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Messages - Drewomega

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 [37]
General Discussion Area / Re: Gas going up 35% and electric 25%
« on: 31 July 2008, 18:59:57 »
When will it stop? Some guy on the box this morning said the problem is that the price of gas is toxically linked to the price of oil!

I can see nothing but gloom in the future for Britain as those sort of increases are bound to be reflected hugely in the cost of virtually everything. Will pensioners get a 20% increase in pensions to be able to keep their heads above water and their feet warm enough? Will your company pay you a 6% increase next pay talks? I don't think so.

The electric company here in Spain wanted to raise prices 11% and can't unless the Spanish government approve it!

I have always thought that nuclear power is the answer despite the huge unresolved issues with the byproducts and security. Imagine my horror to find that "Darth Vader" had been to see the Saudis over funding them. Now there is an interesting proposition. They support Osama Bin Laden and will potentially have their finger on the switches. But it is alright as they buy loads of arms from us! What will there be to stop them raising the price of electric in the future by 30% a go to bolster their coffers as oil runs out?

It is a truly mad world but it is alright as we all have fast Internet, bilberries, McDonalds, cheap clothes and stuff from China and a thousand channels of wonderful entertaining TV. ;D

Methinks essential services ought to be nationalised and run efficiently now people know what is expected. The Russians aren't daft they have just done exactly that.


Well said Varche!! I also live in Mallorca (or at least I am here hiding away!)  8-) I agree that new nuclear power stations should have been implemented years ago and kept going. What really gets up my nose is these greenies think that electricity comes from outer space! Electric cars are the least efficient of all the modes of transport. As you probably have read on other threads I work in the oil business worldwide. I have heard that the price of a barrel of oil will go to $200 and beyond  :'( I hope not!!

General Discussion Area / Re: obscene profit!
« on: 30 July 2008, 23:07:57 »
filled up at a bp garage on monday,car started playing silly buggers shortly after,seems fine now,must've had a little protest at their obscene profits.

Its the raw crude they are making the money on, not the petrol and thats high due to the market rpice

You should be thankful, the tax on the profits will be help the miss spending of this current useless government.

Absolutely right Mark, and billions of the oil company profits have to be ploughed back into the exploration for new oil reserves, which are getting harder to find and greatly more difficult to extract. :( :(

As for the Government they do indeed need that extra income to shore up the battered UK economy due to their (Gordon Brown's) mis-management since 1997. >:( >:( >:(

What is obscene is their inability to cut the huge taxes on fuel sales because that revenue they need to maintain the level of public services due to their past over-spending and lack of provision to bolster the Country's financial reserves during the "good times"! >:( >:( >:(

Forgot to mention Lizzie that it costs circa $5-6 US onshore and $8-10 US offshore to extract 1 barrel of oil!!  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: obscene profit!
« on: 30 July 2008, 16:02:04 »
filled up at a bp garage on monday,car started playing silly buggers shortly after,seems fine now,must've had a little protest at their obscene profits.

Its the raw crude they are making the money on, not the petrol and thats high due to the market rpice

You should be thankful, the tax on the profits will be help the miss spending of this current useless government.

Absolutely right Mark, and billions of the oil company profits have to be ploughed back into the exploration for new oil reserves, which are getting harder to find and greatly more difficult to extract. :( :(

As for the Government they do indeed need that extra income to shore up the battered UK economy due to their (Gordon Brown's) mis-management since 1997. >:( >:( >:(

What is obscene is their inability to cut the huge taxes on fuel sales because that revenue they need to maintain the level of public services due to their past over-spending and lack of provision to bolster the Country's financial reserves during the "good times"! >:( >:( >:(

filled up at a bp garage on monday,car started playing silly buggers shortly after,seems fine now,must've had a little protest at their obscene profits.[/quote

Its the raw crude they are making the money on, not the petrol and thats high due to the market rpice

You should be thankful, the tax on the profits will be help the miss spending of this current useless government.

Absolutely right Mark, and billions of the oil company profits have to be ploughed back into the exploration for new oil reserves, which are getting harder to find and greatly more difficult to extract. :( :(

As for the Government they do indeed need that extra income to shore up the battered UK economy due to their (Gordon Brown's) mis-management since 1997. >:( >:( >:(

What is obscene is their inability to cut the huge taxes on fuel sales because that revenue they need to maintain the level of public services due to their past over-spending and lack of provision to bolster the Country's financial reserves during the "good times"! >:( >:( >:(

Quite right Lizzie! I work in the oil business worldwide and the main revenue to the oil companies are what are called high-ends. They are the plastics, pharmaceuticals etc! the low ends are the crap what is left ie. diesel, paraffins etc, so the oil companies do not make a lot of money from forecourt pumps. The reason why Mr Gordon Brown and his cronies say nothing is the general public blame the oil companies of making huge profits, not the government. We are not in OPEC so I know for a fact that the government is selling everything it does not need domestically to feed their socialist programs

General Discussion Area / Re: wireless internet
« on: 03 July 2008, 11:20:38 »
Sorry to jump in! Re "home page"..........start--control panel--internet settings--general--home page......then type your "home page" aol, yahoo, google etc.   :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Red Diesel No-More!
« on: 17 July 2008, 09:54:56 »
Typical Socialist "we know how to run (ruin ?? ) your lives"  crap >:( >:( >:( >:(
Ah well! the peasants voted for a socialist government and that is exactly what they got!  :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: Frustrating Tech11 code reader
« on: 28 June 2008, 11:34:22 »
Sorry A.J. beer goggles must be steamed up! I thought the OBD11 only works with vehicles post 2001. I am running my cable on Vista with no problems.  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Frustrating Tech11 code reader
« on: 28 June 2008, 11:30:17 »
A.J. you don't say what year your car is! Also have you tried another programme? I have just purchased an ELM327 USB V1.2a cable and I have found some progs work very well and some not at all. PM me!  :y

Firstly, may I take the opportunity to thank the many people who welcomed me to the Forum

It was especially nice to hear from Lizzie, being a woman.

