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Messages - Dan1005

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8
General Discussion Area / Re: Yet Another
« on: 10 March 2010, 20:55:08 »
Apparently, the Welsh folk sh&& the sheep and tis the English folk who EAT it.
End Of. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Welsh 1 English & rest of the world 0

Gives a whole new meaning to "spreading ones seed"...
Thank god I don't eat welsh lamb... :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Yet Another
« on: 10 March 2010, 20:49:25 »
I give up....

Being Welsh? Can you do that? :-

No, they never can without shock therapy!! :D :D :D

which consists of being told "your welsh mate"
usually brings them out of it :P

General Discussion Area / Re: Yet Another
« on: 10 March 2010, 20:43:07 »
hey Mr Skruntie and Entwood, do you think he is winding you up? or perhaps doesnt realise what is happening..
Posted a hello and welcome twice in this thread... :D

He's been PM'd about it .. and my money is firmly on a "parts for sale" post appearing under that name in the very near future ..  :)

hmmm at the rate he is going perhaps it will be up in the next 15mins... any takers on what needs selling?? :D
Or perhaps one of the admins could erase post count at 249? for not paying attention to forum guidelines/rules.... even though that would be cruel...  :-?

General Discussion Area / Re: Yet Another
« on: 10 March 2010, 20:33:30 »
hey Mr Skruntie and Entwood, do you think he is winding you up? or perhaps doesnt realise what is happening..
Posted a hello and welcome twice in this thread... :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Stirling Moss injured
« on: 08 March 2010, 19:38:29 »
poor guy, hope he recovers soon. Its amazing how this sort of random stuff happens to people who really dont deserve it.

I would be investing in a new elevator personally.. or perhaps getting rid of it all together..  >:(

yeah bit of elbow grease and she'll be fine ;)

Sadly cem, some people here do that too.. or they will find one that has been rear ended and do a cut and shut job  >:( :-/

Was browsing the classifieds here and came across this..
Apparently it is still good for parts, like engine etc.. :D

And I was after a drivers headlight :P...

ohhh I thought it was because they ate all the vegitation and trees that oxygen wasn't being produced at the same level, then the gasses from their farts caused the earths temperature to rise, and that made sea levels increase, which meant less land to stand on, which made the earths orbit shift and then an asteroid to crash into them...
Im sure there was an earthquake in there too somewhere...

Or perhaps Im reading the wrong science journal??     :D :D :D

Dam Dinosaurs, why didn't they help us learn from their global warming mistakes...  >:(

General Discussion Area / like fleas on a dog
« on: 06 March 2010, 14:19:33 »
Today driving around Bratislava I saw 3 Omega Wagons all on the same road at the same time as me!!! I couldn't believe it, had only seen one before I got mine, and now I see 3 on one street :D crazy....

General Discussion Area / Re: Thursday Joke !!!
« on: 04 March 2010, 21:41:41 »
:D :D :D :D  excellent,, will have the remember that for the next night out ;) :D

General Discussion Area / Re: Any Posties On Here
« on: 01 March 2010, 20:10:48 »
Back home in Australia I used to work in a post office,,
another reason we always tried the slots (under instructions).. Is because if it does fit through the smaller slot, even only slightly, we can charge you less, a better amount for you.. ;)
Not sure if that is the case outside the smaller post offices in small towns..
But customer service does still exist ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: 80 amp fuses no existent
« on: 01 March 2010, 20:50:55 »
Can I ask a question...
if anyone who is looking at this topic has a 1998 Omega 3.0 V6... could they just check the fuse box on top of the battery that holds these 5 fuses.. and tell me if all have 80A fuses in... as this will eliminate my concern of a 30A fuse blowing after 800km of ownership of the vehicle...

General Discussion Area / Re: 80 amp fuses no existent
« on: 01 March 2010, 19:59:36 »
Also the cable would doubly not be in flames, because one of the fuse spots had a 30amp fuse slotted into it.. Here there is total denial of 80amp fuses being in existance (until I finally found some today)... so I think a smaller fuse than what is needed in it blew out..
Not 100% sure on that, so its going to a auto electrician tomorrow...

General Discussion Area / Re: 80 amp fuses no existent
« on: 01 March 2010, 12:23:38 »
Thanks Welung666.. I thought I sent you a PM about it this morning?? maybe I missed you,, ill resend it :)

General Discussion Area / 80 amp fuses no existent
« on: 01 March 2010, 10:32:45 »
So as the title says I have spent all day calling up for fuses to put one back in the engine management system, and everywhere here says that they are non existent,, the highest you can get is a 30amp one...

Pretty crazy me thinks..  :o :o >:(

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