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Messages - omegod

Pages: 1 ... 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 [312] 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 ... 327
General Discussion Area / Re: Petrol prices
« on: 14 March 2010, 16:26:42 »
Cheapest I can get is 49.9 p at the local calor centre, would be shittin myself using petrol in the beastie in the current climate :o

General Discussion Area / Close shave today...
« on: 14 March 2010, 16:41:35 »
I was hoofing along the M57 today when all of a sudden the steering goes wayward, loads of banging and vibrations and plumes of smoke from the front right....Lucky enough the two lanes I was careering about in where clear and I managed to get it under control and onto the hard shoulder whilst noticing something black in the rear view mirror flying through the air.  Genuinely thought I had lost a wheel or at least the tyre had blew out until I got out to see the wheel arch liner had gone and was currently causing mayhem in the middle lane :o. I was about to call the traffic plod to get it off the carraigeway when a 38 tonner kindly minced it up good style.

End result =skiddy undies, melted plastic all over the tyre, a chunk out of the exhaust heatshield and a bit of the inner wheel arch bent out, can't see any more damage but will have a better look tomorrow. Really surprised that something so flimsy could really mess the steering up as it did and suggest you make sure yours are secure!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: So whaddya do?
« on: 09 March 2010, 13:18:34 »
Been in the drug game for the past 15 years. Now manageing a busy Community drug team. Been lucky so far but had a big wobble last year when the company went bust, was redundant for all of 11 hours luckily.

General Discussion Area / Re: Bulger killer back behind bars
« on: 04 March 2010, 14:31:05 »
This is a subject I never thought would rear it's head again. I remember the shockwave that swept my city when this horrific crime occured and to be honest the shock reappears every time I drive past the shopping center he was taken from, likewise the railtrack where he met his sad end.

A friend who is a copper and was at the crime scene still suffers with the images in his sleep and says he honestly was never the same person after it.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds have been lavished on these two in terms of education, identities for them and I believe rehousing their families along with them.

Whatever breech he has commited (and I really hope he hasn't had the nerve to step foot in this city). he deserves to face up to what was an adult crime in an adult prison environment.

 Feelings still run very high and as at the time I expect some of the city "fathers"have placed a bounty for suitable retribution on their scalps.   

I feel sorry for this girl. He's obviously a idiot but she will have this with her for a very long time.

Don't want to judge but to allow a tosspot like him to posses those pics in the first place she would probably be made up....or get a career out of it somehow ::)

Personally i think it's hilarious ;D

You could be right Jon.

How did Everton get on at the weekend? How far do you think they'll progress in the Europa thingy?

Sniff cheese STMO ;D

I feel sorry for this girl. He's obviously a idiot but she will have this with her for a very long time.

Don't want to judge but to allow a tosspot like him to posses those pics in the first place she would probably be made up....or get a career out of it somehow ::)

Personally i think it's hilarious ;D

Now also on courtesy of moi!

I think the steroids aren't working ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Why do women...
« on: 01 March 2010, 18:32:06 »
.... appear surprised that they have to pay for their shopping at the checkout in the supermarket, seriously watch them,they pack it all into bags , hawk it into their trollies then just stand there. The checkout girl says xx pounds and it's like the world stops or slows down for three seconds.............then the realisation hit's them like a thunderbolt  "Oohh I need to pay for this don't I"  Then the purse search starts OMG!!!!!!

And while I am at it what the hell do they do at cash machines that takes 5 times longer than men?
Is there a secret chat facility for the ladies?

Not an anti lady rant as I love them dearly but sometimes wonder if they live on a seperate planet ;)

We are form another planet !! Women are like Venus fly traps, Men are from Mars :y

More like it ;D

General Discussion Area / Why do women...
« on: 01 March 2010, 15:52:15 »
.... appear surprised that they have to pay for their shopping at the checkout in the supermarket, seriously watch them,they pack it all into bags , hawk it into their trollies then just stand there. The checkout girl says xx pounds and it's like the world stops or slows down for three seconds.............then the realisation hit's them like a thunderbolt  "Oohh I need to pay for this don't I"  Then the purse search starts OMG!!!!!!

And while I am at it what the hell do they do at cash machines that takes 5 times longer than men?
Is there a secret chat facility for the ladies?

Not an anti lady rant as I love them dearly but sometimes wonder if they live on a seperate planet ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Impetuous boy.
« on: 25 February 2010, 11:38:27 »
Anyway, I'm off to ASDA. See ya later ;D ;D ;D

Don't miss out on the ralgex two for one offer, nice line in flat caps too !

General Discussion Area / Re: Impetuous boy.
« on: 25 February 2010, 11:28:37 »
Only just more respectable than the Meriva, will the kids let you drop them a little nearer the school now? ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Got the job, start tomorrow !
« on: 23 February 2010, 10:27:46 »
Jon (omegod) lives in Knowsley, and if he's anything to go by, I'd resign before you start. ;D

You cheeky barstard!

Good news on the job Ken and good luck.

We don't have many B+B's round here but I will have an ask around. There are a few LPG stations on the East Lancs which are about 53 p a litre as I am guessing you will be getting through quite a bit of the stuff.

General Discussion Area / Re: Carcraft scrappage.
« on: 17 February 2010, 12:11:05 »
We should have a meet at carcraft. Tie up every salesman for a couple of hours talking crap deals on Daewoo matiz's then get up as one and walk out  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Monsters of Rock 1986
« on: 05 February 2010, 20:35:41 »
I went the year Aerosmith headlined??? scariest day of my life!

Some crazy muthers pouring p*ss on each other for a laugh......yuk

General Discussion Area / Re: Work Stunts
« on: 02 February 2010, 21:01:15 »
Oh the days of mirth we had in the operating theatres, amputated toes would turn up all over the place i.e in the girls lockers, in the butter container in the canteen and anywhere else you could find to stick em.

The girls got me back though by dying my nads blue when I was having an op. Weeks of scrubbing wouldnt shift this stuff called methylene blue. ;D

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