I've owned several Omega's think they are fantastic cars, and I'm sure the Forum will be of a big help to me, with its blend of technical knowledge chat and humour.

I don't appreciate school boy humour Jimbob, please in future keep comments like that to your self

Is it just me .. or does trying to dictate who says what and where on your first day on the forum seem just a teeny weeny bit .... shall we be polite and say "ambitious" ???

May I kindly advise you NOT to read ANY of the jokes published in "General Chat" ... from your quote .. you won't appreciate them .. :)

 ::) ::) ::)

Sod Jokes, try any posts!

She claims to like the humour on this site.....

Must have been very selective when reading before joining!

This forum is filled with humour, banter, schoolboy humour, piss taking, downright abuse!

It is all tounge in cheek and is what makes this place as friendly and entertaining as it is.
Agreed, lighten up  :-*

 :o Jeez!! What has happened to a bit of banter?? PC Rules!!

General Discussion Area / Re: Cheapo Tech2 Jobbie!
« on: 12 June 2008, 21:49:54 »
whilst on this subject,, wheres the best/cheap way to get a tech 2, (i know TBs not too far from me) but still handy to have one myself ??
TB! I was only comparing the software available with this piece of kit. It was only £30 or so but it is the software that is the key. I am a DCS engineer for Shell and deal with Pc's and mainframes daily. Re: ProScan and ScanmasterELM the software does allow you to access engine and transmission.  Given the price of the thing it does read codes and clears them. The is very basic and some features are not accessible. So basically any new written software will give more access to more ECU's in the future. The hardware is only a means to an end!  :y  
Yup, understood, but to save confusion, its not what is commonly known as the cheapo tech2.

The ELMs tend to only work on OBDII cars, so not 2.0/2.5/3.0 Omega engines.  Also, because the Omega uses 4 K lines, only works on engine.

Its a good buy for 2.2/2.6/3.2 engines though :y
Cheers TB! point taken, but a good buy! for most of us guys out there in the clutches! of VX!!  ;D
break!! curries is burnt. OH Nooooooo!!!  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: Cheapo Tech2 Jobbie!
« on: 12 June 2008, 21:47:42 »
whilst on this subject,, wheres the best/cheap way to get a tech 2, (i know TBs not too far from me) but still handy to have one myself ??
TB! I was only comparing the software available with this piece of kit. It was only £30 or so but it is the software that is the key. I am a DCS engineer for Shell and deal with Pc's and mainframes daily. Re: ProScan and ScanmasterELM the software does allow you to access engine and transmission.  Given the price of the thing it does read codes and clears them. The is very basic and some features are not accessible. So basically any new written software will give more access to more ECU's in the future. The hardware is only a means to an end!  :y  
Yup, understood, but to save confusion, its not what is commonly known as the cheapo tech2.

The ELMs tend to only work on OBDII cars, so not 2.0/2.5/3.0 Omega engines.  Also, because the Omega uses 4 K lines, only works on engine.

Its a good buy for 2.2/2.6/3.2 engines though :y
Cheers TB! point taken, but a good buy! for most of us guys out there in the clutches! of VX!!  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: Cheapo Tech2 Jobbie!
« on: 12 June 2008, 21:20:44 »
whilst on this subject,, wheres the best/cheap way to get a tech 2, (i know TBs not too far from me) but still handy to have one myself ??
TB! I was only comparing the software available with this piece of kit. It was only £30 or so but it is the software that is the key. I am a DCS engineer for Shell and deal with Pc's and mainframes daily. Re: ProScan and ScanmasterELM the software does allow you to access engine and transmission.  Given the price of the thing it does read codes and clears them. The is very basic and some features are not accessible. So basically any new written software will give more access to more ECU's in the future. The hardware is only a means to an end!  :y  

General Discussion Area / Cheapo Tech2 Jobbie!
« on: 12 June 2008, 16:22:29 »
Hi! I have just acquired a cheapo Tech2 interface. Its a USB ELM327 Ver 1.2a. The software that I can use with it are: ProScan 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 full versions (best)  :y  Obd-Diag, ScanmasterELM Demo, ObdII-Scanmaster,, EasyObdII Ver 2.2.0. The ProScan has the most comprehensive tools. The rest are either demos or are restricted on what they can acquire from the vehicle. Other than that it is a very handy tool to have.  :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Anyone with MS Flight Sim 2004?
« on: 27 May 2008, 12:56:36 »
Yes! I have MS Flight Sim 2004!!
What is the problem? ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Has anybody tried this???
« on: 21 May 2008, 17:33:45 »
Not a clue??????? Just asking!!

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