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Messages - stuy112

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General Discussion Area / Car broken into
« on: 16 November 2008, 01:19:30 »
Went to go out today at 1pm and was greeted by my passenger window smashed and a rock in the drivers footwell. No-one saw or heard anything. From speaking to the neighbours looks like it happened pretty much as soon as I got home as my dad and I watched telly as both neighbours didnt sleep and the nosy neighbour who sits in the front bedroom watching the world go by when she cant sleep was there from 1am.
I didnt know untill today that I deadlock the car, probably why they didnt take much, my mp3 player and fags out the armrest bit. Think it's someone that knows me or the car, why would someone break into an M reg council spec mig when there are better and easier targets in the street, unless they knew what was in there?

Anyway, many, many thanks (again) to Markie Mark for sorting me out with a new window at short notice, and apologies to Ian_D for the breezy ride to Marks with no window, and thanks for your help again.
Mark, you've also converted me to liking leather  ;) I'll get some pics in the daylight  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: why an Omega??
« on: 02 November 2008, 16:40:50 »
In all honesty I bought mine because I needed a car very quickly and a mate was selling it!

I sold my cav v6 to fund a Seat Leon Cupra, had that on the road a day before it developed a small problem of the engine falling out due to a damaged cast on the block. After spending £400 on that and still not fixing it I spoke to a mate who owned the Omega and a deal was done, all I had to to was give him enough money to buy some parts for his Evo powered Colt!
I've owned it for around 3 months, its done 10K+ miles and just past its mot so I'll be keeping it a bit longer! Owned several carltons and senators in the past, and the Omega still impresses me, being the td its not as rapid or as fun as the petrols, but I love the mpg and the relaxing ride, bring on the chip!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: End of the week..
« on: 31 October 2008, 23:40:12 »
Thanks for all your replies, I've managed to get some work short term, Amigo/Guy will love this, its valeting cars  ;D Far from what I want to do, but if it pays then that'll do whilst sommat long term comes up.

I wont be getting any redundency pay, I figured that out straight away. In lieu of this I've got the vinyl cutter we used for another business we set up making vehicle graphics. I wasnt going to leave empty handed!
A complication I can see coming is that I registered as self employed to do the stickers and whilst employed by my boss he wont pay my tax now as I know there isnt enough money in the business to do this and he hasnt paid my paye for a while (I have all my sums worked out for what I've earnt from the self employed bit)

General Discussion Area / Re: End of the week..
« on: 31 October 2008, 12:50:19 »
Sorry should have been in general chat, if a mod could move  ;)

General Discussion Area / End of the week..
« on: 31 October 2008, 12:48:34 »
and the end of my job  :(

After being here for over 4 years my boss has decided that the company is no longer financially viable as there is no contract work so is making cutbacks getting rid of the shop. He told me last week he was thinking about it and if it didnt pick up I was to start looking for another job. Getting rid of the one person who brings in 90% of the work and does all the accounts, retail sales, shopkeeping doesnt seem to make sense to me, especially when the shop is paying both our wages at the mo, I'll put money on him being bankrupt by Christmas.
(work btw is selling flooring, I sell and manage the business and boss fits it and finds contracts)

So its to the job centre on Monday for me, or if anyone knows any vacancies in or around York, let me know!

Thats one reason I've been a bit quiet over the past few weeks, I've had a few issues to deal with at home, it never rains here, but it pours!

The Tractor failed its mot on a few things on Monday, every brake pipe needed replacing, along with handbrake cables, and a few other bits, its all fixed, at great expense, and I'm about ready to get the chip sorted  :y I'll get some updated pics put up of it as its had a few tweaks, gotta say many thanks to Markie Mark and also to Ian_D for all their help  :y

Not long since got back from Santa Pod, was there for Jap Show. Was very few cars there, and it was bouncing it down from when we got there. After 2 hours of sitting in a leaking gazeebo we called it a day and left.
Not to fussed tho, I only wanted to go for the beer and pizza last night tbh  ;D

Give it back to me and I'll take it back to Vx, they are expecting it  :y

Just give me a shout when your in and I'll pop over and pick it up as I'm off up there this week to get my car seen to.

p.s was the oil on the invoice? I mentioned that as well but didnt get an answer.

