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Messages - Terbs

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General Discussion Area / Re: Registration..Where's yours from?
« on: 10 August 2010, 22:05:01 »
(Victory Vauxhall) Portsmouth

General Discussion Area / Re: Bend over and recieve
« on: 12 August 2010, 00:02:14 »
Mmm would seem most are quite happy being shafted .... roll on £6-50 to £7 a gallon .... £6-7 pounds for 20-30 miles  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

As I said in a different thread...'the silent majority'
What can we do about it...we are no voice.
I sign petitions, I write to papers, I write on forums....I even write to my MP, and get patronising replies..

Sooooo.....what is the answer ??????????

General Discussion Area / Re: Another piece of council madness
« on: 09 August 2010, 22:04:52 »
If this soft lot & all the other daft 'minority aware' buggers are left unchecked we will wake up one morning in the not too distant future & find Shariah Law rules ALL of us! When are we going to wake up in this benighted island & tell them enough is enough?  >:(

With you all the way there, Phil  :y know this country...'the silent majority'

Always mutter behind closed doors, but do nothing about it >:(

Can't see what all the bloody fuss is about personally! ::)

My feelings too!

Spontaneous genetic mutations happen naturally (or is that un-naturally?) all the time, so I don`t see cloning as any more prone to mutative susceptibility compared to 'natural' offspring.
Animals produce mono-zygotic twins (as do people), so in that sense they are exact genetic copies of each other: like clones.
I think fear of the unknown and media-fueled hysteria may be holding 'proper' (safe) cloning science back. :'(

Does not that apply to most of the kids nowadays ??????????????

General Discussion Area / Re: Irish wrestler -
« on: 31 July 2010, 23:54:27 »
First Class ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :y

General Discussion Area / Re: dated omega?....
« on: 29 July 2010, 20:43:12 »
think i upset him even more when i pointed out my miggy was better equipped than his 5 series bmw.   

I think the Omega looks better than all BMW's...old or new  ;)
I also have a 1996 Laguna Estate, top class nick and when I look at them both parked outside together, they both look as modern as any car  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Sky price increase,
« on: 29 July 2010, 20:51:07 »
Alright for you to moan about Sky increases.
I am a treasurer of a Social Club which is in a Community Centre, and have been pressurised into getting Sky. A total joke !!!!! They supply on a Public viewing licence, and want £8640 per year from us. Bear in mind, our room is about 50' by 17' max and is open to members only.
Because the Centre has a rateable value of £15,000, they want us to pay on that rating, irrespective of our tiny part within.
So they can poke it where the sun don't shine  :y :y

They tried this with Sandhurst Sports Club and after a battle it was agreed that it should not be on whole building. Sports Club I think got a big refund
Good to hear someone got the better of them....I am hitting a brick wall so far  >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: Sky price increase,
« on: 27 July 2010, 20:09:51 »
Alright for you to moan about Sky increases.
I am a treasurer of a Social Club which is in a Community Centre, and have been pressurised into getting Sky. A total joke !!!!! They supply on a Public viewing licence, and want £8640 per year from us. Bear in mind, our room is about 50' by 17' max and is open to members only.
Because the Centre has a rateable value of £15,000, they want us to pay on that rating, irrespective of our tiny part within.
So they can poke it where the sun don't shine  :y :y

General Discussion Area / Re: 8 migs been written off
« on: 29 July 2010, 21:14:16 »
Found his prices a bit high,but does have a good stock of parts,and a valuable source for us lot,especially as our migs become rarer. :)

I must admit, youv'e hit the nail on the head there, Mark.
Prices are possibly a bit high, but postage was genuine, not like some of the rip off artists. And high speed delivery :y
I do worry a bit about availability, but as there seems to be a fair number hitting the breakers, I think we'll be all right for the forseeable future. I am hoping to keep my omega for a few years yet ;)
As I said on another thread, a car is only as good as you are prepared to look after it !!!

General Discussion Area / Re: 8 migs been written off
« on: 29 July 2010, 20:56:53 »
Is Steve, the Steve of Omegsspareparts ?
Just guessing due to the area  :y

it is, lives half a mile from me, has a stunning blue elite outside his house waiting to be broken down, gearbox has gone apparently, same as the black mv6 he nroke a while ago. seems such a shame to break em cause the gearbox is dead.  :(

Just got my headlight levelling sensor from him...first class service !!!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: 8 migs been written off
« on: 29 July 2010, 20:46:51 »
Is Steve, the Steve of Omegsspareparts ?
Just guessing due to the area  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Ferrari disgrace
« on: 26 July 2010, 19:38:49 »
Agree with TB on abiding by rules they made.

However....if they do revert back to 'team orders', then they should scrap the individual drivers championship.
In any other sport its called 'nobbling', and those found out are usualy thrown out !!!!!!!!! And where money is involved, its usually a visit to court.
Looking at it in another people bet on who will win the they get their money back. I think not !!!! Therefore its 'nobbling'

General Discussion Area / Marathon
« on: 26 July 2010, 19:14:09 »
A woman was having a daytime affair while her husband was at work.

One rainy day she was in bed with her boyfriend when, to her horror,
she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway.

"Oh my God - Hurry! Grab your clothes and jump out the window. My
husband's home early!"

"I can't jump out the window. It's raining out there!"

"If my husband catches us in here, he'll kill us both!" she replied.
"He's got a hot temper and a gun, so the rain is the least of your

So the boyfriend scoots out of bed, grabs his clothes and jumps out
the window! As he ran down the street in the pouring rain, he quickly
discovered he had run right into the middle of the town's annual
marathon, so he started running along beside the others, about 300 of
them. Being naked, with his clothes tucked under his arm, he tried to
blend in as best he could.

After a little while a small group of runners who had been watching
him with some curiosity, jogged closer.

"Do you always run in the nude?" one asked.

"Oh yes!" he replied, gasping in air.. "It feels so wonderfully free!"

Another runner moved along side. "Do you always run carrying your
clothes with you under your arm?"

"Oh, yes" our friend answered breathlessly. "That way I can get
dressed right at the end of the run and get in my car to go home!"

Then a third runner cast his eyes a little lower and asked, "Do you
always wear a condom when you run?"

"Nope...just when it's raining."

 ;D ;D ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: What are your thoughts on this?
« on: 21 July 2010, 10:40:19 » squirells I said in a similar topic...plaqued with Wood Pigeons.  >:( and I MEAN plaqued !!!

We are not allowed to keep Homing or Racing pigeons around here....but are not allowed to do anything to get rid of Wood Pigeons...

Now we have the latest conservation exercise ..Red Kites.
People stand in my garden, watching them soaring low level above the roof tops...with the usual... 'Oh, aren't they gorgeous'....which turns to '***y hell' and then leg it indoors...when half a dozen swoop down into the neighbours back garden, then swoop back up squabbling over a bit of food.  :)

General Discussion Area / Re: SCOTTISH BUTCHER MEAT......
« on: 22 July 2010, 16:43:27 »
mmmm havent had fillet steak in a while.........think i might forgo the curry on saturday and have a nice t-bone for a change - tho last 2 times they've taken 2 days to eat  ;D

Try putting your teeth in, mate  ;D ;D ;D ;D :y

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