This imperitive to drive down CO2 emisions from cars overlooks the fact that globally over 99% of all CO2 emissions are created by us - we breathe!
Whom would you volunteer to stop creating that emission?
I won't say Dianne Abbot, I won't.....I won't........
I think you can stand easy with the cull Ron, it's a lot less than that,
about 7% according to this article . The 99% is I think if you count everything related to us. I.e. Transport, the cows we breed for beef etc etc.
Whether it's a marketing stunt or not, it's a step in the right direction. Like it or not, the human population is only increasing and digging stuff up and burning it isn't a sustainable solution to personal transport.
In the same way we moved from horses to cars/trucks, clearly we'll move on from battery electric cars to some other model. However I think the next decade or three will see ICEs die off for mainstream transportation, then 20-30yrs later something else will surpass them. It's the way of things.