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Messages - New POD

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The government seems pretty socialist at the moment. :)

Overwhelmingly so.

Well, apart from £16.5 billion extra for Defence............... 8) 8) :D :D ;)

Anybody would think that there is something brewing...

I Like to think that it's a job creation scheme to stop clever people going off to get jobs with the enemy.  When i worked at RR Nuclear there were alot of physics graduates, who were totally unemployable in a normal job.

General Car Chat / Re: Invitation
« on: 14 November 2020, 09:32:53 »
I can't see the new defender being very squadie friendly, or being converted to pinke spec. Let alone being hoofed out the back of a c130, landing with a whummp and being thrashed within an inch of its life..

I really don't think military vehicles is LR strategy.
The competion:

The parent company:

Omega General Help / Re: new rear discs and pads 3.2 elite
« on: 06 November 2020, 19:31:02 »
Bear in mind also that you may struggle to get new retaining  pins, the right length and people will send you ones the wrong ones with the right part number.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown, anyone?
« on: 06 November 2020, 05:03:35 »
I watched it on the telly on the way back from Mums. I think its something that had to happen, as it did back in March.

I can see a period of 3 or 4 week stringent restrictions, followed by a similar period of looser, but still restricted, times. all repeated until a viable workaround can be implemented, with vaccination(s) looking the most likely.

I think he delayed doing it so that easing would start early December, as its absolutely critical that retail gets a workable Christmas, else there really will not be a High Street next year.

I do fear, though, decent pubs will be a thing of the past, esp in urban areas - though you could argue that happened a decade ago when gastro pubs or those selling artisan beers exclusively cause the extinction of the social pubs.

The seeds of the pubs decline were first sown with more severe drink driving laws and attitudes, along with no smoking allowed inside them and cheap supermarket booze. The young get their thrills now ( well before COVID ) in establishments that give them far more for their needs in the 21st century.

The pub as we knew them back then are going the same way as bricks and mortar shops. Like the latter they will soon all be bulldozed / converted for the building of homes.  ;)

The seeds of pub decline started when pub landlords were forced to start IDing anyone under 25. Back in the day, I became a regular of my local. Aged 15. Half the customers were under 18. I was in thier darts team at 17.
Now kids that age just hang around on the street, smoking dope. Its easier to get.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown, anyone?
« on: 06 November 2020, 04:57:29 »
Well, these young people etc. can party all they like, but when I see them on telly crying that their Granny has just died of Covid, I wont have a shred of sympathy for them.  ;)

Strangely, it won't be the Same young person. The young people I know have been ultra careful and are developing issues.  Ultra OCD. 

General Discussion Area / Re: Word Association.
« on: 01 November 2020, 03:45:13 »

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown, anyone?
« on: 01 November 2020, 03:44:20 »
The NHS is already being overwhelmed.
My daughter is a hospital Pharmacist is Manchester, and the prognosis is not good.
Avoid getting ill or injured, because once in hospital you will get Covid. And as you are sick, you'll be at a low pointbsnyway.  Say goodbye to your loved ones etc.

 Blimey right ol ray of sunshine..

My daughter is a Hospital Pharmascist. She works in a Hospital near the M602 in Manchester.
She phones every night to let all the stress of the day flow out. Her description of what's going on sounds like a war zone, run by zombies.

General Discussion Area / Re: Lockdown, anyone?
« on: 31 October 2020, 22:23:43 »
The NHS is already being overwhelmed.
My daughter is a hospital Pharmacist is Manchester, and the prognosis is not good.
Avoid getting ill or injured, because once in hospital you will get Covid. And as you are sick, you'll be at a low pointbsnyway.  Say goodbye to your loved ones etc.

General Discussion Area / Re: The thing from the attic...
« on: 30 October 2020, 18:29:45 »
Get her to Google Post Viral Chronic Fatigue.
The worse thing she can do is try to run before her body is ready.  My wife had flu, 3 times in the winter of 2005 and spring of 2006.  And one day she couldn't actually get put of bed. It took her 3 hours to get washed and dressed. It took 10 years to get back to near normal. She's at about 70% of the pace she thought she shoukd work at. And occassionally has short relapses. Of 3 or 4 weeks.
Google Action for ME.
Steal her car keys and lock her in the loft.

General Car Chat / Re: Massive discounts at autovaux
« on: 30 October 2020, 16:17:50 »
In my experience they last about  6000 miles,  take that as it is.
I've done 21K on a pair, and it passed the MOT a few weeks back.but i know they aren't quite right.

General Car Chat / Re: Number plates
« on: 30 October 2020, 16:15:12 »
Probably fair.

A guy I work with got a £60 wonder going through a mobile speed trap. He was under the limit, but they picked up on his illegally spaced plate.

Guess that's just the risk you run  :D

You see, that I don't understand.
The reason for enforcing the correct font and spacing is so that cameras can read them? Therefore camera technology is so good, it knows when it shouldn't be able to read it, but can.
Therefore knowing the font is wrong but knowing that the camera can recognise it, should that actually be an offence.

Says the man who would stop and search anyone with stupid number plates, if I were paid to. 

General Car Chat / Massive discounts at autovaux
« on: 29 October 2020, 01:02:06 »
They keep sending me emails about discounts, so i thought I'd price up wishbones in their 55% off sale.

Omega Gallery / Re: New ex-GMP MV6 purchase
« on: 28 October 2020, 11:52:36 »
I've posted the dimensions at least three times recently  ::)

It should have:

Fronts 296x28 vented.

Rear 286x20 vented.

Sounds like someone fitted the EARLY four pot stuff if they're smaller.

Also, I told you so re the spare... And yes, the tyres are underated.

My MV6 came with none vented discs on the rear with a caliper designed for a wider disc.  It was fine until the pad wore out enough for the piston to pop out. The failure mode had some warning. The pad started to get stuck between the disc and the caliper causing some interesting grinding noises.  Because I'm a chartered manufacturing engineer with skills in risk assessment, safety, reliability, I obviously ignored this until the brakes went very spongy.
And smoke was pouring from the rear wheel, where the piston had started to release brake fluid as it had travelled past the seal in the bore.
Just before I was about to drive over the Cat and fiddle pass.
I did debate NOT buying new wider discs, but just putting one of the old pads behind the newer pad and saving myself the cost of 2 discs.  But that day I felt especially flush and did the job correctly.  Getting hold of new linger pins was a hassle.  Took me 3 weeks to track them down.

For the avoidance of doubt, I'm probably the laziest Engineer I know.

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 09:50:26 »
It's all rather academic anyway as Kanye West has declared God has chosen him to be leader of the free world :-X

Which god ?

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 07:27:36 »
For me it wouldn't be a party political decision, it woukd be a decision about honesty and integrity.
I don't understand why any of the voters in the USA would vote for someone so clearly a bigoted, sexist, racist, le
Iyng criminal insane self serving  psychopath

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