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Messages - Varche

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General Discussion Area / Re: Would You?
« on: 24 July 2008, 13:16:42 »
There is the rub  Three years tops. But they will be let out well before that as there is a shortage of prisons so it isn't too bad for all that money. Free Board and lodge, colour TV no tax, health treatment. I wonder if they will get a double bed? ;D ;D

I do however feel sorry for their car. It was shown on TV in a car park so now will be fair game to be stolen and ringed!


I am not generally in favour of EU beuracrat (?) regulation but the different driving rules in the EU are one area that needs tightening up straight away. In Britain for eg you get a licence without the need for subsequent medicals every few years. Not so in Spain.

The high vis jacket is a good idea. I would recomend to anyone never leaving the UK. The rule in Spain is you should have two. However it is only an offence to be out of the car at the side of a road without a high vis jacket on per person OUT of the car.  The rule was introduced as part of Spains efforts to reduce EU road deaths. Britain chose speed cameras. It is a ten year progarmme by all EU countries and we are half way through it with not a lot of success.

My tip is to take everything you might need in any of the countries you are visiting and have it highly visible e.g. high vis jackets draped over the seats. You are less likely to be milked of your hard earned cash that way. How long before the police in the UK can do spot fines?


General Discussion Area / Re: Bargain Anyone?
« on: 18 July 2008, 17:12:53 »
I have to comment on this. The really poor elderly(and there are enough) will die from a mixture of not having heating and not eating properly.

The old age pension paid in Britain is an absolute joke. About a £100 a week?  Other EU countries provide about a half of the final salary to the pensioner and lots of other benefits like free weekly outings.

Personally I think it is absolutely disgusting that pensioners in Britain get so little. Most lived through the deprivations of World War 2 and some the aftermath of WW1 too to make the World a better place. What suffering have us "youngsters" lived through? Diddly squat. We have onbly known times of plenty.

Think about it. Mostly pensioners expenditure is food and heating. What has gone up? Food and heating. I bet you this and the other possible governments won't be giving pensioners a 20% increase in pensions next year! Or restoring pensions to their true value.

As for some pensioners being in a fortunate position to enjoy life. Good luck to them. Most will have worked hard all their lives and paid into the system for the whole of their life.

I watched a prog on UK TV the other day about benefit fraud. Use your energy to shop someone rather than cribbing about pensioners. One in five people are on benefits apparently. That will be the single mothers.

Finally  to quote Dusty" Remember also how many O.A.P. have enough money to winter in Spain ,and then come back home to pick up their winter fuel allowance.All human beings are worthy of help and not just the elderly."  The first winter I was here it was minus ten for days and minus 14 one DAY. Most houses here have no central heating. Any pensioner overwintering here or living here deserves their £200.

varche - blood now just off boiling point. ;D ;D

PS A good question someone ought to ask Gordon, AKA Darth Vader, Will he be giving back the windfall he has had in tax on oil and gas as it has produced much more treasury cash than they expected when they did the last budget?


General Discussion Area / Re: A Gentlemans Evening
« on: 18 July 2008, 12:22:19 »
Dr Phil Hammond. The very very last person would be Bill Oddy. ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: Red Diesel No-More!
« on: 17 July 2008, 09:39:43 »
We have still got farm diesel here in Spain. I use very little in a year so it won't make much difference to me. Last lot was 3/4 price of normal diesel.

I will watch the situation and see what happens. Spain too is jumping on the follow EU directives bandwagon. We have to be acredited at pruning and spraying. All plastic containers for chemicals are recycled at point of sale (used to just be burnt at point of use!).


General Discussion Area / Omega as a collectors classic car?
« on: 17 July 2008, 10:15:44 »
With all this talk of selling their none green gas guzzlers and the admirable efforts of our car breaking members maybe there is a very good case for laying down one or more better examples of the car for a future time when only the rich have a car without government GPS controlled speed and acceleration  When I think back to the cars I once owned some would be worth a fortune now (e.g. 970cc Cooper S).

So what would your classic Omega be? Mini facelift 3.0 auto Elite saloon?


PS If any OOFers need storage for such a vehicle in dry conditions let me know. I would of course "use" it every so often!  ;D ;D ;D ;D

As ever there is a reason for asking! I got the classic symptoms of a gearbox problem about six to twelve months ago. I did the oil and filter change and found the remains of the thrust washer in the front sump despite previous regular oil changes.

The oil change predictably did nothing for the problem but kept me mobile. The time for a new thrust washer and continued use of the box has long since gone as it now slips in D when warm on steep hills when loaded.

TBH I would like to change the gearbox and torque converter to make a fresh start. The car has always been languid and maybe it is a problem with the transmission - I haven't found anything else despite trying. By languid I mean sluglike on acceleration. I quite fancy putting a stronger AR35 in but suspect that I need to keep my own 2.5 TC. It is a bit of a logistical nightmare trying to get an AR35 and possibly a 2.5 TC from Britain to here.

Now this thread looks as though it should be in "General help" !


Has anyone on the forum ever had problems with their torque convertor?

What form did the "failure" take? Was it a loss of performance or sudden?


General Discussion Area / Re: All Time Favourite Films
« on: 11 July 2008, 11:14:04 »

and U Turn


General Discussion Area / Re: Fuel prices for UK and EU
« on: 10 July 2008, 18:19:36 »
Don't forget that the countries with lower prices mostly have lower average wages.

I pity the "Pork and Cheese". Their wages are every bit as low as the Spanish next door but they are paying a lot more by the look of it.


1 euro 25 today. Exactly a pound a litre of 95 on todays rubbish exchange rate.

General Discussion Area / Re: I'm looking ABS ECU
« on: 09 July 2008, 10:52:52 »
Hi welcome to the forum.

Good luck with sorting out the ABS ECU problem.

It would help for the future if you update your details with info about your car(year, engine size, auto/man, fuel) and also your location.

You can get the ECU off your car reconditioned for not much more than a secondhand one. BBA Reman is one place by return post. If you do a search you will find more info on this forum.



That decides it then! A replacement box it is with all its shipping over here issues.

I had thought of buying a newer car but the book secondhand values here are just daft. I'm not going to hand over 14.75%. Mine might just end up being the oldest Omega still running in years to come!


What are the official government emissions of the 2.5 and 3.0 Omegas please? i.e. is it

160 to 200g per Km or is it over 200!! ?


The reason for asking is that the lovely Spanish government have changed the thresholds on matriculation task to 9.75% for the lower figure and 14.75% for the higher. This is a tax you pay to convert a Britiosh car into a Spanish reg car. It is based on their book values - 8 year old Elite is about 5000 euros. I may have to stick with mine and get the gearbox fixed.

General Discussion Area / Re: What would you have done?
« on: 07 July 2008, 10:55:24 »
If you were in the pre facelift car then a small nudge would have been in order. They were clearly asleep. However I think the plastic on facelift Omegas seems more fragile/prone to cracking so wouldn't have risked that. In the facelift three loud toots of the horn and flashing of lights would have been sufficient to get you pulled.  ;D

Me  I would have waited , what is an extra couple of minutes in the grand scheme of life! :y


General Discussion Area / Re: British Grand Prix
« on: 07 July 2008, 11:30:24 »
My vote goes for sprinklers or a misting system for every Grand prix cct. I personally will impartially decide before the start the severity and incidence of "rain".

The drivers with ability show through.  I thought Hamilton was true class even though he had an off like others. Massa just confirmed what I have always thought about him.

Plenty of overtaking on Sunday.

Roll on the next wet race.


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