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Messages - omegod

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General Discussion Area / Re: Pasties
« on: 22 August 2009, 21:09:40 »
I love sprouts, steamed with a bit of butter on.

I managed 25 in one sitting, made the missus baulk later with the stench ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Pasties
« on: 21 August 2009, 16:17:27 »
What ever happened to healthy eating??

It died of starvation!

General Discussion Area / Re: Pasties
« on: 21 August 2009, 16:11:18 »
It's exceptable to put just about anything in them, connective tissue, bits of bone, a whole manner of things. They slice it up so fine you just don't know.

Some years back my mate was tucking into some Aldi Irish Stew & came across a cow's eye lid, complete with lashes :P :P :P :P NICE ;D

Go on ruin it for everyone ;D suppose thats what you get for shopping in Aldi

General Discussion Area / Pasties
« on: 21 August 2009, 15:47:23 »
Just pondering whilst eating a chicken tikka pastie, should there be a line drawn as to what is acceptable to put in one?

I personally think corned beef hash, which is available locally is a step too far!

General Discussion Area / Re: Amputee joke, naughty!
« on: 23 August 2009, 20:10:18 »
Thought It was near the knuckle but apparently not  :)

General Discussion Area / Amputee joke, naughty!
« on: 22 August 2009, 22:06:21 »
Three amputees got to the swimming baths and all are at the edge of the pool, first one says "I bet I can do a length and back in under a minute" the other two reply" you only have one arm and one leg, no chance"  in he goes and completes it in 58 seconds.

Second amputee whilst only having one arm and no legs decides to try and beat it and manages to do it in 56 seconds.

Third amputee states he can beat both times, this guy is just a head! the other two watch in amazement as he rolls himself off the side into the pool. This  soon turns to horror as he sinks like a stone, eventually the life guard dives in and rescues him, placing him coughing and spluttering onto the side of the pool. The other two demand to know what had happened to him and eventually he is able to answer " what a bloody time to get cramp"

Big kid with a bad temper then hey?  ::) ::)
Always have had a volatile temper, although it's much better these days thanks to the nice doctors at the Maudsley  ;)
Shame they didn't perform a lobotomy! ;D
Apparently they don't like to take the surgery road if they can make the modifications with chemicals, although I reckon they only said that to placate me because they couldn't find a brain to start with.

I hear Cyanide is quite effective, ask them to try that! ;)

Anyhow I always prefer a bottle infrontome than a frontal lobotomy!

General Discussion Area / Re: Bought a little lamb today..
« on: 22 August 2009, 22:07:35 »
:y Great n`ewes! ;D

 ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Bought a little lamb today..
« on: 22 August 2009, 21:52:19 »
....From makro and then had it butchered,chest freezer is chocka and having a nice big leg tomorrow with all the trimmings!

£57 is a bit of a bargain when you add up all the chops, legs and shoulders methinks.

General Discussion Area / Re: I must be mad....Guttering!
« on: 20 August 2009, 18:19:35 »
I didn't need to replace them all,I just had a "hole in one" ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: I must be mad....Guttering!
« on: 20 August 2009, 18:18:12 »
Wife reckons it's a murder weapon. Best call the bizzies Jon.

If she keeps nagging me to do more jobs it might well  become one ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: I must be mad....Guttering!
« on: 20 August 2009, 17:44:36 »
Well despite me not adhering to your health and safety advice I have indeed survived! although I did touch cloth :o at one point due to a heavy gust of wind.

I made GF hold the ladder when she came in, seems not to have made the connection that I had to go up to the gutters and not them come down to me!

Had a quote of £350 to replace them and only cost me £58 to do it myself.

Bizzarely I found a golf club in one of the gutters, completely mystified as to how it got there but i'm sure there are going to be a few suggestions from your good selves.

General Discussion Area / I must be mad....Guttering!
« on: 20 August 2009, 15:20:08 »
Replacing the guttering on my house due to incessant nagging from the G/F.

30 foot up,i'm scared of heights, it's raining and quite windy.

If i'm not back on by 6 o'clock then it's likely I have redecorated my back yard with my face [smiley=smiley_down.gif].

It's been nice knowing you all just in case.

General Discussion Area / Re: STMO is quiet
« on: 20 August 2009, 12:38:50 »
They both look like butter wouldnt melt, in that photo. ::) :-X :P ;D

And.........?  ;D

They had to, they were in church!!!!!!! ;D ;D
I'm suprised Steve hasn't gone up in smoke :D

By the way Steve, are you related to Paul O'grady  ;D


General Discussion Area / Re: STMO is quiet
« on: 20 August 2009, 11:00:45 »
Cant I even go to asda without you crying for me Daz?

I couldn't have a nap yesterday, don't see why you should be able to shop!!!!!!!! ;D ;D

Well, just so you dont think I'm dead or anything, I'm going to the flicks this afternoon, to see G-Force. Commando guinea pigs, oh joy :(

Thats Hilarious!! Mr Grumpy, tough guy going to watch a kids film about guinea pigs!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thats made me laugh! ;D ;D ;D

I have my sensitive side Ljay ::) Ben's aspergers dictates that I'll be watching films like this for a while yet, he's not into boring 'real world' stuff.
Kind of envy him really.

Going to see that at the weekend in 3D with my daughter at the weekend. Gonna feel a right prat with the gigs on ::)

Had some experience working with people with Aspergers, met some amazing kids and adults, never won a debate though! 

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