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Messages - Kevin Wood

General Discussion Area / Re: Told you them Avon ZZ3s were rubbish
« on: 17 January 2008, 17:17:02 »
It's all that weight in your boot...  :P


General Discussion Area / Re: Told you them Avon ZZ3s were rubbish
« on: 17 January 2008, 16:17:12 »
25k here and still got 6mm on the back

Blimey! Talk about Granite compound.  ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: omega twein turbo v6 just bought
« on: 09 January 2008, 13:03:33 »
Sounds very interesting....


General Discussion Area / Re: Lesson learnt!!!!
« on: 05 December 2007, 10:20:22 »
The MOTOR insurance industry is a joke. People can have "guaranteed" NCB these days. 30 quid a year and you WILL NOT LOSE your ncb however many people's pride and joy you dent.

.. and then I get stung for an extra 100 quid on my premium because I mention the fact that a contractor working in a car park dropped his ladder on my car and arranged repair without their involvement. Not even a phone call to my insurance and that'll be an extra 100 quid please >:( "It indicates that you put yourself at a higher risk" What, parking under a CCTV camera? What's the likelihood that a bloke'll come along to service it while I'm parked and drop his ladder on my car?  >:(

I cannot express in words how much I loathe insurance companies. I will be very careful how much of the truth I tell them in future.  >:(


General Discussion Area / Re: Lesson learnt!!!!
« on: 04 December 2007, 10:11:51 »
'Aha, we have been looking for you, Mr Wood...'  

Ah, you'll be the guy in the suit and dark glasses that kept following me around in his Lancia?


General Discussion Area / Re: Lesson learnt!!!!
« on: 03 December 2007, 19:53:10 »
Well, I must admit the biker that hit me in Italy nicely sorted the scratch on the bumper from when I knocked over an ice cream sign a few days earlier :-X


General Discussion Area / Re: Lesson learnt!!!!
« on: 03 December 2007, 18:55:48 »
Sorry to hear that :'(

Why do people drive these tractors when they've not got a hope of parking them - or driving them - safely?


General Discussion Area / Re: Opelfix or Vauxfix ?
« on: 17 January 2008, 21:55:04 »
My manual says there is a transponder in the child seat which is detected by an (optional) module under the seat to disable the airbag. I believe there's supposed to be an indicator light near the rear view mirror if this is the case.


General Discussion Area / Re: handy tips
« on: 17 January 2008, 09:18:50 »
very good indeed....

Just one thing.....what happens when the peas defrost  :-?

i'll get me coat

That would take several minutes, surely?  ;D


But DO NOT put your rear foglights on at the slightest hint of anything other than bright sunlight. WHY DO YOU DO THAT???

Fog lights? Ahh, you mean the "I'm nervous" button with the little orange light on?


I am constantly amazed by how many people in the UK can't drive in the rain.  The place is kinda famous for it after all!

Yep. The slightest deviation from ideal driving conditions and it becomes obvious that a significant proportion of drivers have no confidence. The result of a decade of preaching "speed kills, nothing else matters".

The state of our roads doesn't help, either. I passed two floods this morning where the locals were trying to clear out drainage gulleys to protect their property. Only council contractors I passed had parked a large truck on a dangerous bend, facing the oncoming traffic with main beams on, and appeared to be busy having a fag break. >:(


General Discussion Area / Re: That plane stopped quick
« on: 17 January 2008, 17:10:13 »
Sounded like due to loss of power that it eventually stalled and dropped.

That figures. Guess he was trying to stretch the glide and didn't quite make it. That explains why the undercarriage didn't just collapse but went through the wing.  :o I guess it hit the ground with a fair bit of vertical speed!

Still, could have been worse. A couple of knots less and it'd have crashed outside the airport boundary.

Worrying that a twin can lose both engines and all avionics at once though :o Guess there'll be some questions asked about that one!

Kinda makes me wonder if he got his fuel calculations right. :o


General Discussion Area / Re: That plane stopped quick
« on: 17 January 2008, 14:50:20 »
I'm not pilot, but that plane from impact to standstill doesn't look far.

The lack of any undercarriage makes for a very effective braking system, as one of my glider syndicate partners demonstrated a couple of years ago, much to my annoyance. >:(

The fuselage belly tends to wear a bit quicker than the brake pads though.  :-/


General Discussion Area / Re: Im looking for a new car.....
« on: 17 January 2008, 17:25:33 »
hammering on loads of miles by commuting soon scuppers that idea

Very true. After all, let's say your commute costs you 2K a year in petrol in the Omega. Another couple of hundred on tyres, etc. etc. (which would be true in any car).

Go and spend 10K on a car and put that mileage on it and it'll cost you another 2K in depreciation.


General Discussion Area / Re: Im looking for a new car.....
« on: 17 January 2008, 17:15:23 »
As well as more expensive fuel, you have more expensive servicing

.. and on a car at 10K plus value, that you may be moving on in 3 years or less, I'd be inclined to keep the service history up to date, which means no more popping out for some Semi synth with the TC card.

An Omega is depreciating fast enough that you don't lose out by servicing it yourself.


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