.....what would you do to ensure it would be non-problematic for years to come?
So. I have this mental idea that one day I'm just going to say "f!?k it" and beg, steal borrow the money to buy myself a brand new mustang.
And it got me thinking.
Obviously everyone has a list of things that need doing on a recently purchased used vehicle I.e. welding, bodywork, maintenance stuff.
But if you purchased a brand new car what would you do to look after it and reduce the need for future things like the aforementioned welding.
Things that spring to mind for me.....
1.) under seal the living shite out of the underneath, chassis, any bare metal etc.
2.) copperslip every nut n bolt on the suspension, subframe etc (not remove them lol just a coat on the outside)
3.) change all fluids n filters every quarter regardless of mileage. Yes that's f.....g nuts but I am nuts and it's my brand new motor
4.) obviously observe the break in period to the T.
5.) I haven't looked in to it but I'm sure you can get some paint protection stuff. I'd do this.
6.) seat covers from day one.
What are your thoughts