General Discussion Area / Re: lmf
« on: 02 October 2008, 23:32:19 »
Never had a problem with LMF, had loads of bits and advice from them and recommended them to plenty of others. I'll even wait to get bits from shows or on a visit to them.
One of my mates (for those at the York meet the lad with the Astra) has spent well over 4 figures with them over the past few months, most bits he's got cheaper and delivered quicker than I can get them from the dealer at TC price or at mates rates.

General Discussion Area / Re: European Breakdown Cover
« on: 24 September 2008, 12:20:41 »
I added recovery through my insurance as they use the RAC, added European cover for pennies every month. I have RAC cover at a fraction of what it'd cost if I went direct!

I'd never recomend europ assist to anyone after my experiences with them. Cut a long story short, car blew up on the A1, they accused me over the phone of towing the car there so I'd get a hire car after being sat on the hard shoulder for 2 hours, didnt even know I was entitled to a hire car! After 4 hours recovery agent came out but europy nonassist wouldnt give permission to recover, after 6 hours they towed me to an agents car park and after lots of phone calls I got the hire car to continue my journey and left instructions where to take my car to, 3 weeks later the car was delivered to me, 70 miles away from where it broke down. I later recieved a bill for over £300 from them, kicked up a stink and that was dropped and I recieved £15 from them due to the complaint(s)
Its the typical example of you get what you pay for!

The other thing to check is that if the recovery from abroad costs more than the value of your car then it'll be scrapped/up to you to decide its fortune. I know a few have this written into the small print.

General Discussion Area / Re: speeding question
« on: 01 October 2008, 21:59:07 »
You only keep convictions for drink driving and serious offences after a ban. I got 3 points 3 months before being caught again and banned, in effect them points came off when the ban was put on. The only people my previous points matter to is my insurance company, and I think they cancel them when the ban comes up as my insurance goes up untill I mention the ban, then it comes down!
If I were to apply for a new licence tomorrow all I'd have on it is a 28 day disqualification.

General Discussion Area / Re: speeding question
« on: 01 October 2008, 18:35:25 »
I was still driving on 14 points, when I got caught again and I said that if I couldnt drive I'd be unemployed due to the location of my work and the costs the reply was that I should have thought about that before speeding, and if it was going to cause such hardship I wouldnt be speeding.

In the end I was banned for 28 days, and in hindsight it was better than any points - especially when I was expecting a ban for 2+ years for totting up and the original speeding offence! As an added bonus after the ban my insurance went down as although I have to declare the points and a ban I have a clean licence again.

for advice have a look on

General Discussion Area / Re: Swedish Girl Versus Opel Omega??
« on: 25 September 2008, 19:57:33 »
feel sorry for the drivers concerned, but, one day in prison. Swedish and twins..   they could have sent them to my room and I'd have punished them  ;)  :D :P  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Hiring a car abroad.....Any Tips
« on: 22 September 2008, 16:14:10 »
If I'm flying to Europe then I book before I go. If I'm going somewhere touristy and in a resort I wait till I get there and shop around.
When I was in Cyprus I had a good look around and saw some real sheds, but I found a real good place where I managed to get a brand new Pajero for 10 days for less than I would have paid Avis/Hertz for 5 days with a Punto. As an added bonus the Pajero had to go in for a service and I got an MR2 for the day to play in.
I usually do the excess waiver as they always seem to find something to try and get some more money out of you for marks that were already there but you dont notice at the time of hiring.

General Discussion Area / Re: It's the third anniversary..
« on: 22 September 2008, 11:33:30 »
Happy Birthday!

General Discussion Area / Re: Did You Know?
« on: 22 September 2008, 12:28:15 »
Think it was forget how to drive day, I saw 3 accidents this morning on way to work!
For me to get to work other than use the car involves catching the bus and the train ,takes an extra hour each way and costs more. I had to travel this way whilst my licence was being looked after for 28 days, so theres no way I'd do it just to keep some grass munching tree hugging hippys happy!

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