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Messages - Seth

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General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night party
« on: 30 September 2014, 23:03:51 »
Word on the street is that a van full of 'supplies' destined to Syria from Cardiff accidentally on purpose turned left onto the M4...

Guessing that's the rockets, er, burgers sorted ;D

An excellent start to the preparations - well done, Al! :y

Need to sort some best Wiltshire pork bangers sausages too.
Anyone seen that good egg Mr Entwood? ::)

General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night party
« on: 30 September 2014, 22:59:16 »
they should go with a bang and a flash!! :y

Apparently so ... and they've got a helluva range. Intercontinentalgalactic, whatever that means 8)

Gelignite Kelly's the top man in his field. Certainly seems to know his stuff ... well, that's what the idiots locals in the boozer told me anyway ... ::) 

General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night party
« on: 30 September 2014, 22:23:58 »
you got the rockets yet seth???

Think so. 8)

Bloke down the pub's sortin' this ... apparently, they're the very latest gear ... called Nu Clear ... I think :-\
Ain't heard of them before ... :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Bonfire night party
« on: 30 September 2014, 22:08:59 »
Sod off my beard has only just grown back from last year's debacle.

'Twas 2012; mon Capitan ... and I ain't taking the wrap for that Lazydocker sort's cock-up apparent expertise with the pyrotechnical technicalities. Seems that he'd got the marrow pickle/waste fuel blend ratio screwed-up ... come to think of it, he's kept a low profile ever since ... :-\

That said, when Master Zok got involved with him at liberating us from the local nick, LD's molo tov cock tail iffy stuff certainly overdid the trick. They were only supposed to blow the bloody door off, after all ... and I've still got gammy leg to prove it after that cell door lintel landed on it :( 

General Discussion Area / Bonfire night party
« on: 30 September 2014, 13:25:25 »
Anyone up for this? ::)

Should be less disastrous even more controversial better than:

Discuss ... :o

General Discussion Area / Re: First Routemaster
« on: 25 September 2014, 12:37:35 »
Apparently Jason 2,876 according to this great site:

There were variations of this lovely bus, but I'll leave the explanation of that to our on-site expert on these things, Seth! ;D ;D ;)

An excellent website - so there's little that I can add to this thread! :'(

Perusal has however uncovered an interesting and previously unknown fact to this scribe:

The final drive ratios specified were identical to several of those offered on AEC's contemporary single-deck 'Reliance' bus chassis. As all the LT vehicles had spiral-bevel final drives, I'm assuming identical crown wheel/pinion assemblies incorporated within an RM-specific rear axle casing for mounting within the rear sub-frame.

The 4.08:1 ratio on the BEA-liveried buses would give a top road speed well over 70mph (in a Reliance), though as all RM engines were set at a relaxing 1800 max RPM; so the top speed would be significantly lower. This also explains the lower maximum BHP outputs. Outside of LT; the AEC AV590/Leyland O.600 engines were usually set at 2200/2400 max RPM; and shoved-out up to around 150 horses depending on application.

The Routemaster was conceived and built for London, and although it was assembled by Park Royal, I'm reliably informed that LT retained title to the body jigs.
With a relatively expensive initial purchase tag, the only provincial recipient was Northern General, who found that the RM's all-aluminium structure stood-up extremely well to the harsh winter road conditions in the north east.

The whole concept was repeated some years later with the (supposedly!) all-conquering Leyland National - a joint venture between British Leyland and the vast National Bus Company ... but that's another story for another day! ;) 


General Discussion Area / CALOR GAS USERS - URGENT!
« on: 21 September 2014, 22:19:42 »
This applies specifically to those who use Calor Lite:

Peruse carefully:

Seems that I'm gonna be the recipient of a freebie (full) cylinder in lieu of our empty 2008 one. Every cloud etc ... ;)

Sincere thanks to our m.ian for this info :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Who is this Member of the Forum?
« on: 14 September 2014, 18:26:29 »
A bit of cheating 'artistic licence' ... but:

Pant Station at the Brecon Mountain Railway ... earlier this afternoon ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: so how many pcv drivers in the club?
« on: 09 September 2014, 01:03:06 »
Wow i thought you used this in your younger years  ;D

Funny you should mention this, 'cos we 'inherited' this docile fella ...

Our grandson (then aged 7) confidently perched upon Tim

... and we've got a trap that he'll happily 'clip-clop' us around Gower on ... with this mental case spirited little chap:

... joining us aboard the trap. So there, pal! 8)

General Discussion Area / Re: so how many pcv drivers in the club?
« on: 08 September 2014, 12:44:43 »
PCV All types here, though ain't done this CPC mullarkey ... yet :-\

Passed first time in 1979 on this beast :y

General Discussion Area / Re: A coach driver question............
« on: 06 September 2014, 10:17:46 »
Most services now operate a coaches club, enquire when you abandon,the vehicle. :)
Also if you haven't completed 35hrs cpc training as of 5/9/14. you cant drive a coach or hgv.

you may have a valid licence but you now need a drivers CPC as of the 09/09/2014  so have fun

To drive vocationally ;)

So long as you renew your LGV/PCV licence when due, you retain the entitlement ;)

General Discussion Area / Confucius: He say ....
« on: 05 September 2014, 23:29:44 »
Never under any circumstance, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night ...

General Discussion Area / Re: A coach driver question............
« on: 05 September 2014, 23:23:17 »
Whilst not currently driving Coaches I still have a licence to do so, reading a comment in another thread got me thinking..... ::) ::)

More so in the 80's and later as a mature student in the mid to late 90's I used to do Coach Driving on a part time basis.

My question is, with modern service stations being what they are do the drives still get fed for free, I remember going to the front of the Que, signing a book and ordering what you liked at any motorway service station. I also remember getting free fish and chips in Blackpool and Scarborough when they noticed your 'badge' which in the old days you had to wear on display.

I also remember my mate and myself often going to Washington services in the car for out tea, taking our badges with us and getting free food; oh the good old days............. :D

It would seem so Mike, the driver just shows his 'work ticket' in lieu of the badge ;)

I guess their busses are all a bit modern for Seth are they?

EYMS also has a small 'heritage' fleet Mr Gixer ;D ;D ;D

And ...

If I'd stayed in the industry ...

I'd have clocked-up 40 years service ...

Tomorrow, 19 August ... ::)

Right 'en, off to the Cardigan coast for a well-deserved week's holiday, followed by a week on Gower :y
Now then ... where's the caravan keys missus? ;D

See ya all soon! ;)

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