I cant find a single product thats any good at turning faded black bumpers back to the original black lustre Tried them all , back to black ect ect to no avail . Anyone used a product that actually works ?
right, take it or leave it.
my missus her scenic has this black fading bumper plastic stuff.
whatever i tried it went back to ugly grey bleach kind of colour.
i got from a mate which cleans cars for living this stuff what they use for the tyres / rubber. ( wet look )
its a tyre paint, and since i do this every 2 month the bumpers and plastics staying black. like new ones.
i have no idea where you get this stuff from. i have as i thought in case he gives his job up two canisters, indistrial size because it is so good i don't want to live without any more. lol
honestly i use it after i wash my car on the tyres. looking wet and new. lol