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Messages - Vamps

General Discussion Area / Re: Best diet
« on: 22 January 2008, 22:20:58 »
Just cracked open a Christmas present, actually. Fortnum and Mason's Christmas mincemeat shortbread biscuits. 8-)

Probably not what you wanted to hear but they're very nice. :y

16 stone and counting...


I'm curious is there anybody here below 16 stones ;D

ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 ½ stone fluctuates up and down by ½ depending on how well I am. My dietician at the  hospital tells me to eat crisps and the like. :) :) :)
The office I work from is full of women, most of who are on a diet almost all the time. Until someone  brings some goodies in, that is, cake and chocolate today!  Always seem to justify the odd discretion. There is even a set of scales that they use to compare. :D :D :D
Long live bacon butties. :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Funny that needs an irish accent
« on: 23 January 2008, 23:49:06 »
 :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Question
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:51:25 »
I work away from home for a couple of weeks them sit at home typing up my reports and the problem I find is when im at home I sit at my computer and flick through the forum or Ebay all day then like last night sit up till gone 2am and get up at 7am to try to catch up on the work I should have done in the day :(

There are times when I could work from home, my boss recently tried to encourage me to so with a particular case, lots of old files to read and reports to write, sounds good but I know that I would be distracted at home. As with EP you get distracted but the work MUST be done so you spend ½ the night working. :) :)

General Discussion Area / Re: usefull for profs and expert DIY'ers
« on: 23 January 2008, 23:55:55 »
I do something very different for money.

Would anyone like to take a guess?

And I do something completely different, for money. Bet you can’t guess but the Astra driver could have been a subject of enquiries, given a comment he made shortly after Christmas.  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Three little Pigs
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:32:31 »
 :y :y :y And clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: smooooth
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:30:15 »
ive juts got in from a proper run (in me mig) and i love it .1 minor thing is that the dip/main beam are pants any suggestions
Yeah, the plastic lenses get imperfections.  Polish down if they are not perfectly clear, and also use plus50 bulbs ;)

We got an advisory a couple of years ago for the headlights, bought a couple of later design ones from ebay, fitting them was a doddle.  :)
Yours probably had the truely awful ribbed type previously?

Possibly, it was a 95 Select estate, got a 98 GLS estate now and it has the later lights in it. :)

General Discussion Area / Re: smooooth
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:13:11 »
ive juts got in from a proper run (in me mig) and i love it .1 minor thing is that the dip/main beam are pants any suggestions
Yeah, the plastic lenses get imperfections.  Polish down if they are not perfectly clear, and also use plus50 bulbs ;)

We got an advisory a couple of years ago for the headlights, bought a couple of later design ones from ebay, fitting them was a doddle.  :)

General Discussion Area / Re: A bloke walks into a pub
« on: 23 January 2008, 23:07:44 »
Funny that's what I was thinking while writing it ;D ;D
But couldn't think which member you all referred to as the miserable one  ;) :y

Come on get it right...............The Almighty Miserable one... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is he really that miserable? he must have a sense of humour, he drives and Astra! :) :) :)

General Discussion Area / Re: Got my stars.Senior member at last
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:07:26 »
this whole star collecting things gets to be very addictive.......

before you know it you will spend all your time on here....

well done  :y

I was doing well, had more that EP or Miggy, then they got their posts back!
How many do you need for 3 stars?  :D
another 32 posts will get you your next star

31 ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Got my stars.Senior member at last
« on: 23 January 2008, 22:00:42 »
this whole star collecting things gets to be very addictive.......

before you know it you will spend all your time on here....

well done  :y

I was doing well, had more that EP or Miggy, then they got their posts back!
How many do you need for 3 stars?  :D

General Discussion Area / Re:  MEMBERS
« on: 22 January 2008, 23:26:35 »
The admins are alright I suppose.  ;)

Personally, I'm chuffed to see the number of new members who are making such a valuable and frequent contribution.

A few weeks back there was a concern that the 'in' jokes may put new members off. Glad to see that we haven't offended too many and that the forum goes from strength to strength.

Long may it continue.

Vive L'OOF.  :y

‘in jokes’ are always a problem for anyone joining in any group, not just this forum. I spend a week or two watching as a guest, it seemed that people knew each other so well that it would be hard to join in. Bite the bullet and have a go, slowly at first, toe in the water etc. Saturday night seemed to be particularly good, a lot of banter, frequently going off thread, and a lot of chat about not much in particular, bit like sitting in the pub.
Long may it continue, becoming a bit of a habit now, little un in bed, sign in!!!!!!
 :y :y :y :y :y :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re:  MEMBERS
« on: 22 January 2008, 22:47:19 »
Got to agree, never been involved in forums before I found this one, since looked for another makers forum ad was nothing like this.
I am quite new to this but enjoy the light hearted banter that seems to go on, still trying to suss one or two out, it must be an Astra thing!
I have also found the help questions handy and no doubt will be involving myself in these when I try and get the Omega sorted and back on the road.
Thanks to everyone, whether they like Caravans or not!
 :y :y :y :y :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: PROPOSITIONED............
« on: 22 January 2008, 22:31:30 »
Whilst walking out of the BP shop after buying some ciggies, she was at the side of a car at the pumps when i went into the shop, and followed the customer in, as I'm walking out she asks if I have any spare money I say no, she says but can you do me a favour, i said I don't do favours, she says look I can give you a b**w j*b or h*8d j*b for some spare change, I said no thnks I am happily married, she apologised and that was that, got round the corner a bloke approached and asid you got a spare ciigy, no I rather have'nt, sure both where a team, and if I had taken her up on the offer, when you can imagine ::)

Costs £5.00 in the town where I work, so they tell me. :) :) :)

General Discussion Area / Re: oh dear
« on: 23 January 2008, 00:07:04 »
Well have you chopped it down yet ::), cut the overhanging bits off, was it covered in leaf this morning ::), are you selling the hoose an moving to someplace nice like Scotland ;D

he has till the weekend, yes the car was covered, i knocked his door this morning at 7 and he could see what i was on about........He is gonna do it on sat.

 :y :y :y :y :y Result........I never raised a finger

Result then :y, however, you had to raise your hand to knock his door this morning ;D

Its the only thing that does raise in the mornings.....oooops sorry  ;D ;D ;D ;D

The wife knows then ;D

 ;) ;D ;D ;D

You at that certain age then? :D :D :D

oh dear, no response, is that a yes then?  ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: oh dear
« on: 22 January 2008, 23:08:21 »
Well have you chopped it down yet ::), cut the overhanging bits off, was it covered in leaf this morning ::), are you selling the hoose an moving to someplace nice like Scotland ;D

he has till the weekend, yes the car was covered, i knocked his door this morning at 7 and he could see what i was on about........He is gonna do it on sat.

 :y :y :y :y :y Result........I never raised a finger

Result then :y, however, you had to raise your hand to knock his door this morning ;D

Its the only thing that does raise in the mornings.....oooops sorry  ;D ;D ;D ;D

The wife knows then ;D

 ;) ;D ;D ;D

You at that certain age then? :D :D :D

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