
« on: 04 March 2010, 21:36:46 »
So as I wrote in a previous thread I broke down the other day with the car blowing one of the engine management fuses...
On wednesday finally found some fuses and replaced them in the car, needless to say it ran really lumpy and had erractic idle.. Seemed like it was struggling to breath on acceleration..
After harrasing my mechanic all day I finally managed to get it in at 5pm, he ran a diagnostic check and it came back that the EGR valve was faulty,, I quick check found the wiring had been a bodge job that had finally burnt out and failed....
an hour and 35 euro late it was completely rewired, light gone and all good..
the drive home was pure bliss, accelerated like a dream.. :)
still want to sort out this fuses on top of the battery though, since I cant seem to find out any information anywhere... will post a pic tomorrow of how my fuses look, want to see if anyone else has the same set out..

The mechanic told me that the EGR valve may still be close to failing,... any ideas on where I could get a new one for if the need arises??

General Car Chat / A striaghtfoward service.... not...
« on: 12 February 2010, 16:48:22 »
So I bought my Omega 3 weeks ago.. (haven't had a chance to upload photos with all the snowing, hoping tomorrow to wash and take some nice shots)...
Anyway Last week I took it to the Opel dealer for a service, and after an hour they came back to me with a list of what needs to be fixed, consisting of:

- head gasket
- steering arms replacing
- front ball joints both sides replaced.

To which they wanted to charge 500 euro for the repairs. So I booked the car in for today and when I dropped it in, asked that they only do the head gasket and try to fix the oil leak i'd found, if it could be done for 200 euro or less (im quite short on money at the moment)

Went to pick the omega up this evening and was told that in the process of replacing the gasket they found the oil and water mixing and so I now also need to get repaired/replaced
- the oil cooler
- Sump
- and a couple of seals replaced

Which is going to cost me a staggering 600 euro. on top of the 300 euro that the steering repairs are going to cost.

I asked the mechanic how long he thinks the engine would last before I really need to get around to it, to which he replied I should have 2 months easy, and anything up to 5000km but not long trips..

Now usually I would have done some of these repairs myself, but Im living in Slovakia without much tools and only parking on the street..
Have been thinking about it all evening and wondering, the car yard gave me as part of the contract for the car that they guarentee the engine for 1 year or 12 000km.. Which means I might go down there and try to get them to pay for these repairs, its cheaper than them getting the whole engine replaced when it does eventually fail...

does anyone like my odds?? :D

General Car Chat / Drivers side light washer
« on: 28 January 2010, 20:27:34 »
Had been wondering why, since when I bought the car last week, the pressure of the washer water onto the windscreen was low and then nothing...
SO filled up the washer bottle, thinking it must have just been low when sold to me.. Then today when warming the car up noticed a big blue stream emitting from in front of my drivers headlight whenever I pulled the wiper stick back. Needless to say this is how I was loosing all the washer fluid.
I thought it was on a different switch for washing headlights.
Anywho, my question is has anyone got any experience on how to plug this for the short term? I am assuming just a bolt wedged into the pipe might do the trick..
Also does anyone know where I might be able to source a new headlight washer from? just had a quick browse on ebay and other sites and cant find anything.

General Car Chat / Facelifting a 1998?
« on: 27 January 2010, 12:00:21 »

having just bought my 1998 Omega I want to keep it looking like an clean smooth car. However I was wondering about the possibility of putting a facelift bonnet on. Has anyone ever tried this? and how possible is it?.. Im assuming that one could just take the grill out of the 1998 front, and the facelift bonnet would fill that gap, with latches and everything being shifted of course. Is this the case?

General Discussion Area / Insurance Idiot
« on: 22 March 2010, 17:41:58 »
So just got off the phone with the Insurance guy regarding the replacement of the oil cooler in the omega.. I bought it 2 months ago and for the last few weeks have been battling to get a reply from the insurance company as it came with a 1 year engine insurance.
Finally got a call back from the company today and the bloody moron on the phone (who claimed to be the mechanic) tried to tell me that my insurance claim was invalid because.. wait for it....
oil coolers do not exist yep, according to him there is no such thing as an oil cooler in a cars engine.
What an absolute moron, i'm off down there wednesday morning with the car to battle it out. He was reluctant to set up a time, but we got there in the end..
Then he tries to claim it could take a few weeks to fix...

Going to struggle to keep composed on Wednesday morning methinks..

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