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Messages - Michael2.6

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You say you have a plumber

Why can he not fix the problem is it because of the price he has given you?

Is the boiler a combi or not

Oil or gas?

General Discussion Area / Re: Paul Lovejoy
« on: 04 July 2013, 17:45:55 »
so sorry to hear of your sad loss.
Michael and Mrs Michael

Omega General Help / Donut bushes
« on: 25 June 2013, 08:58:44 »
What are the ailments of failing donut bushes?

I have a rear end suspension problem when going over bumps in the road slight suspension movement
could also be a slight knock aswell

Checked the shocks and springs, exhaust for knocking

look forward to your comments lads


General Car Chat / Re: New 80mph speed limit.
« on: 17 June 2013, 18:01:33 »
Speed limits are a complete waste of time

Nobody ever sticks to them.

General Car Chat / Re: New Insignia Revealed...
« on: 15 June 2013, 08:37:58 »
I wonder which oof member it will be to buy this first?

You will have to be quick because there working on the mk3 now

so it will be double money.  :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Hornby's ban?
« on: 12 June 2013, 19:36:18 »
Seems to be quite common on here.

General Discussion Area / Re: Now thats what I call Music 4
« on: 29 May 2013, 17:58:19 »
Now come on tigger

who ever gave you that idea , I mean about old ladys.

General Car Chat / Re: Nice looking BMW
« on: 27 May 2013, 21:06:51 »
I think this car would suit a man like Simon Cowell

personally I think it looks awful

I would feel like a right knob head driving that

A new car is just something you pop in the skip after a couple of years

when it becomes unwanted and old.

General Discussion Area / Re: mother in laws
« on: 15 May 2013, 17:47:40 »
good post varche!
will answer with, yes she has her own room,
tv,sky,telephone, everything, ex cept toilet,
which we are going to put in her room and a sink.
daughters are never in, working or socialising.
michael and me do have days out at the weekend,
and go for meals, occasionally take his mam with us.
i do sit and talk with her, listening to when she was younger ect.
then about hospitals,docs,ect.!
money is no problem, she pays her way and wouldnt have it any other way.
she gets well looked after, her meals taken up to her,
her washing done.
i have one rule that she has to take notice of,
and that is if,she is left on her own for an hour or two.
which doesnt really happen, is not to use my cooker unless one of the daughters is here.
my mam burnt her flat down by leaving a tea towel on the cooker.
a hard lesson, but i wont budge on that rule, its my house and we put alot
of hard work into the extension ect.
she does have a life, goes to the womens institute and days out with a friend.
but if i have visitors i want privacey also.
i refuse to turn my house into a care home, and i have disscussed this with her.
their no bad feelings,if and when she does get to the stage where she cant manage to get to the
toilet ect, then we will have to assess the situation.
But my point is, unless you actually know, or are living with an in law
what its like you dont know how i feel.

General Discussion Area / Re: mother in laws
« on: 15 May 2013, 13:21:28 »
kitchen on a morning is sometimes a problem,
she has a tendancy to follow me downstairs and it a case of which
corner of my kitchen can i move.
she takes ages. then my work top is covered in her line up of tablets!
i am not being nasty, but i must state it was not my decision to move her in
with us, but michaels, i would never have moved my own mam in with us,
mainly because i lived with her long enough and knew what she was like!
my home isnt my home anymore and its caused a few heated arguments.
it different from my point of view, she not my mother,i had lot of hassle with
my own mam when she was alive and she was in various houses, sheltered accomadations
till she got dymensia and ended up in a home.
still waiting to hear if anyone on here knows any women who have the husbands mother
living with them,and living happily ever after?!

General Discussion Area / Re: mother in laws
« on: 15 May 2013, 11:59:12 »
this is 24/7!
find it difficult. lovely woman.......but.
had to put rules into place. ok for a while then goes back to how it was.
michael dont really understand.
it a big change for me, and sometimes i could scream!
she 85 and everything has to be right.
she has medical problems and we have nurses call every week.
prescriptions delivered, phonecalls all to do with hopital app etc
i have to deal with all of this side.
five of us live here, two daughters. 20 and 24. plus one bathroom= disaster!
5 months = no privacey=has own room extension we built which was nothing but hassle
as you will all remember with cow next door!
i have applied for carers allowance only to be told
mother in law has to be claiming attendance allowance,
only then will they consider my claim. i do nearly everything for her
but didnt really want to be put in this situation........ :-\

General Discussion Area / mother in laws
« on: 15 May 2013, 10:11:35 »
mrs michael here.
advice please! interested to know if any ladies on the forum
have or have had a mother in law living with them?
if so how did you survive?
also be interested to know how you men on the forum cope with living
with a mother in law?

Omega General Help / Re: Brake pedal going right down
« on: 28 April 2013, 21:38:50 »
Brake servo

General Car Chat / Re: Omega Prices
« on: 28 April 2013, 18:21:34 »
Is a omega really worth this sort of money

Or is it april fools day?

I have two immaculate omegas in my garage.
you can offer me 4 grand each and i will take your arm off by the socket for that!
come on boys and girls wake up. ;D

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